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North Light

Can anyone tell me how I can get one of those north light ornaments painted like Jilly. I have tried their website but couldn't find out how to get your own dogs colours painted on. :cheers: I want one. I want one I want one :- " :- " :- " :thumbsup: :lol:
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Pam I think annlouse who started this thread is having one done. Perhaps you could pm her - or have you tried their website maybe. :cheers: I want one too - they are so realistic. :thumbsup:
pamalkie please could you let me know the website.


Whip said:
Hi Annelouise
Dou you have any contact details for them or a website.



hi Sion

sadly not, as i say i did it through the shop where i bought the ornament. you would have to ask in the individual shop if the fugurine your looking at is North Light.
pamalkie said:
Can anyone tell me how I can get one of those north light ornaments painted like Jilly. I have tried their website but couldn't find out how to get your own dogs colours painted on. :cheers: I want one. I want one I want one :- "  :- "  :- "  :thumbsup:   :lol:

hi there

i had one done a while ago of my boy. as i say, i saw an ornament in the shop, it wasnt the same colour but the shop owner mentioned that this company NORTH LIGHT would do it for me. you have to take pics from different angles, then the shop will send them to NORTH LIGHT to get it done for you
Thats the one thanks Fallenangel :thumbsup:
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quintessence said:
Is that Joe Davies Kris?

it is jenny!we dont do dog ornaments though i can get them,our stuff is much more eccentric than that!pagan,wiccan,gothic,erotic,anything weird an wonderful! (w00t) :- " theres a few big doggy warehouses near where we live that sell dog leads,bowls,beds etc etc.r & b pets is just up the road from us,and nicholsons pet foods. :)
Well done Wendy - thanks so much - been trying all over to find that. :cheers:
Hi All

I talked to North Light today regarding the cost of special painting. It's £10-£15 per model for the painting (depending on the complexity of it) then £7.50 for the plinth and £7.50 for the plaque. This is in addition to the cost of the model. I must admit I was a bit perplexed at the price Annlouise paid because the whippet model itself is somewhere in the region of £25. The moral of the story is go to the same shop Annlouise went to. I can help if anyone wants a model painting but I felt it best to let you all know the current price.
