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New Litter

billyboy45 said:
stormydog said:
that last pup is a gem mate,  what a litter you got.  :thumbsup:
John.Those last 7 pix are all of the same pup mate.Night shift is deffo wrackin you're brain's .that one might be in the way when im trying to get a few pix of Colt coming up the field mate. Hope he is anyhow,but ity's a long wait.Ha ha. ...Billy...


i meant in general bill :thumbsup:
Which was one the one I liked Billy, when I saw their pictures as little tiny pups :blink:
stormydog said:
billyboy45 said:
stormydog said:
that last pup is a gem mate,  what a litter you got.  :thumbsup:
John.Those last 7 pix are all of the same pup mate.Night shift is deffo wrackin you're brain's .that one might be in the way when im trying to get a few pix of Colt coming up the field mate. Hope he is anyhow,but ity's a long wait.Ha ha. ...Billy...


i meant in general bill :thumbsup:

I know John,i know. Only windin for a bit of fun mate.
Fleesh said:
Which was one the one I liked Billy, when I saw their pictures as little tiny pups  :blink:
I think it was this boy.Was it when you said Mine mine,i want i want.Yes,it was Buster. ...Billy...
peony said:
Archers coming along well Billy  :thumbsup:   just measured him and he is 27" and when he was weighed last week, he tipped the scales at 68.5lbs. I havent had chance to get him to the track lately, but his speed doesnt seem to have lessened, judging by his antics when I walk him. He had his first session at Dog School the other week and was the only dog there who during recall, only took three strides to get from one side of the hall to the other :- "  :- "  :- "

I will try get an up to date picture of him for you at the weekend :)

Any pix of Archer.
Fleesh said:

MINE !!! MINE !!! I WANT !!! I WANT !!!  :wub:

This waas the one you like'd.Sorry to ay ,but it were'nt Buster after all,as it was My wee Swifty.Both of them are so alike,that sometime's i have to look at their tail's to tell which is which,if they're facing away from me.Buster has a far thicker tail.They will make a great pair in the show ring,but it's what they've got up the field that matter's most.Have just been going through all the pix,as they were growing up,and it's funny how much they've all changed,from chubby little thing's,that at one stage resembled 1st.x labradorxgreyhound's . ...Billy...
In that case I hope he is swifty by name and swifty by nature :D . Still like the look of him in his older pictures :wub: .

Wow what lovely pups

the last one is the image of his Grandad Viv's quest its a double for him

they do you proud

Don and Ruth
peony said:
Thought i would just let you in on my own training ground,that is just a mile down the road,and is kept like a cricket pitch,and over 400 meter's in length.It is a runway for light aircraft,owned by a bloke down the road.Come the brighter morning's,when i need it,i will be found there 2 morning's per week,(at least)singing with the bird's,bright n early,and galloping whatever there is,gallopable,(if there is such a word).Although the club has some mighty running ground,so has wittle billyboy.Ha ha.(Top o da mornin to ya).

What a perfect looking piece of ground Billy, I reckon you'll get some great training done there :thumbsup: Lets just hope there arent too many overs lost there ( geddit?????? (w00t) )

I asked after Tara and her recovery ages ago and you didnt ever reply, so I can only assume you missed it ............... how is she now?? :wacko:

Meant to get back to this post properly Caroline,but totaly forgot.So today i was out with my best friend again,(camera)and took a few pix of Tara,to show how well she has mended since rearing her babies.This is a good pic of her,though i had to play with it,as i took it again'st the sun.(Hence the colour change,which look's better than it did normaly. Hope you are keeping well,and getting ready for the new season. ...Billy...


Hi Billy :) Forgive me ............... I had a blonde moment when I made that last post and meant to ask after TROUBLE , not Tara. How is Trouble after her injury ???

Tara looks in great form though after the rigours of childbirth :thumbsup: . What plans do you have for all of yours this coming season ? :)
peony said:
Hi Billy  :)   Forgive me ............... I had a blonde moment when I made that last post and meant to ask after TROUBLE , not Tara. How is Trouble after her injury ??? Tara looks in great form though after the rigours of childbirth  :thumbsup: . What plans do you have for all of yours this coming season ? :)

Pyper wont be doin much,as his leg will take time to heal properly.Though he will be in the ring,at every oppertunity.Niki don't put 100% into chasing the lure,so she too will be in the ring,and have some fun run's at the lure.As for Trouble.I hope she she can do the buisness,even though there are anything up to 8 length's missing,over 300,from the injury.She is coming along nicely at the moment.Scruff had his first run at a lure recently,and shocked me a bit.So im going to give him a wee bit of training,and a few run's this year.As for the pup's.Im just gona watch them grow for a while.(Hopefully,injury free). Any pix of the small boy. ...Billy...
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Sorry folk's,but it's that time again,and im gona sicken you all with puppy pix.They are 5 month's old tomorrow,and i took some pix of Rosey,and Swifty today,as i had them away for a good walk'Rosey fell out with me,as she hate's the lead,and slipped her head.Made the big mistake of shouting at her,and she took off,up the forest track,with no intention of listening to me.In the house i have her sitting,staying,and retrieving to hand.But outside,well outside is outside.Anyway,i eventualy caught up with her,and we are friend's again.(till next time).Swifty was a wee gem today,and did nothing wrong,as usual.OK,PIX.
















This next pic,is what's been happening all over the forrest's this year,with all the high wind's we've been having.I seen acres of trees blown down,and the forrestry men are going flat out up there.
