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Hello everyone! :) Thanks for letting me join this forum.

I'm Gill, married to Neil and we live in rural Northumberland. We sadly do not have a dog at the moment as our last, Tina whippet, passed away in August 2008 (terrifying to think that was 13 years ago....where has the time gone?). Soon after that I changed jobs and my working hours were unsuitable for another dog so we ended up spending the next ten years or so doing long-term fostering of old & terminally-ill cats for a local charity. Our last boy, Bailey, passed away two weeks ago and now that I'm in a job with less hours (and flexible ones at that!) I feel that it's time we had another dog (or two!) in our lives once more. We're hoping to adopt in the coming months...not sure what type or breed TBH...tho' we both still find ourselves drawn to whippets & greyhounds we both love all dogs but she must be a girl. Not bothered about age etc. I've told Neil that yes, we'll still have cats again but for now I want my dog!!! I think I've waited long enough :D

Anyway, enough waffling on....I'm off to explore the rest of the forum and see how (or if) the dog world has changed since my last time as a doggy slave ;)
Welcome - you're among lots of pointy-dog fans here! Purely out of curiosity, can I ask why you only want a girl dog?
My Mr F is from Northumberland, we are down there a lot (well, normally ...)

Welcome on board.
It's a Neil 'thing' :rolleyes: He's the one insisting on a female (I'm happy with either sex and have had both in the past) and I've said we'll go for a wee girlie.
When he was a child one of his friend's had a male dog and according to Neil this dog would deliberately make a beeline for him and sit in front of him and then proceed to suck loudly on his winkie (the dog's, not Neil's! LOL) and it completely freaked Neil out :D I said not all boy's do this (our family Jack Russell Buster never did) but females do that too when they lick themselves clean but apparently, according to my silly hubby, that's different :rolleyes:

Like I say I'm not bothered what we get as long as he/she enjoys walks, cuddles, being spoilt rotten and coming on holiday with us. I always had animals from a very young age but Neil grew up with a dog-hating father & mother who was a germ-phobic nurse so he never knew the joy they bring...until he met me! ;) I think if THE perfect dog came up....or was part of a couple that couldn't be split up....he'd be ok with a boy as he's soft as clarts when it comes to animals really :D Big strapping 6ft tall security guard who wells up at the sight of kittens and the various animal rescue programmes we watch on tv.....soft as clarts and wouldn't harm a fly :p
Hello and welcome.

You say a greyhound would be acceptable, and some of the retired greyhound trusts are, I understand, still rehoming. Might be worth asking the ones where you live.
Hello and welcome.

You say a greyhound would be acceptable, and some of the retired greyhound trusts are, I understand, still rehoming. Might be worth asking the ones where you live.

Yes, I've looked on a few local retired greyhound sites and one of them even does cat-testing and says if their dogs are ok with smaller pets in the household.
We'll probably begin searching for our dog(s) in a month or two's time as, at the moment, I'm busy concentrating on our very weedy & messy allotment which I'm spending every spare moment on and then plan on catching up indoors with a bit of decorating. Bailey was only 12.5 years old and we expected to have him until he was at least 15+. He was quite scared of dogs so as much as I wanted a dog I was prepared to hold off for a few more years rather than have him stressed out in his own home. But since he passed away I've put my foot down and said NOW (or this year anyway!) is time for me to get my dog. I do adore cats too but I've really missed having a canine companion on my walks and snuggled up next to me on the sofa and....well, just in my life! When I was growing up we always had cats & dogs together and it was lovely to see a big jumble of furry bodies in front of the fire....occasionally joined by my rabbit Hazel too :D

I'm just hoping that charities won't hold it against us that we live in a first-floor flat with no garden other than a communal courtyard. We never had any problems with Tina as we are on the outskirts of our small town next to Alnwick Castle and in open countryside within 2 minutes' walk! I was rarely indoors TBH as we'd be out exploring the countryside around Alnwick, up on the moors and Cheviot hills or, just four miles away, at the coast. During the summer months especially we were only in the flat to eat and sleep! And Tina used to come on holidays with us as we only stayed in caravans or cottages in Scotland & the Lake District. I'm just keeping my fingers crossed that we'll satisfy any criterion :oops:
Hi and welcome:) look forward to keeping up with your journey of adopting your next canine companion. I don't have a dog either at the moment, but I do have dogs in my life as I do one to one dog walking and some home boarding. I do have 3 nut ball ferrets though and a beautifully chilled out corn snake:cool::)
Alnwick has that fabulous bookshop that is really dog friendly, I forget the name (@JudyN, you would love it).

That's Barter Books. And yes, they let dogs in too. I think they're closed at the moment due to this dratted virus.