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New Mating

Any pups in there (w00t)


She looks lovely Len lets hope we get a few puppys, keep in touch :)
Aw bless her, just wait till those cute little creatures come along :wub: :wub: ............ and then they turn into little monsters over night that howl like a werewolf and produce as much poo and pee as a huge pot bellied pig :blink: :- " Hope you have a fab litter and you get the pup you want :luck: :luck:

I think she's due the day after Kerri is, will get a picture up of her soon, K9 is going to be a mad house on that Fri/Sat with everyone online seeing how the pregna-girls are doing :) .
When was Kerri lined Fleesh? Sky was lined 14 June :D
:oops: my mistake Kerri is due a week AFTER Sky, she's currently seven weeks tomorrow, I think that makes Sky 8 weeks tomorrow ?? :thumbsup: .
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Yes thats right Fleesh :D counting the days lol
Kerri always has hers a day early for us, we just cannot wait full term :))
No news yet :D pups have dropped, can see her spine now!
Friday is her due date Fleesh (w00t) she is restless but has been for a couple of days. The only way she can get comfy is if she frogs :blink: Think she is going to wait till friday or saturday when I'm on day shift :- "
Kerri always frogs in her last week, it's strange seeing her do it as she doesn't normally.

I've just seen a huuuuge puppy lump on her side as she walked past me :lol:
She ate her dinner this afternoon :( so don't think pups are coming today!
linda our ellie ate her dinner 1 hour later she had her pups