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New Litter

... the basket.....

He found a best friend to share the toys with.....

WOW! Looks like they'll be good pals Darc. I love the name Fletch - but does it mean you'll have him incarcerated?!!!! :unsure:

He looks lovely, and a great personality - perhaps he was trying to turn over the TV for Porridge!! :p Looking forward to meeting him soon.
That last photo so reminds me of Bess and Rosie, they do that all the time!! If you ever need a puppy sitter letme know!!
It's been so long since I've seen Tyler that I sat here trying to work out if Iffy had faded!! (w00t)

He's got .............. very interesting ears Darc. Could be worse he might take after his paternal grandad's (w00t) as Ben seems to be. Maybe that's what those ears look like as a puppy. (w00t)

What does Ross think of him? It took months before Bean stopped pretending that Mouse wasn't in the house. Never really accepted him until they went off hunting together and Mouse came back with a big hole. Then I swear Bean looked at him with pride.

Fletch is :wub:
Oh and Alan's comment on seeing the group photos. Wait for it!

They are all black. Said in a tone of amazement. :wacko: :wacko:

<SIGH> I've told him about them on several occasions but does he listen. No he doesn't. Obviously went wrong by NOT shouting at him that the the whole litter are black. Lives in a little world of his own. :- "

He's currently making new bars to keep Whizz in. (Ripped his delicate little feety weety on the perspex attached to the grill on the door of his cage in the van.) So he's good for something. :thumbsup: He wouldn't do it for any other dog though. :- "
Lovely photos and puppy. They always look cute but I bet the owners can tell many a story! :lol:
Thanks again for everyones kind comments. June - Tyler and Fletch are totally inseperable, they never leave one anothers sides and are constantly playing. This is working out well as it is giving us a bit of a break and ensures that Fletch sleeps all night (which he has done every night so far - fingers crossed for it to continue).

Barbara - Ross is seriously unimpressed! although for the first time yesterday he did allow Fletch to lie down beside him - he usually walks away whenever he goes within a metre of him! and as for Alan, don't blame him, for the first few hours after they were born Angie told us that she kept on going in to see them as she just couldn't believe that they were all black!
Fletch isn't such an angel when he is biting my feet!! ;)

Here's a couple for you Barbara - father and son No1


I think that we could do a caption competition on this one!

Just look at Iff's face in that last pic. I bet he's thinking once there was just me and I had this big settee all to myself.

Poor Ross looks like he's regretting the act. The things that he has to put up with.

Nice avatar Darc.
Nice pic...Looks like you will have to pay a visit to a furniture shop for a second settee.Where do you sit? :))
We lost the settee at three :p

We have absolutely no hope at five :teehee: :lol: :teehee: :lol:

anyway the floor is quite comfy........... just too harsh for those poor whippet bones!
And another so that you can all see that his ears have not got any smaller! :D
