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Northwest Championship

Barry Jepson

New Member
Reaction score
We ran the first Northwest Championships today, the ground was in perfect condition and the weather was fantastic. Want to say well done to all the Northern members who pulled together to make a great race day. Well done to all the new Northwest Champions and well done to all that ran. and thank you to everyone who came and supported us today.


Heat Winners: Highland Gold, Fizzbomb


WCRch NWch Baby Love


Velvet Cocktail

Highland Gold


Storm in a tea cup

Midnight Rose

My Wee Blue Highlander

Shropshire Lass


Heat winners: Zula Go Quick, Femme Fatale


NWch Femme Fatale

WCRch Blue Devil

Blue Highland Devil


Better Late Than Never



Heat Winners: Cragrats in the Driving Seat, Crackerjack, Fatal Attraction, Highland Lassie


NWch Fatal Attraction


Highland Lassie

Cragrats In The Drivers Seat


Deadly Cocktail

The Right Stuff

Back At Mill

Calenna Hope


Heat winners: The Observer, NPWRch Fly the Wind, Master of Light


NWch Master Of Light

NPWRch Fly The Wind


Thistle B Pele



Winterfell Sprite

Euginie Princess


Heat winners: Talk of the Town, Armistice Day, Tuco, Deadly Twister


NWch Armistice Day


Devils Law

Nobles Lochs


Code Red


Winterfell Lady Grey


14-22lb Vets

VC NPWRch NWVch A Touch Of Class

VC Merry Nights

VC Cruella De'vil

The Front Line

23-27lb Vets

NWVch Highlander

Reason To Believe

Over The Top

28-32lb Vets

NWch Blue Boy

Feathers McGraw

Hope to see you all again next year.
Thankyou to all the Northern members for making the Northwest Championship possible , such a great bunch of folk :thumbsup: and what a great day

Well done to all the winners and runners :thumbsup:

So pleased with our jacob ( NWch fatal attraction) who ran brilliantly all day as did our noah ( crackerjack) who came 2nd :thumbsup: well done boys xxx

Becky bet your so proud for having 3 of your litter winning their weight groups today with lola (femme fatale) , jacob ( fatal attraction ) and forest (master of light ) :thumbsup:

Would also like to say to carol and barry ,hope brenna as a nice relaxing retirement , i will miss seeing her at the club xxx

photos to follow :thumbsup:

















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WOW GREAT PHOTOS TRISH :thumbsup: we had a great day :D
as secretary of the northern i would like to thank all the members for putting on a fantastic champs.we did ourselves proud :thumbsup: .thanks to all the owners and especially the whips for putting on a feast of racing .welldone to all the new champs and all the runners.see you all next year at the next north west champs .
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as secretary of the northern i would like to thank all the members for putting on a fantastic champs.we did ourselves proud :thumbsup: .thanks to all the owners and especially the whips for putting on a feast of racing .welldone to all the new champs and all the runners.see you all next year at the next north west champs .
we will be there :thumbsup:
Sorry barry and carol missed out holly and brennas photo , will have to make you that fruit cake as a apology :b

Sorry barry and carol missed out holly and brennas photo , will have to make you that fruit cake as a apology :b
how could you Trish lol :))
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Well done everybody :thumbsup: sorry I couldn't be there but Andy said it was a great day and went really well see you all soon :))
:D :D Where do you start after such a wonderful weekend, by thanking ALL those responsible for the organising and of course running on the day you ALL did a brilliant job ( as always ). The Northern P.W.R.C. has such a friendly and relaxed atmosphere about it even on the most hectic of days and they never stop from helping anyone in anyway they can. :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

We had a great weekend in great company and it was an added bonus that the weather was very hot and sunny too.

We would like to congratulate ALL the new Northwest Champions

14/19lb Champion Baby Love who had to run a great race in the final to beat Dave and Diane Naylors Fizz Bomb who ran brill yesterday.

20/22lb Champion ( 1st in a Hat trick of puppy wins for Rebecca ) Femme Fatale our Hateley and Novo could only battle it out for 2nd and 3rd as she was on top form.

23/25lb Champion ( 2nd In the Hat trick ) Fatal Attraction ran superb as well for Trish and Graham also great to see our Friends Nettie and Brians Highland Lassie making her come back reaching her first final back after injury she ran really well all day :thumbsup:

26/28lb Champion ( 3rd In the Hat trick ) Master Of Light this was the best final on the day with forrest coming out on top he is a very good dog and this winn is well over due we are so happy for Gary and Cheryl :thumbsup: Also what made it a great final for us was another Scottish pup owned by Heather and Chad Valentine reached the final in just his second Open and he is just 14/15 months old well done Pele. :cheers:

29/32lb Champion Armistice Day who did Vince and Julia proud he is a very strong dog.

and Northwest Veteran Champions

14/22lb Vet Champion A Touch of Class winning in the final with little Merry Nights coming strong at the finish but Brenna was too strong in the end. What a way to retire and i am sure that Barry and Carol will be over the moon by what she has acheived in the last 2 years for them.

