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New puppy... ??


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It's been incredibly lonely and cold since my dear boy Ari went over the bridge.

So, today we spent a wonderful day at the breeder, hanging out with lovely grown up Ridgebacks, and with a bunch of puppies. I have a feeling one of them will be coming to our place soon... G-d help us, I hope I can still survive sleepless nights for a while!




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Haha good luck ....
About the loneliness. My mum lost her dog last year and asked how I cope with getting a new dog knowing the pain saying goodbye will eventually bring. I explained that the pain and emptiness of not having a dog at my side is worse than a hundred goodbyes.

I hope that you find a pup to ease your pain and fill the cold lonely place at your side.
Oh look at that pile of puppy loveliness. I hope the new pup helps ease your pain.

Has your cat shown any signs of missing Ari?
Such beautiful pups :rolleyes: I’d definitely say one will be coming home ....looks like the puppy in the last picture is already in love with you ;)
They are gorgeous! I wouldn't want to choose one too difficult lol
Wish you all the best :)
:) thanks. We took the same approach as the first time - let the puppies out and see which one shows the most affection, kind of letting them to pick us. Truth be told, at 5-6 weeks they all look alike. Yep, the one in the last picture spent most his time hugging with me :)

@Mad Murphy - agree 100%, the pain of saying goodbye is nothing compared to the love Ari had given us over his 8 years. I think if we wait long enough we may get used to not having a dog, but why? Tomorrow is promised to no one, we need to find all kinds of love to fill the life today.

@JudyN - the cat has shown no signs of missing Ari at all. They had sort of divided the territory, upstairs was hers, and downstairs was Ari’s. Now I think she feels everything is hers.

On the other hand, she is such a tiny delicate creature.. Initial reaction to anything new is to get scared of it, run away and watch it from a safe distance - new sounds, new people.. so, it’s really good to see her parading around everywhere. This won’t last long :)

It will be interesting to see how her relationship with the new puppy develops.. it took her almost 2 years to figure out Ari, and how to avoid being chased, hopefully she will figure how to deal with the new one faster, having the experience. We’ll see.
Ooooh what lovely puppies i would love any of them. Our little grandchild didnt like dogs i said you will love mine took a few minutes they are inseparable. Dogs are wonderful companions something to love and care for always pleased to see you what more can we ask for. Ive always chosen the one who comes to me either dog or cat.
Weve got our grandchildren tonight ive just asked them which puppy would they like they both chose the last puppy in your photos no pressure!!! But then again i would love any of them !
:) the old crate is back into the living room from the attic, we got a couple of extra indoors free-standing gates today to close off sections of the floor.... the big unanswered question still is the name for the boy (it’s a boy). So far we can’t agree on anything, and it’s of course too important to compromise :) :)
How wonderful after the wrench of losing a much loved dog. Something to look forwards to in the new year. I chose our dogs name after a old lady who i was friends with for many years her name was Edith i haven't seen her for a while im sure she would be happy with "edie"
Gorgeous puppies, it will be so difficult to choose just one lol. Hope he will help you after your loss xxx
Good luck with your eventual choice...puppies!:rolleyes:
I am sorry to hear such a sad story. A new dog doesn't mend the broken heart, but it can help ease it.

My parents split up 7 years ago and our red Staffordshire bull was nearing the end of her days. They bought her for my 12th Birthday and she was by all of our sides through every type of emotion throughout. My Dad went AWOL towards the end and so, my Mum got a maisonette (1st floor) but Ellie's arthritis was so bad she couldn't venture up the stairs anymore so, I went to live with my Granddad and she came with me and her presence there only lasted 6 weeks, and my Mum and I went to have her put down. I really just thought she was going to live forever. She just deterioated in 2 days but she lives 14 amazing years with us.

I have Jackson now, as you know, but I will still till this day get upset over Ellie as there is a lot of traits, I miss of her. It's the dog films (especially Marly and Me!) that tip me over the edge and put a lump in my throat. Your first love for your first dog is one you can't explain. I am welling up writing this! Dogs are like us - all characteristics are unique to each dog and that is what makes our love for each one different each time - but never less than before.

Don’t feel guilty about getting a new pup – I am sure your little love would want you to carry on receiving the enjoyment of another woof throughout your life too.
:) the old crate is back into the living room from the attic, we got a couple of extra indoors free-standing gates today to close off sections of the floor.... the big unanswered question still is the name for the boy (it’s a boy). So far we can’t agree on anything, and it’s of course too important to compromise :) :)
I just realised you actually ended up getting one. AMAZING. What did you name the pup?
Not feeling guilty at all :) Very excited, actually.
We have still 3-4 weeks before we can pick up The New Boy.
But there is a lot to do. Need to decide which areas will be open and which will be closed, get the barriers setup, remove the rug, puppy-proof the house, etc.
The New Boy will surely not be another Ari. But that's a part of the excitement - we are about to go on anther journey, who knows where it will lead us, but we are looking forward to teaching The New Boy, to learning from him, to having a lot fun together...

As for the name - no... i am sorry to say, we have not agreed yet, debate is still ongoing (now with other family members joining and weighing in :) )
And was it the gorgeous pup on the last pic that you fell in love with ? :rolleyes: So very happy for you , such an exciting time and those few weeks will go so slowly :D
Sooooo cute! I like the name Abel and Red lol. When we got Teddy, my then-3-year-old wanted to call him Marshall John Brown! Strange child.