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nwrf champ

Hi Steve, I hope everything gets sorted out soon. I is very unfair on young Harry.
After asking you to run in their golden jacket event must have given any normal person to think that it would be OK to rejoin that group. I presume that your request to do so was when you ran at Melton on Sunday 20-10-02. How many of the said committee took that decision. Those that had taken the view to exclude you from rejoining and running in the fed champs must have had their reasons, though vindictiveness is one that springs to mind. To stop you from running a dog steve would have been bad enough, but to vent their bile and thinking on a 12 year old impressionable young lad just shows the depths of their bigoted emotions when it comes to fair play. If anyone is under the illusion that a non democratic body is a good thing for any type of government this should serve as a warning.
However you look at it, a year has gone by....lots of things happen in a year, but does this mean that someone should still be punished a year later for something fairly trivial ??? .

my opinion of the fed had changed slightly this year, after my race at straight champs and the decisions being made at the champs I could have easily tore my card up, but recently the opens at kinsley have been really good events.

I think it's unfair that decisions can/will be made so willy-nilly in racing which may result in losing members and also discouraging people to join or rejoin the sport.maybe everyone could liven up a bit and realise it's only a bit of fun and if you must impose some punishment make it fitting to the crime( so to speak).

Racing SHOULD be a fun event the whole family can go and have fun, not some backstabbing session :angry:

if harry decides he wants to pack in racing........who can blame him!!!!!!!
Evidently not possible Tanya, Having honoured our part it would appear there are double standards for some who direct atrocious, verbal abuse in front of children at a recent BWRA presentation evening and then try to adopt the moral highground! yet they are not adult enough to allow Harry to run his dog at the champs but feel they can invite him to the Golden Jacket event!!!!!!!!!!

On behalf of Harry -Thank you to Paul Jennings and others-I'm sure you meant well encouraging him to seek permission to race Fluke at the champs, but obviously it was not meant to be.

Steve and I have been more than content not running at Fed events by choice for the last 12 months and it was against our better judgement allowing Harry to pursue this course.

Good luck to all those competing on Sunday.

from Karen Boyd
Hi Karen

Harry is a good lad and enjoys racing so much. I hope he carries on. This would be very upsetting for anyone of any age, but more so for a young lad who puts so much into his racing.
stop whynging steve its your big fat mouth that caused the trouble that stoped harry from racing fluke ,so apologise to harry as you wont be racing anyway.
i think it a real shame that harry cant run at the champs but if the powers that be say you cant then what else can u do, if harry does re-join the nwrf then he can run at the golden jacket events and next years championships, i know it a long wait but i think it will be worth it. keep ur chin up harry i wish u the best i what ever decision u make. ;)

   stop whynging steve its your big fat mouth that caused the trouble that stoped harry from racing fluke ,so apologise to harry as you wont be racing anyway......go for it

well i think gus is right if you never moaned on and used language the way you did racing would be a better place to bring have had all year to sort this problem out why wait till now
change of topic now........I'll whinge!!!!!!

the michelle curse has struck again........yep 5 days before champs tiger ( true faith) decided to run into a barb wire fence, he now has a nose like a borzoi ( big n swollen), could have been alot worse ??? ........chances are he'll still run ( unless he does something really stupid :angry: ) but will just be a bit uglier :(

good luck everyone who,lose or draw as long as everyone comes off safe'n'sound thats all that matters!!!!!!!!!
:p   :p   :p   :D   :D   :D

*WeLCoME On BoArD, To ThE LaTEst IlLuSiVe MeMbErS GUS and COWBOY* lol

Ouch!! Do i detect a hint of personal grievance discretely concealed in your comments??!!   :D   :)   :D
Steve, fancy ,who would have thought that you would think that those brilliant compositions in the new members letters were anti steve boyd. It must have took them hours to think of real genuine comments, i am sure that they will be snapped up, even head hunted by the Times newspaper for their brilliant command of the english vocabulary and their straight to the point never mind the facts views. I know my limitations,but i try to digest the facts first. It is better to appear to be a fool than to open ones mouth and confirm eveyones suspicions.
thats right john your words doint have to be big  and clever,everyone knows you are the FOOL, instead of the comments you wright on these pages maybe you should submit them to the fed.
Gus, i have no need to submit any thing i have written about on this site to the fed, i presume that they can read. As for being a fool, that is your opinion and i would not stop you from having this opinion, we happen to live in a democratic society where people are allowed to comment on what they think is wrong, that means you me and everyone, i have no need for secrecy, i do not have any need to hide behind an assumed name, as everyone knows on this site john m is john meades.
Hellbound or Pathfinder for supreme but look out for Buncie boy. Southern Scott to be first to the bend. Bitches Northern Invader has been well trained for this, but can it trap ?
What weights northern invader? Cool name for a southern dog!
mmmmmmm northern invader....what weight is it???????

still think that shania will come good.
:D good news dog given all clear ready to run pad held up well c u all 2morrow.
northern invader is a 27-28lb bitch owned by a man hu usually races peds, its out of micks mystery and a ghd. its a really good bitch with a massive finish but it dont trap very good. if it traps it has a great chance. :)
Well done to all the champs from today!


Trevors Chaser


Show Three -   :D Nice one peter!

Wilde Snowberry

Saxon Gem

Sun Princess

My Cinderella





Masia -   :D Told you he'd come good Mick



Mad Mick

The Builder

On Line

Vivs Quest


? who got 19lb dog

Colour Blind

No Limit

Wonderwall - well done dink, Naz ran a blinder to beat stunner at long last!


Minster Rocket


Hot Number

Ch of Ch's

The extended finishing line suited the bigger dog in the final with Trevors Chaser & Hellbound winning the finals!

Well Done to them
19lb was vivs merlin.

BIGGGGGGGGGG well dones to mick and jim ( masia), also neil, debs and naz for winning the donkey derby( lol) and also a well done to my own dog true faith for getting r-up.

A good but very cold off to put my jammies on and have a cup of hot choc