23/27lb Vet Champion Highlander had a great trap and ran on well to win with Gypsy ( Reason To Believe ) chasing him all the way.

And Lastly

28/32lb Vet Champion our Blueboy, Coisty has always been a honest, loving, show bred dog who seemed to always run as fast as he could to please us and he certainly did on Sunday he brought more than one tear to our eyes.

So sorry it has been a long winded reply but it was such s brilliant day and the prizes were excellent i must also say thank you so much again to Trish gilfeather as your pictures always give us great memories of the day the look on all the winning owners faces in the big group picture " PRICELESS " thanks.

Cannot wait till next year.................Love Mandy Derek and the Blue Gang..........xxxx
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Thank you to the Northern club for a fantastic days racing :thumbsup: And for making me feel so welcome! Well done to all the winners and finalists :D

Glad I made the 6.5 hour drive there and £135 in deisel :sweating: Was all worth it :teehee:

It was lovely to see Wilf and Tilly pups having a trial at the end :wub: They all looked very keen :luck:
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i would like to thank everyone at the northern for a great weekend at the 1st northwest champs

your committee & members done the club proud

congratulations to all the winners , and also congratulations to all the dogs from spwrc who

reached the main finals , Highland Gold :thumbsup: wcrch Blue Devil :thumbsup:

Blue Highland Devil :thumbsup: Highland Lassie :thumbsup: & Thistle B Pele :thumbsup:

and what can i say about the old boys Highlander & Blue boy Congratulations :cheers:
We had a lovely weekend up at the Northern Club, weather perfect 8) and lush green track. :thumbsup:

Well worth the long haul ;) Thank you to all the 'Northerners' for making us feel very welcome :))

Hope you had a better journey home Jacquie! :teehee:
A huge well done to all the Northern members who made the first North West Championships such a great success :thumbsup:

Thank you to all who travelled such a long way to be with us, I'm sure you will all agree it was worth the journey!

We had some fantastic racing & some very close finishes :sweating:

Congratulations to all the new North West Champions :cheers:

Baby Love :thumbsup: Femme Fatale :thumbsup: Fatal Attraction :thumbsup: Master of Light :thumbsup: Armistice Day :thumbsup:

Vet Champs A Touch of Class :thumbsup: Highlander :thumbsup: Blue Boy :thumbsup:

What a day for Rebecca & Jasper (Texas Tea) Four of his babes winning & two in the finals :cheers: His youngest being the very handsome Pele, Can't be bad!!

Thanks to Trish for the fab pics once again..........Just glad I'm not on any :lol:

It was lovely to see all Tilly & Wilf's pups having a trial, & yes Jaq they all look up for it :D
We had a lovely weekend up at the Northern Club, weather perfect 8) and lush green track. :thumbsup:
Well worth the long haul ;) Thank you to all the 'Northerners' for making us feel very welcome :))

Hope you had a better journey home Jacquie! :teehee:

Yes, thank you Maggi & Melissa :huggles: Almost left on Monday without saying goodbye :wacko:
Well done to all the winners had great weekend , we are so proud of the old boys nwch highlander and nwch blue boy. it was great to have all those dogs from spwrc in our company and all the dogs that came done the spwrc proud , and we will look forward to coming to the north west champs next year:D
What a day! The weather was fantastic and so was the racing :cheers: Well done to all the Northern members on pulling off another brilliant open :cheers: Massive well done to all the new Northwest Champions, WCRch NWch Baby Love, NWch Femme Fatale, NWch Fatal Attraction, NWch Master of Light and NWch Armistice Day and not forgetting the veterans, VC NPWRch NWch A Touch of Class, NWch Highland and NWch Blue Boy :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: and well done to all the runners :cheers:

Chuffed to bits with Brenna (A Touch of Class) this was her last race as we decided to retire her after this open as she's been getting a few niggles, we have had so much fun with her and she has always done us proud so now deserves a well earned rest :huggles:

Trish the pics are fantastic and shows what a good day it was, thank you for the ones of our Holly and Brenna :cheers:

Lastly thank you to everyone who travelled and supported the Open and really looking forward to the next Northwest Championships next year :thumbsup:
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