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Does anyone have the results of the NWA last weekend?
Not exactly cos we didn't get there until 2.00 pm and we had missed all our classes!!! (Had been to another show first!). All I can tell you is that Roger Stock's brindle bitch was BB and BIS, Steve McMorrow's fawn dog was BD and RBIS and he also had a fawn puppy dog. Elaine Walker's white faced puppy (Shoalingham Socialite??) was RBB and BPB and, I think BPIS. I can't even tell you who BVIS was because I don't remember seeing a veteran dog. Derohan Nos Na Gaoithe owned by Lesley Willing won Veteran bitch. Millie is waiting for her marked up catalogue to be sent to her!!!

BTW Vanna, please can you tell me who is secretary of Whippet of Scotland
Vanna's mum is Secretary of Whippet Club of Scotland

Mrs Annette Skelley

26 High Street



PA12 4DA
Steves dog Marchpast Fine Muslin is only 11 months old so he must have been BP also. BVD was Krafty Cockney. Thats my 2 pence worth.
So Steve's 'dogs' were one and the same then?? I thought they looked alike!!! LOL :p :D :p
Steve didnt have him in Puppy, he put him in novice by mistake and stood alone in that class, talk about falling in the cow poo :p
:D Still no catalogue as yet! :D

Will be intresting to see who won best veteran as the are aunty and nephew
Had to get the brain into gear to think about that but, yes, you are right Millie! LOL
Well guys, :angry:

I've just come back from the show tonight and thats another judge i wont be going under. Yes i know, judges decision on the day or in this case night.

All i ask for is for the dog to be judged not who is on the end of the lead, i spend my money took the time to prepare and travel to the show and all i ask for is to be judged fairly. As you have probably guessed, it wasn't a very good evening(enjoyed the company of my friends+my dogs), but the dog that won had worst movement of all the dogs there. If it brought it's front feet up any higher it would of kicked itself in the chin. But it was the person on the end of the lead that won it, they even had a friendly chat in the ring for a few minutes while this dog was being judged. It's times like this when i thing whats the point of showing. I know i got reserve dog challenge, reserve bitch challenge and runner up best of breed with my blue/fawn bitch but in this case she behaved very well and showed her little heart out(love her). :D

Sorry for the moan,

Debra :p
I sympathasize with you Debra but it's part and parcel of the whole dog showing deal, I hate to say. There are times when it gets me down too - but you just have to keep your chin up and keep going. There's times I think "Well if I can't beat 'em I should join 'em" but then I remember that I can beat them and I have done - and EVERY win I've ever had has been an honest one.

And I don't really know how much I would enjoy those multitudes of Bests in Show if they were all won by dubious means - really, is there any glory in that?
Hi guys,

Just come back one last time tonight it's pretty late now.

Just wanted to say sorry for my moan early, another day another dog show. It had been awhile since i had shown, and silly me forgot what it's all about.

At the end of the day you go home with the best dog or dogs of all, YOURS.

Take care, talk tomorrow

Debra. :D :D :D
Debra, I think it is quite important that you look at the whole picture when you see dogs being judged. We are told not to penalize size, colour, colour of eyes as these things are just part of a overall standard. In my opinion good movement is very hard to find in the breed and when I first started to judge I only put up dogs that really moved very well. I have settled for more of a compromise now, its right at the top of my list still but if you just take my dog who was reserve best dog to Stephens, Rory has excellent movement from any angle BUT he can look pants sometimes when he is stood. I know this, hes better in the warm. The thing is he is beaten sometimes by dogs that dont move so well but maybe are stronger in other areas. The judge may have things at the top of her list that are not the same as ours, I didnt see all the bitch judging but thought she did a reasonable job of the dogs. So keep your chin up, if you come away and your dog has put in a good performance there is always another day.
Hi Karen,

Thanks for your kind words, but i can truthfully say in this case it was the person on the end of the lead that had alot to do with this decision. At the moment in Australia we are going through this faze of face judging sometime though it's not as obvious, i know it happens everywhere but here we are losing alot for entries at shows. You probably know what it's like if you weren't happy don't enter again under that judge, and that's what i will do. But my dogs and i had a good night out and that's what matter.

See ya

Debra :D