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Nnwrf Trophies


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After attending another open where half the trophies are missing can I ask people to be a little more aware about the awards they win, if you're not sure whether a trophy has to be returned then please ask and if you don't want to take a trophy home then please don't, leave it with a committee member (me prefferably) along with a couple of quid if you want your dog's name engraving and I'll get it done so the following years winner can have the trophy and take it home.

It's not very nice when someone's dog wins it's first trophy only to be told that they've got nothing to put up on the mantel, some people do like something to put on display even if you don't. You put the committee in a difficult position, they shouldn't be expected to replace trophies every year because members can't be bothered to bring them back and neither should your fellow racers who pay out to put on a perpetual trophy.

Can I encourage people to have a look around at home for any trophies that just might have been put in a box or cupboard and forgotten about, I'm going to have a word with Linda about a trophy amnesty to waive the £20 fine on any trophies not returned so far this year, many of us don't have deep pockets and perhaps some of you are put off by the fine when you discover you've accidentally missed the deadline for the return of a trophy and prefer not to return it to avoid paying out.

Rant over, thanks

Elise :thumbsup:
do what weve started doing in the north east region fleesh (north east opens) i take a photo of person and or dog with trophy get them to sign my book and i print the pic and put it in my book. I also have a piece of paper with wot theyve won which they sign and they keep then when they return the trophy to a committe member that commitee member signs sheet and thats their proof that theyve handed trophy back in. Whether it works or not remains to be seen as only started it this year but i have proof of who won wot etc :thumbsup:
Well said Elise. I know how dissapointing it is to win and not receive a trophy. When Ebby won Supreme Scratch at bend champs 2009

she didnt get one as it had not been returned. I cant imagine anyone hiding them away in a cupboard and forgetting them as ours are out

on display, looked at daily and polished often.

Maybe it would be a good idea to keep a book and make people sign for them before they are taken away.

Hope all the missing ones turn up, perhaps a list on here would jog peoples memories.
I have kept a record this year and had people sign for their trophies, but as I wasn't doing the job last year I'm not sure whether certain groups had trophies such as each individual scratch class etc.

I'll have a look through and see what trophies were won at which events and list the winners for the last three years then owners can post up whether they got a trophy or not and we can track from there.
look back at the results on k9 or old whippet news 9 times out of 10 their the winners photo as been taken with the trophy ;)
look back at the results on k9 or old whippet news 9 times out of 10 their the winners photo as been taken with the trophy ;)
look back at the results on k9 or old whippet news 9 times out of 10 their the winners photo as been taken with the trophy ;)
look back at the results on k9 or old whippet news 9 times out of 10 their the winners photo as been taken with the trophy ;)
look back at the results on k9 or old whippet news 9 times out of 10 their the winners photo as been taken with the trophy ;)
thats the way to get them x3 lol

been there done that hasn't made any bloody difference hence the implemetation of the fines

reminders go in whippet news with the ads and on here don't know what else we can do :wacko:
It is a shame that folk don't return trophies :( by accident or on purpose.Think photographic records are the way forward.I know Denise got people to sign for trophies,the other year,so if thats not working,then folk can't deny if their is photographic proof of every winner :thumbsup:
If ppl just wont hand them back there really isnt a lot u can do bout it, we had lovely trophies for the George Haggart Memorial but very few of them were returned. So last year we decided just to give a trophy ppl can keep, saves the hassle of trying to get them back and the expense of replacing them.

Its really not nice for ppl just in the sport (who maybe dont have loads of old trophies in their cupboards like many of us do) when they dont get a trophy for winning. Short of going round ppls houses and waiting on door step for throphies I really dont c what can be done lol
If ppl just wont hand them back there really isnt a lot u can do bout it, we had lovely trophies for the George Haggart Memorial but very few of them were returned. So last year we decided just to give a trophy ppl can keep, saves the hassle of trying to get them back and the expense of replacing them. Its really not nice for ppl just in the sport (who maybe dont have loads of old trophies in their cupboards like many of us do) when they dont get a trophy for winning. Short of going round ppls houses and waiting on door step for throphies I really dont c what can be done lol

know what you mean but when you take into account the NNWRF have around 170 returnable trophies it couldn't be done,

the only other way as I can see is if they turn up without the trophy they don't run BUT don't really want to go to that extreme just yet

so for now we will wave the fines for this year and hope the trophies come flooding back (do pigs fly)

in 2011 the offenders will be named and shamed at the very least
Wish i could get a dog good enough to win a trophy LOL :blink: