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New puppy far not going well :-(


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Hello, we've only had our Golden Retriever pup 6 days and he's spent 3 of those days in doggy hospital! I could really use some help and advice about a medical condition. Can anyone point me in the right direction as I'm new to this forum.
Thank you... sad doggy owner :(
Awwww so sorry to hear that, what's the matter with your pup?
We brought him home last Wednesday and he seemed absolutely fine apart from the fact that when he went to wee he would stay there a good few minutes after passing urine. On Saturday my partner saw that he had passed some blood so we took him to the vets. They said it was cystitis and gave him an antibiotic shot. He still seemed ok. Then on Sunday he went downhill fast. He was lethargic, didn't want to be touched, couldn't pass urine at all and was very sick. We rushed him to the emergency vet. They weren't very positive and said it was almost definitely a blockage and he could need several thousand pounds worth of surgery. They put him under anesthetic and used a catheter to flush his bladder finding Struvia Crystals... which aren't normal in young pups but bladder infections are. He's still there and they are having to flush his bladder twice a day. We went to visit him last night and he looked thoroughly miserable. :( He doesn't seem to be improving and although we've had him such a short time I can't believe how attached we've become. All I've done is cry! He's only 9 weeks old. They are currently trying to find ut what is causing the crystals, I just wanted to know if anyone else has bee through something similar and what happened? x
I'm sure your puppy your in the right place and that they are keeping him comfortable. I'm afraid I have no further suggestions other than what @JoanneF has suggested, and that would be to contact your breeder.
I had this problem once with a dog Id adopted. The cause was the terrible conditions he had been kept in and a lack of clean drinking water.

After being on a drip to flush his kidneys and antibiotics to clear the infection plus a routine of lots of clean water and plenty of toilet breaks he recovered fully..

I think you should be contacting the breeder. It sounds as if your pup was sick before you got it .. I would expect them to compensate for the vet costs at the very least.
I'm sorry to hear this @Louharg81 - not a very happy start for you all and your new pup :(

Like the others have mentioned above, I would contact the breeder. Do you have any contact with the other pups owners? maybe you can find out whether they are experiencing the same problem.

I'm hoping he will be back with you in no time x
Thank you all for your replies. I did contact the breeder, he simply just said take the puppy back and he'd refund us. Which I'd never dream of doing. We have insurance but even so... I think we are already over the limit. The breeder implied that the vet would see what the limit was and try to 'spend' the full amount. He also said he'd not had any other issues. He was never going to help us with costs. The vet has just called for permission to put him under sedation again to put a catheter in place for 24 hours stitched in. I'm utterly devastated and terrified that he wont make it or get any better. I've now got a very terrifying few hours to see if he comes through sedation. :(:(:(
That is a very unhelpful and unsympathetic response from the breeder but sadly it probably fulfils his legal obligations. Has the insurance been in place for long enough for you to be covered? And you realise that this will now be a pre-existing condition so if you want it covered you can't change insurers.
Thank you all for your replies. I did contact the breeder, he simply just said take the puppy back and he'd refund us. Which I'd never dream of doing. We have insurance but even so... I think we are already over the limit. The breeder implied that the vet would see what the limit was and try to 'spend' the full amount. He also said he'd not had any other issues. He was never going to help us with costs. The vet has just called for permission to put him under sedation again to put a catheter in place for 24 hours stitched in. I'm utterly devastated and terrified that he wont make it or get any better. I've now got a very terrifying few hours to see if he comes through sedation. :(:(:(

thinking of you and your pup x
Was the dog "sold as seen" or did it have any kind of contract stating its health or mentioning any health probems?
If not I would contact the breeder again and tell him you are going to small claims court as you could claim that this illness was pre-exsiting to you taking the pup home. Its unlikely the pup got so sick in the couple of days you had him ..the vet would most likely confirm this. Most people dont want a court case so agree to kep the pup if thats what you want but he should either pay your costs or refund you the money for the 'faulty goods ' he sold you. Under uk law dogs are considered goods and under the sale of goods act all goods must be fit for purpose which your pup isnt.
He wont like it and of course he will argue but you have to push because of course he will say this has never happened before .. I read stories all the time about dogs who are sick or have problems and then it turns out the breeder has sold unfit dogs time and time again. If you walk away he will do it again and again and again and thats not fair on the poor dogs .

I hope your pup pulls through..
This must be so hard...

Whatever the outcome, you have done everything for him you possibly could, and no doubt far more than the breeder would have done. I hope he pulls through and is back home with you soon.
That is absolutely awful, your puppy should be running around exploring not sick like this, the poor thing. I haven't experienced this, but I agree with everyone, he's in the best possible hands and the vets will do their best to get him better for you! It's such a nightmare that your breeder won't accept responsibility!
I really hope he pulls through, keep us updated... fingers and paws crossed for you!
I'm so sorry for you and your poor puppy. Like other people I'm suspicious about this breeder and wonder how his dogs are being kept. I can't advise on your puppy's prospects- only your vet can help there. But please see what you can do about getting this breeder checked out. Here's some advice copied from 'Safe Pets.'
  • If you have bought a puppy in poor health, you need to see a vet immediately after purchase to prove the puppy came like that. Any later and you give the breeder time to claim you did it, and they will say that. Take photos too. Report all this to Trading Standards, breeders can be sued under the Sale of Goods Act under “not fit for purpose” if the dog is ill and especially if suffering from hereditary illness. It may not be nice to describe your puppy like that , but it is effective.
So contact your local Trading Standards. I know you don't want to give up your puppy and I really hope that he can be treated and have a happy life with you. Fingers crossed here. But if he's been badly kept, you can at least stop all this pain and suffering for other pups and other owners. Good luck.
So sorry to hear all this, it must be heart breaking. And I know all your energies are going to be focused on your pup at the mo, but I have to echo what others are saying about the breeder.
Absolutely everything crossed for you and your pup...
Thank you for all your kind words. He came through sedation and now has the catheter in for at least 24 hours. They have also just said they are concerned he has a 'short penis bone and lots of soft tissue' which could be normal as they aren't used to catheterising such young pups. They have contacted a surgeon to find out. Poor pup hasn't had a right lot of luck so far. He's such a little love too. x
Poor little soul. You must be in bits :(
Hello, we've only had our Golden Retriever pup 6 days and he's spent 3 of those days in doggy hospital! I could really use some help and advice about a medical condition. Can anyone point me in the right direction as I'm new to this forum.
Thank you... sad doggy owner :(

What are the aliments can you describe them to me.
Thank you for all your kind words. He came through sedation and now has the catheter in for at least 24 hours. They have also just said they are concerned he has a 'short penis bone and lots of soft tissue' which could be normal as they aren't used to catheterising such young pups. They have contacted a surgeon to find out. Poor pup hasn't had a right lot of luck so far. He's such a little love too. x

This i
Check the other posts in the thread - full details there.
i don’t go on the site much so missed the above thread