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New puppy... ??

Oh so very gorgeous and definitely the right choice :p I think he chose you too :rolleyes: have you got a date when he comes home? :)
He is beautiful! I love puppies :)
There's a guy I meet on my walks that has 2 ( brother and sister) such graceful dog's.
Can't wait to see more pics
Sooooo cute! I like the name Abel and Red lol. When we got Teddy, my then-3-year-old wanted to call him Marshall John Brown! Strange child.

Strange but not the worst, is he a Bob Marley fan? A family round here promised the children they could name the dog so the dad now walks a BC called Zorro and years ago friends had a wonderful bronze RR called Turk... Cant imagine anyone doing that these days.
Thanks! Yep, that was the one :)
Here is one more picture of him:
I look for a second and the name *STAR* came to me a perfect name
Strange but not the worst, is he a Bob Marley fan? A family round here promised the children they could name the dog so the dad now walks a BC called Zorro and years ago friends had a wonderful bronze RR called Turk... Cant imagine anyone doing that these days.

I think she got Marshall from Paw Patrol, a kids' cartoon. John because she thinks it's funny and Brown because he's brown.
I'm not great at dog name's it takes me forever!
So here goes lol Major, Alfie, Prince, Reggie and Bailey. :)
Next weekend we'll drive down and spend some time with our own Mr Wonderful Ridgeback :)
Fingers crossed, we'll have a final list of names by then, and see which one fits the little monster best.
And the weekend after that he should be ready to come home with us. Unreal...
Meanwhile, preparations are full speed ahead. Lolly The Himalayan volunteered to test-sleep the cage.
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He looks lovely.. The name you choose will be the one that suits him and you.

We had a couple of names in mind for Murphy. One of which was Merrick , the name of an old friend of OH's but when we mentioned them to other people we found many Dutch people couldnt pronouce Merrick and it came out Meeer-ick so we gave up on that. OH was born near London bridge in a place called Murphy buildings and so we named him after the place OH was born. Now I see him in action Hunter or Flipper might have been more suitable names as hes always swimming or hunting!
Our last puppy that we bought in, chose her own name.
We were so undecided over a name that I wrote a list of about 12 names that we liked, we had her quietly in the room with us with no other distractions, and said the names slowly, one by one. The only name that she reacted to was Hazel, when she looked up with interest we knew it was the right name for her. Hazel is now 6.1/2 years old and is still very responsive to her name. :D:D:):)