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New Pups And Judges


Pink Knickered
Reaction score
:teehee: Only 2 weeks to go for our first show and Rebel has started playing up.

Is this just because he is a "funny" age? Its quite funny really, as if he knows that i am starting to panic!!!

How perfect has a 6 month old puppy got to be at a show? In other words does the judge expect him to stand for a length of time without fidgeting?

Also what should i be like with him on the day? I usually give him lots of fusses, kisses and cuddles, but have been told not to do this on the day of a show.

What are others views on this?

Some pictures of Rebel at last!!! If its wrong, hubby did it!!!



BTW His standing picture was our first attempt so not stood properly!!! :oops:
Baby puppies cannot be expected to stand still the way older dogs do, but it does help if the judge can have a good look at them, standing and moving. And little bit of high spirits is better than puppy you have to drag around the ring.

Just keep practising.

Good luck for his first show!

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Hi Denise,

Just go and have a great time with Rebel(he looks lovely), i find little fellows are so well behaved outside the ring but when it is time to go in they try and act like they have never had any training. Being too firm or serious can cause great harm as it doesn't take much to put little whippies off showing as most would rather not do it anyway.

You ask what you should be like on the day, well. Have a good time and lots of praise. Reassure him if he's not sure of something and then praise him. I hope you understand what i was trying to say.

Best of luck

Debra. :thumbsup:
Hi Denise,

I don't know if this is true or not, but I heard that sucking on mints or chewing gum can help in the ring. It is suppose to be something to do with disguising a nervousness we give off through our breath... or something like that. Certainly couldn't do any harm.

Like you I am also going into the ring for the first time (tomorrow). My attitute is relax have fun and enjoy the day and my dog. Everybody who is entered must obivously think they have a shot at a ribbion, otherwise they wouldn't have entered, and there can only be one winner (plus places). Yes it would be nice to be one of the select few, but I don't need a ribbon to tell me Beau is beautiful and how much I love him.

Hope you have a really good day, relax, enyoy yourself. Don't put to much preasure on yourself and your dog, and hopefully you will get to make some new friends along the way

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Rebel looks georgeous! :wub: :wub:

My pups get cuddles & comfort in the hope they will enjoy showing, 'being good' is unnatural to a pup :- " so a reward is very useful! (They get praised regardless of whether they have won a ribbon or not, just for trying to Show)

I have heard some Judges say, & I agree with them, that it is lovely to see pups who are not little robots - but living animals! If your pup plays up, re-explain to him what you want calmly & kindly, & enjoy the experience. Best of all - Good Luck!!
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Sorry I havent got any advice just wanted to say good luck to both you and tesa have a good day :D
Good luck to both of you and your lovely whippets. :luck: :luck: :luck:

From what I have seen, most judges are very kind and patient with young puppies, and all sorts of things happen in the ring, but most importantly, make sure they have had plenty of time outside in the exercise area, as the most embarassing thing to happen would be an accident in the ring (though it wouldn't be the first time!!) ;) :luck: :luck:
Hi Denise

Puppies should be just that playful and charming, no one expects too much of them, however if you pup is very excitable in the ring, when he is jumping up just tell him no in a firm voice. I find with excitable puppies if you speak to them as little as possible in the ring they seem to know you want them to be serious. Once you come out of the ring give him lots and lots of praise and a treat to let him know how pleased you are with him regardless of wether he was placed ot not.

I would rather a puppy have character and be a little naughty, than something that behaves like a 4 yr old!! Far sooner he be a little naughty than be terrified.

The standing still and moving properly will come in time with practice and you will have show dog with personality.

Try and relax and just enjoy the day, chewing gum can take your mind off the nerves.

BTW which show are you at??

If we are entered come and say hello to our very naughty puppies!!!
I am entered in the Dumfries and Galloway Open show on the 20th Feb and Barrow 2 weeks later. Then either Morecombe or Newton Aycliffe but definately Hound Show at Kelso.

For the first time in my life im finding myself planning ahead!!!

Wrong end of the country for us Im affraid :b

Just go and enjoy it!! try not to worry after all we all take the best dog home! :wub:

Dont know wehter ive asked u this before but waht breeding is Rebel?
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Here are our two beasty girls! :- "

Talk about butter wouldn't melt! :wub: :wub:
He is Fullerton Evaso Andy x Dumbriton Spell Binder.

Your two girls are lovely. I would love a brindle bitch in the near future.
dawn said:
Hi  DenisePuppies should be just that playful and charming, no one expects too much of them, however if you pup is very excitable in the ring, when he is jumping up just tell him no in a firm voice.  I find with excitable puppies if you speak to them as little as possible in the ring they seem to know you want them to be serious.  Once you come out of the ring give him lots and lots of praise and a treat to let him know how pleased you are with him regardless of wether he was placed ot not.

I would rather a puppy have character and be a little naughty, than something that behaves like a 4 yr old!! Far sooner he be a little naughty than be terrified.

The standing still and moving properly will come in time with practice and you will have  show dog with personality.

Try and relax and just enjoy the day, chewing gum can take your mind off the nerves.

BTW which show are you at??

If we are entered come and say hello to our very naughty puppies!!!

I find it very funny that of all the people to give advice about training pups youve had a say ! Without exception YOURS are the most NAUGHTIEST and untrained puppies I have ever seen in the ring , (w00t) and its not just THIS litter , ALL your dogs are the same . :wacko: Am I right or what ;) :huggles: :clown:

Lolcoe , As long as you both enjoy the day out and dont take it too seriously :thumbsup: every thing will be fine . Most judges will forgive a playfull baby , But what you MUSTNT do , is tell the judge that it is your first time showing , Look confident in the ring as if you have been doing it all your life , by all means tell the judge its the PUPPIES first show and good luck :luck:
:oops: I thought Dawn was referring to herself when she was on about standing and moving!

I find it very funny that of all the people to give advice about training pups youve had a say ! Without exception YOURS are the most NAUGHTIEST and untrained puppies I have ever seen in the ring ,  and its not just THIS litter , ALL your dogs are the same .  Am I right or what
They might be naughty but they have character!! As for the untrained bit its not through want of trying :eek:

Hari and What have settled down now :- " and retained their character in the ring :wub: Its Richard I need to train :rant: to stay out of sight when im in the ring!
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Lolcoe, you are in Leigh Morris' part of the world and she is, at present, showing Walter the son of my Rupert, he is only 6 months old so you will very likely be in the same class (when Leigh EVENTUALLY gets a photo of Walter I will post it! LOL). She is very friendly and helpful so have a chat with her. Good luck!
dawn said:
I find it very funny that of all the people to give advice about training pups youve had a say ! Without exception YOURS are the most NAUGHTIEST and untrained puppies I have ever seen in the ring ,  and its not just THIS litter , ALL your dogs are the same .  Am I right or what
They might be naughty but they have character!!

And so do you :cheers: