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Odd Request But Anyone Know Of Doggy Themed


Cesar Millan's next wife
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I am hoping to open a dog grooming salon in the next few months, would really like a nice reception area, i'm thinking of either going down the cartoony dog bones galore (like Wallace and Gromit wallpaper) or pink poodles or similar, or something bit more sophisticated but all on the doggy/scissor theme...just wonder if anyone knows where such paper and material/lamp shades etc would be available?! :clown: :clown: :p :p :D :D 8) 8) :b :b I've seen a cute design at Next themed for a young girls bedroom...maybe a bit girly as i have alot of blokes drop their dogs off...or maybe just put up a Hollyoaks calendar or Megan Fox poster for them instead lol :lol:
Osborne and little do a very chic black and White one called "best in show". Can't link at mo but pop it through google, I'm sure you'll love it!
Thank you very much for those links, much appreciated :thumbsup: if shop goes ahead i will let you know what i decide! :teehee:
I've seen a very cool one with poodles on it, but of course, as is always the case, cannot remember where!