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New Way To Take Temperature


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idENTICHIP with Bio - Thermo


In addition to the conventional idENTICHIP we now also have idENTICHIP with Bio-Thermo.


Traditionally the only accurate way to take a pets temperature was rectally. Clearly this has many disadvantages, including stress to the pet (not to mention you!) and it can be extremely time consuming. Now idENTICHIP with Bio-Thermo provides an accurate , efficient way of checking your pets temperature.


This revolutionary breakthrough in technology, incorporates a thermometer and an identifier all in one chip and your vet can check an animals temperature at the press of a button.


Please ask your local Veterinary Practice for details.


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This sounds a great idea. I was wondering if anyone's dog on here has one?



Tracey X
beaubeau said:

idENTICHIP with Bio - Thermo


In addition to the conventional idENTICHIP we now also have idENTICHIP with Bio-Thermo.


Traditionally the only accurate way to take a pets temperature was rectally. Clearly this has many disadvantages, including stress to the pet (not to mention you!) and it can be extremely time consuming. Now idENTICHIP with Bio-Thermo provides an accurate , efficient way of checking your pets temperature.


This revolutionary breakthrough in technology, incorporates a thermometer and an identifier all in one chip and your vet can check an animals temperature at the press of a button.


Please ask your local Veterinary Practice for details.


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This sounds a great idea. I was wondering if anyone's dog on here has one?



Tracey X

I think my dog must have one as when she was poorly & had her temp taken, the vet waved the scanner over her & the job was done. The vet didnt explain this at the time, nor hasnt since, so I just assumed it was a newfangled method & just carried on being bemused as always.
Both of my girls have the bio therm chip and its not that new an idea, Inca's had her for over 3 years.

I have found that some vets don't rate this product and prefer to use the old fashioned method.

This is because the chip can go from one extreme to the other, aparently it can read a very high or very low temperature and often not an accurate reading.

The last 2-3 times Dippy has had her's done the old fashioned way.
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hellybobs said:
Both of my girls have the bio therm chip and its not that new an idea, Inca's had her for over 3 years.
I have found that some vets don't rate this product and prefer to use the old fashioned method.

This is because the chip can go from one extreme to the other, aparently it can read a very high or very low temperature and often not an accurate reading.

The last 2-3 times Dippy has had her's done the old fashioned way.

Thanks Hellybobs, it's good to know both sides. Maybe Meg does have one but I didn't know it. We've been lucky so far not to need her temperature taken.


Tracey X
Sounds like a great idea in theory; but I wonder what happens if it starts to read inaccurately..... I guess if the vet realises this they can take it rectally, but if they don't?
yes all mine have these except for finley but hes having his done this monday.

they are not always accurate as some read low than what they should be,millies does this,so now i just mention it when she needs it taking.

think they cost around £35.00
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Yes, Grace has one of these... I think they come as standard with the new micro chips that they use these days...

Never had to have a temperature reading as yet so no comment re: reliability..
finley got his bio therm microchip done last night and didnt make a sound though he did flinch :b ,we took all our dogs and got them all scan and all was spot on with their temperatures apart from millies that reads on the low side,so im very pleased with the product ,oh and it costs £30 not £35 as i thought :thumbsup:
Teya will be three next month - it was relatively new when she had hers done. The older two don't have the biotherm one :( It really is handy though to just wave the scanner over and read the temp rather than 'invading' certain places! Esp when said dog is a wreck already!

chelynnah said:
Teya will be three next month - it was relatively new when she had hers done.  The older two don't have the biotherm one :(   It really is handy though to just wave the scanner over and read the temp rather than 'invading' certain places!  Esp when said dog is a wreck already!

thats why i had mine done,but saying that we once took millie our black whippet and the scanner was broken :( poor love had to have the old fashioned method :b