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New Lurcher Pup


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Myself and my wife have just got a new Lurcher pup (bitch) at 8 weeks. We are not sure what to start as regards to training.

I have read that lurchers dont respond well to being shouted at etc -if this is the case how can I toilet train the dog to do its business in one place on a mat?

What will be best to bed train her also, I left her downstair last night but she cried and cried so ended up bringing her up to the bedroom and then she was calm -this is ok but problematic if she needs the toilet!

I am trying to figure out what her cross is, she is predominatly dark brown (almost black) with white toes and chest area. She has some longer hair but most is soft. I will attempt to attach a picture later.

Please can somone help.


Shouting defo not good idea. Just take her out into garden (on lead if she doesn't like the rain) every hour or at regular (frequent intervals) during day and after all meals (3/4 a day at that age) and whistle a bit to encourage her to pee/poo and when she does praise her like mad and say Good pee or poo so she knows you are pleased and why.

I wouldn't train her to use mat (one of mine thinks bathmat is a good spot!) but you could put newspaper down by back door jic. Do NOT be cross if she has an accident and clear up quietly or she may think it is wrong to pee or poo anywhere! (some doglets will eat their own poo to hide evidence)

If you train her to realise outside is right place she should start to tell you when she wants to go so you need to keep a sharp eye on her so you can respond with more praise when she goes to back door or comes to ask you to let her out.

Take her out as late as pos in evening and early as pos in morning & she will soon learn bladder control (mine can hold it for hours now).

If she has whippety blood she will certainly prefer to sleep with you :D (very comforting to have warm doglet in bed) and all mine sleep in same room as me and dogs don't normally make a mess where they sleep so as long as you respond to her asking to be let out you should be fine or you could put puppy pad down jic. She won't like being left alone overnight as will miss the warmth of her siblings & mum but if you have to, give her a warm cosy bed/basket & wrap a ticking clock in towel to simulate mum's heartbeat altho you may have to put up with howling & crying & shouting won't help that either.

She sounds gorgeous :wub: but need pic to determine what mix.
Thank you very much this will help a lot. I have some pics on the computer at home I will upload them to my laptop and can send these across.

I have been praising her because she actually poos on the mat but she manages to wee on the carpet -not good.

Yeah I am going to try and take her out side more and more this should work. What treats would you recommend? I have these little chew things for puppies from pet shop but I dont think she thinks there are a treat.

Anyway thanks again.

A little bit of cooked chicken or tiny bit of cheese (not too much cheese as may upset her tum) is good as a treat at that age I use little bits of kabanos from Sainsbury's as recall treats with mine (youngest 20ish mnths) but may be a bit fatty for her.

Naturediet or Nature's menu do little bags of treats in a packet which might suit you/her better and they don't have colouring or preservatives to make her hyper.

I don't think you need to give her too many food treats at that age as she'll prob be happy enough with lots of praise and a kiss or 2 :D but you can start on the recall training in the house and garden now so when she's fully jabbed and allowed out in public she comes when you call straight away and hi value food treats are very helpful with that.

Taking her outside frequently & praising when she performs is the most important part of housetraining at that age. Do you have a garden? If not it does make it more difficult as most girlie dogs prefer to pee on grass or a surface that doesn't splash back at them like sand.

Will look forward to seeing pics of the little darling :wub: What is her name?