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Notts And Derby Club Results

racing was over 160 yd per lb
R Peak Plus 25 sc 2nd

B Two for you 24 1 4th

W Barona 22 3 1st

Bl Plan B 5 3rd

R Tilly two shoes 30 sc 4th

B Black mystery 25 5 3rd

W Viv's twilight 22 8 2nd

Bl Evolution 20 10 1st

B final

R Tilly two shoes 30 sc

B Black mystery 25 4

W Two for you 24 6 2nd

Bl Plan B 20 10 1st

A final

R Peak Plus 25 sc d/h

B Viv's twilight 22 3 d/h

W Barona 22 w/d

Bl Evolution 20 3rd


R Finley 2nd

B just peak 1st

W fat stag 3rd

We had our AGM after racing today, it was well attended in a nice friendly atmosphere. Lynda supplied the sandwiches, pork pies, etc, and Marie two very morish cakes all went down a treat. One or two new idea's was put forward for next year i.e. e/m inter club racing, tri distance events and pairs racing. Everyone must be happy with the way things are going as no one wanted anything changing in the general running of the club. Membership will stay at £5 & trials 50p we will continue to payout 100%. Cris & Julie Jackson have been welcomed onto the committee l'm sure they will be an assit to the club. Thanks to Joyce & Charlie for their donation to the club & wish Joyce good luck for her op on Wed, all members wish her a speedy recovery. Once again lurchers will be made welcome, Phil & Darren will be organizing their racing. Look forward to seeing you all next year.
Well done to all the winners.We have loved our short time at Poolsbrook,and will be back next year.

Thanks to all involved,we were made very welcome.

Roll on next year.

Amanda and Pete