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Being new to the forum I thought I would start off by introducing myself and my dog Pepper

My name is Tony and at 72 years of age I did not really want another pet. However, being an old softy at heart, when I was asked to take on a dog that hated being left alone all day while its owner was at work, I decided to take a chance.

Pepper I am told is a 4 year old collie mix. Mixed between a collie and boarder collie. However, the only dog I could find online that looked anything like her was a boarder collie Staffordshire mix who's name just happens to be Pepper too.

Fortunately, having had dogs most of my life I have learnt how to overcome most dog problems, so hopefully I may be of help to some of the other members.

Unfortunately my Pepper came with no end of problems, least of all that of not wanting to be left alone. Some of which even I have no answer to. It was these problems that brought me to this forum, in hope of finding some suggestions as to what I can try next. But I'll talk about those problems in my next posting.
Welcome to the forum Tony, I'm fairly new too. Pepper is lovely. There's lots of information on here, I hope you find what you're looking for.
Well done for taking that chance, me im not sure i could take other peoples dogs on so.i take my hat off to u tony... Best of luck and keep us updated and try get some pics up so we can see..
Hi Tony, and welcome to DogForum :)

I'm a confirmed rescuer, so I know all about finding things out as you go along and the problems reveal themselves. It sounds like Pepper has fallen on her paws with you :)
Well done Tony on taking the chance on a troubled dog.

I have had rescues in the past that have had no end of issues so I understand the struggles, but the reward that you get when you see them turning a corner is priceless as you know that you helped them to be a happy dog who knows they are loved millions!

Look forward to hearing from you further and you must post a pick of Pepper! Your profile pic is a bit too small to see how cute he is!

Sophie x