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New Pups

Stacked pictures !!! they dont stand still long enough to eat let alone stand !

Everybody told me what hard work it is and i agree with all of them ! but i still love it and wouldnt swop any of them. :))
Pups are now 7.5 weeks old and start to go to their new homes on Friday, here are a few photos of the gang ......
Had trouble posting photos as my server is changing will try again later......
try again......

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:wub: What a lovely litter but........oh still Harriet & Norman for me.... :huggles:
:wub: Aw lovely babies :wub: dad sends :luck: :luck: tothem all in their new homes :huggles:
Awwwww, Libby, how can you bare to part with them. :- "

Lucky new owners :wub:

:( It's really strange when you send them off to thier new homes. :(

I always get so upset, but once they have gone I get a feeling of relief :sweating: that the little terrors o:) have made it to the new owners in one piece. :wub: :wub: :wub:

Yvonne xx


P.s Which one or two are you keeping or is it a secret. :- "
Its not a secret im keeping Norman, Fawn and white dog ! :*

I will miss them but i will also sense a feeling of relief too Yvonne im also a little weary :wacko: :wacko:
wilfsmum said:
Its not a secret im keeping Norman, Fawn and white dog ! :*
I will miss them but i will also sense a feeling of relief  too Yvonne im also a little weary  :wacko:   :wacko:

:wub: Norman is scrummy :wub:

:b - I just wish we had the time to come and have a look. I also find that when the pups hit about 6 wks you tend to walk around with a rather glazed expression :lol: (knackered)

:luck: Wishing you all the luck in the world with Norman :luck:

Best wishes

I missed this - they look wonderful Libby :D Norman is stunning and I still like the dark brindle boy :huggles: The girls are delicious too - you've done a grand job :huggles:
Syd has just gone to his new home this morning so we are feeling a little sad as he was very special, and very cuddly !!!but he has only gone a 10 minute walk up the road to a fantastic home, so thats ok and we can visit whenever we like.

Harriet goes this afternoon :( but again to a fab home :)) .
awwwww :( how has mum taken it? babies leaving, i mean? my girl sulked for hours when the 1st one left, though it got easier with each subsequent puppy.

good luck to all in their new homes :luck:
Would be awesome to see proper stacked piccy's :thumbsup: Norman & Harriet would be my pick from there baby baby photo's- they have more length in upper arm, more depth n chest & length of ribbing... but the piccy's were wild n twisted. :huggles:

At these young ages you need the deepth of chest past the elbows as they come on up as they grow - look to have nice back ends on em... c'mon, more piccys (w00t)
Look forward to seeing Norman as soon as possible.

You did a grand job with the pups - some new owners are going to be very lucky people.
good luck to them in their new homes :luck: :luck: :luck:
Dont know where Ive been...but your puppies are just lovely. :wub: :wub: Really love Sydney and his little white tum... o:) :wub: All Beautiful...good luck in their new homes.. :luck: :luck: