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OK--- I think it is time to stop all this falling out and everyone get together and organise the best NEW FED that we can. ;)

I was at this meeting PERSONALLY :) and i can assure everyone that the question


A person stood up and was proposed, voted on and seconded, :D at no time did anyone ( including your informant ) oppose the vote. :angry: ..... this system was used for each person who was voted onto the committee........ :p

It is at times like these when people should stand together--for the sake of the sport and to promote friendship within the sport..... :)

So come on everyone smile :p :D :) .and let's get back to enjoying whippet racing.


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Trophies are not a problem i got boxes full , and plenty sponsors, if anyone holds the trophies back and refuses to let them be run for then its up to them , like Vicky says there plenty of good people will to donate them...

While we are on the subject of the fed belongings, can you tell me why we are into February and no members have received any monies owning to them yet? I personally don't think they will get anything , but i would love to see you prove me wrong.

There must be a fair amount in the NWRF kitty, as i know you got over £2000 in in registrations and members fees last year , plus the money you made from chudles as no one got a sack of it ...and the last 2 years at the straight champion ships caravans were advertised at £10 and you charged £15 what happened to all them £5 , then the £1000 you got from seaham , i know you bought traps £400 from a person in Scotland surly the camera was not £600, and all them videos you made with it and sold where did that money go?

Theres also the unpaid charity open, has that been paid yet? and if what i heard is right, you still owe oldhall for the room and disco from the last time the champs that were there ...

So i wouldn't worry about a few trophies Yvonne

I do hope that this post does not get deleted , as if you had attended the meeting like asked you could of answered these questions in front of the 60 people present.

I think the members have a right to know about all this, so you can explain where every things gone , how ever if you had handed over books etc , we the new nwrf committee would have told them


DEE i know alot of people dont agree with zero tolerence just out of curiousity what policy are the new fed using?
Vicky said what was happening no call for me to reply to you
I just think it's a shame that people didn't listen a few years ago instead of telling a few of us that we obviously had a personal problem with Yvonne and Tony. I have since noticed that some people have changed sides. I feel it's about time we stopped asking for anything and just get on with what we have, which is determination, and the will to succeed. Maybe then some of the negative talk etc. may be left behind along with the negative people.

We've asked enough for the equipment, and it just sounds like a cracked record now. If it's going to come back, it will, if it's not then we all have to make do. We can only welcome new people and keep those we have by being positive going forward and not dwelling on the negative past.
I am in no way been negative bob i just wanted people to know the things that have come to light over the past few months..

However if i had know this over the past few years i and gaz would not of even run with the fed while tony and Yvonne were on committee.

I am sure that the NEW NWRF will go from strength to strength once these people that are bring our sport into disrepute are dealt with ...

You are correct about the broken record bit ...i am getting sick of hearing it now, off them.

Since the beginning of DEC 2002 my phone has never stopped , and some of the stuff thats come out in the light of day would make your hair curl, up to date we have 10 members joined that have not joined for 2 to 3 years because they felt the same way as you bob.

I find the most amusing thing about all this is some of the replies in k9 of people that have not been racing 2 minutes and think they know everything ...

I would also like to add that this has nothing to do with any of the other fed committee members , only Tony and Yvonne
:unsure: This is just a thought but does it really matter what the organisation calls itself and who runs it? Obviously certain people put themselves forward for the job of running the organisation so if they are happy to give up there time then I say good luck to them. Personaly I dont care what the organisation is called or who runs it so long as it is run well and fairly. I like many others just want to go and run my dogs. I do find it sad that we are not getting things back that belong to us ie traps etc but all I can say is this, success is the best form of revenge. :p

Yes I have kept out of it until now but just wanted to share my opinion. Carole Craige :cheers:
After meeting and talking to both Dee and Gaz, I feel it's a shame we could not have talked earlier, much,much, earlier and perhaps the problem would not be there now. I'm sorry if you assumed I was stating that you were being negative Dee, in fact far from it. Like yourself I want to see a glimmer of sunshine over our sport even if it's not in the way of the weather.

The only sorry point I have about all the events of the past month is that after doing what I could to help with the background of the members meeting, Paul Jennings felt that as I was not a paid up member that I should take no part, and the fact that I had gone along to carry on the help I didn't see as an argument on that day would help anything. What I do say is that I, along with those other previous members that as Dee says have rejoined, probably deserved a say as much as Paul.
I appreciated all the help off some very good people , Paul as well

I to was sorry that bob wasn't able to have his say at the meeting, as most of these points, problems would have been dealt with.

But as Paul stated it was only fair, as we knew certain people would have something to say ...but hey look what we have all achieved ...members been able to have there say at a a/egm in May on very important issues, ie there committee, drug testing , opens though out the year etc .... this must only be improvement
Personally Ive had enough of this crap, from certain people, and i am not replying to anymore sad little ........... :oops: cant say it on here,you are just proving what most folk already know. and the hole seems to be getting deeper, the sport will prosper without the likes of you both. as far as anyone else who sides for you that is their privilege ,but i will certainly not read or reply to you again ,if you had of done what you said when you resigned which was( if anyone thinks they can do a better job of the fed then good luck ) you could of possibly held your heads high and maybe be more welcome at events , instead you have proven that you can definitely not be trusted by your actions of late ,and now everything coming to light that you should not have been trusted in the past.

Richie what i said to Neil at Easington was i personally thought certain folk were posting from your pc . sorry if i was wrong no offence ...
The new committee would like to point out that they take no responsibility whatsoever to any N.W.R.F. matter prior to 18th January 2004.
I have a fed membership card for 2004 which was issued by the old fed committee is this still valid or do i have to reredgister with the new fed? To run at up and comming fed events. :cheers:
You'll need to hand your card in lee as theres new ones been issued , you also can ask for the old fed to return your membership money back to you for this year,
Could all last years fed winner please return trophies on time for this year NEW NWRF opens ...any inquires telephone Mr T Cooper on 02392642545/02392389990

Thank you
As a new racing person just setting out to race my first whippet, bought for me as a ruby wedding anniversery present from my family.I am amazed at the back-biteing and argueing that seems to be the norm amongst the whippet community at this moment in time.I was hopeing that now I had my dog, my caravan and a willing helper,(my wife) I could look forward to going out into this big wide world,with enthusiasum as I embark on my new career as a racing manager.I look forward to meeting my fellow sportsmen and women and hope that a new friendship and sporting spirit will prevail.Lets not forget that it is a sport and not an oppertunity to pull the whippet raceing fraternity apart. Best wishes for the future,Terry cairns.
As with any competitive sport there will always be occasional arguments and differences of opinion, some more major than others.

Hope you get as much pleasure from your dog/s as we have.

Spring is just around the corner, long walks, decent weather, this in my opinion is the best time in whippet racing.

Good Luck with your new hobby.

Karen Boyd