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No, No, No!!!!!

Why did they go and do that thats a real shame to remove the info,

.... Pleased to say I can no longer be tarred with the same brush ................

Libby - Arjuna Whippets NZ


Sorry Libby, you will still be a Pom to us, & not a Kiwi. :clown:

Never said I was a Kiwi ..... can't say 'Fush n Chups' or 'Chikin Disk' Properly yet ............ :- :-

Is a "chikin disk" the thing that falls out the back end of a chikin? 8)

We had a Kiwi here that went into a shop every Friday, & asked for "fush & chups". Each week the person behind the counter would say "Hey that Kiwi is back". So the Kiwi thought it was the way he said "fush & chups".

So for a month studied real Austrailian. Went back & said "fish & chips" . The counter person said "Hey the Kiwi is back".

So the Kiwi asked how they knew,& he was told "This is a hardware store". :eek:
It really is a shame. It has never been so easy to find dogs and info of them! And photos, lots of photos of dogs I couldn't find from anywhere else. It'll be a HUGE amount of work to build that arhive to my own computer... And very unlikely to succeed.

I do hope we get it back up again. But maby so, that person details like owner names, adresses, etc. could only be added by the person him/herself. Few poor quality pics are hardly to harm anyone. I know, there are such bad pictures of my dog hanging in the net I didn't know it to be possible for my dog to look so crude. :D But I'd hope it still to be possible for other's to add pics and dogs that are not owned by theirselves, hence the archive wouldn't be as big otherwise.

The greatest database on the planet, now gone :(
Having just spent ages putting some of my dogs pedigrees from the 1970s on there, it has now all been in vain. Such a shame it has gone all through some people complaining. Any mistakes were so easy to rectify, the few have spoilt it for the many.
But theres not much point in having TWA if the info is not all correct , now is there :b

Only the owners of dogs should be able to change data about their dogs , simple as that, IMO
But theres not much point in having TWA if the info is not all correct , now is there :b
Only the owners of dogs should be able to change data about their dogs , simple as that, IMO

-_- -_-

OMG :eek: :eek: what a tragedy to loose such valuable info and a site used by all the fancy. As usual it is the same 'sick puppies' with nothing else to do but ruin it for those who appreciate such a fantastic source of information.

Shame, shame on them. :rant:

Being new to Whippets, I was blown away by the wealth of information on TWA.

If people wish to feel protective of the dogs details they enter, perhaps entries could come with an option to be locked by their creator. Or if that's not possible, it be made plain to anyone entering a dogs details that the entry may be altered by others.

It would be a crying shame to see the site permanently offline. :(
It is a shame that it is gone--a great source or information.

It is all very well to say that only certain people should be able to edit certain information--sounds like a simple solution. Except who is going to establish, police, and enforce that? How many hours a week, month, year would that take? How much would the software cost to be able to track changes, or assign ownership of certain pages to certain people?

It seems to me that either TWA exists as an open, and therefore vulnerable site. Or it becomes an expensive unpaid part-time job for someone to set up, watch, and edit.
But theres not much point in having TWA if the info is not all correct , now is there :b
Only the owners of dogs should be able to change data about their dogs , simple as that, IMO
why dont you start one up Jax then you can control and manage it, i think the point of anybody being able to edit is that if it was just left to owners some would be good and some wouldnt give a toss so links in peds would be missing, obviously it has been abused in some cases but this was a global site and i think Karin was doing a great job, if everyone that saw a problem corrected it instead of moaning and bitching the site would be a lot more up to date "simple as that"
But theres not much point in having TWA if the info is not all correct , now is there :b
Only the owners of dogs should be able to change data about their dogs , simple as that, IMO
Personally, I'd rather have access to the information, in the knowledge it might not be entirely accurate, than no information at all.
But theres not much point in having TWA if the info is not all correct , now is there :b
Only the owners of dogs should be able to change data about their dogs , simple as that, IMO

Wouldnt be much of a database then would it ?

And what about owners no longer with us?

That is the whole point of an open database, thats why it is so comprehensive in a short timespace
But theres not much point in having TWA if the info is not all correct , now is there :b
Only the owners of dogs should be able to change data about their dogs , simple as that, IMO

Spot on. ;)
Like everyone, I am saddened that this resource has been removed. I am currently typing up our show catalogue in which we print 3 generation pedigrees. A dog has been entered and the owner didn't send me his 3 generation pedigree so rather than wait for a response to an email, I thought I'd do a quick check, and yes the pedigree I'm after is on TWA but I couldn't access it. So now I'm waiting on an email response.

Sadly, there will always be people wanting to spoil the fun. :angry: The only way around this is for individuals only be able to add a dog with a picture and edit their own information. We have a site here in Australia and you log on and only you can add the details, picture, pedigree, amend details, etc. It's not as good as TWA, (mainly because it's for all breeds), but the concept is great and I have no concerns about anyone changing my dogs' info.

I'm sure Karin is taking on board all comments and hopefully, we will see a new and improved TWA that will alleviate some of the past problems.
But theres not much point in having TWA if the info is not all correct , now is there :b
Only the owners of dogs should be able to change data about their dogs , simple as that, IMO
why dont you start one up Jax then you can control and manage it, i think the point of anybody being able to edit is that if it was just left to owners some would be good and some wouldnt give a toss so links in peds would be missing, obviously it has been abused in some cases but this was a global site and i think Karin was doing a great job, if everyone that saw a problem corrected it instead of moaning and bitching the site would be a lot more up to date "simple as that"
I think that point that Jax was trying to make (and I am sure she will correct me if I am wrong) is that certain people were altering details about dogs that they had no right to do. Like altering sizes, weights and adding personal details that they had no right to do. I personally would never have altered anyone elses details and I even asked my mum before altering details on her dogs that were wrong. I would also not complain to the site owner, I just put the details right and left it at that.
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But theres not much point in having TWA if the info is not all correct , now is there :b
Only the owners of dogs should be able to change data about their dogs , simple as that, IMO
why dont you start one up Jax then you can control and manage it, i think the point of anybody being able to edit is that if it was just left to owners some would be good and some wouldnt give a toss so links in peds would be missing, obviously it has been abused in some cases but this was a global site and i think Karin was doing a great job, if everyone that saw a problem corrected it instead of moaning and bitching the site would be a lot more up to date "simple as that"
I think that point that Jax was trying to make (and I am sure she will correct me if I am wrong) is that certain people were altering details about dogs that they had no right to do. Like altering sizes, weights and adding personal details that they had no right to do. I personally would never have altered anyone elses details and I even asked my mum before altering details on her dogs that were wrong. I would also not complain to the site owner, I just put the details right and left it at that.
Thats right Becka ,

and as for those not being alive and able to do it , thats a silly statement to make IMO / Of course they cant do it , but those of us who knew the dogs of old are willing to put Correct data on

I mean would you wanting folk to think your stud dog , brood bitch was 24" at the shoulder etc . people believe what is written ,,thats how they sell newspapers

As for me doing it , ds :eek: Sorry , Ive all on getting on K9 and doing my own pedigrees , even then I cant start a new one, but have to transfer one from another litter , if you know what I mean , Im no good on word or excel or any thing like at , The one who COULD do it , is Dawn , but maybe some of you have shot yourself in the foot with her 8)

The fact that it was read world wide ,meant that IMO ift should be as correct as possible , sorry , all you pet owning whippets , but it can l be very annoying to read stuff about your dogs pedigrees/owners etc when some of us know it isnt true

the champdogs site has pedigrees on , that can only be done by the owner of said dogs . Ok only genereations , but if they can do it they maybe it can be done to more generations

Now Gay wouldbe great at it
The only way such database like TWA can work is if everybody can add dogs. I have spent hour after hour adding dogs for people who do not have computers to do it themselves, and also filling in gaps with dogs from 20 plus years ago from old catalogues etc. And my many hours of contribution do not make my number of entrees anywhere near the many other contributors. That is hundreds, if not thousands of people spending thousands of hours creating this amazing historical document.

I have added number of dogs for a friend, each of this dog's three generation pedigree has 14 dogs, if some of them were not on TWA already and I had to ask the permission, I would have to contact 14 people. Many of these people are not around any more, or I have no idea where they are, many would not have a computer. So to enter one dog's pedigree would be logistical nightmare, to enter few dozens impossible. In any case that is not the point, pedigree is matter of a record of dog's ancestry and his relatives; just because somebody owns the actual animal does not give them the right to try to withhold this info.

OK, it seems that some malicious person/s have been trying to sabotage the TWA. Obviously, it was nobody of the people who found it so useful. It is also not any stranger who just managed to stumble on it while surfing; I doubt anybody like that would bother to wait for the registration etc. In any case it is far to specifically targeted. So it does not take a genius to work out that any damaging deliberate alterations would have been done by somebody disliking TWA, or somebody having personal issue with owner of the dog.

By the way I am not speaking about George, who did not do anything from spite :)
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This is sad news. :( I hope there will be a way to reopen the TWA again! It was a valuable treasure chest of information. I saw there photos of many past dogs who were familiar by name only before and learned to know many new beautiful whippets when going through the whippet profiles. Please, bring back the TWA!