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New Litter

wild whippies said:
So long as Mr Jones is a qualified vet it shouldn't be an issue Billy.

The more likely reason your dogs contracted Parvo isn't from cats (old wive's tale) but simply from the fact that there's probably a higher amount of unvaccinated dogs within in Ireland and are acting as carriers of disease. Furthermore, as vaccinations are easily obtainable in Ireland there's a greater likelihood that the agents being used for vaccination are ineffective due to incorrect storage, expiry dates, incorrect agents being used and incorrect administration.

Looking forward to seeing these pups race in the UK :thumbsup:

when parvo first came about years ago we were told that all the vets had to vaccinate against it was a cat entiritis vaccine so maybe thats where it came from?parvo is an airbourne virus,so a dog doesnt neccessarily have to come into contact with a carrier in order to get it.i used to use nobivac as it was the only vaccine to cut through maternal antibodies in dobes and rotts as these two germanic breeds seem to keep maternal antibodies longer than any other breed of dog.they look a nice litter billy,wish you the best of luck with them. :thumbsup:
kris said:
wild whippies said:
So long as Mr Jones is a qualified vet it shouldn't be an issue Billy.

The more likely reason your dogs contracted Parvo isn't from cats (old wive's tale) but simply from the fact that there's probably a higher amount of unvaccinated dogs within in Ireland and are acting as carriers of disease. Furthermore, as vaccinations are easily obtainable in Ireland there's a greater likelihood that the agents being used for vaccination are ineffective due to incorrect storage, expiry dates, incorrect agents being used and incorrect administration.

Looking forward to seeing these pups race in the UK :thumbsup:

when parvo first came about years ago we were told that all the vets had to vaccinate against it was a cat entiritis vaccine so maybe thats where it came from?parvo is an airbourne virus,so a dog doesnt neccessarily have to come into contact with a carrier in order to get it.i used to use nobivac as it was the only vaccine to cut through maternal antibodies in dobes and rotts as these two germanic breeds seem to keep maternal antibodies longer than any other breed of dog.they look a nice litter billy,wish you the best of luck with them. :thumbsup:

:cheers: Kris.Could i also say though,that in the vail now,that contain's the Parvo vaccine,are the other main threat's to our pup's live's,ie,leptospiroses,and distemper n stuff.As we have a neibour with over 50 cat's and God know's(sorry God),how many litter's of runny eyed kitten's,as they're all zib bred,there is a likely hood of dead rat's and whatever being left about the pup's pen,as they are only on the other side of the fence.Now add the cat diseases to the rat diseases,and it's scary is'nt it.Think i'll keep on doing the jag's myself,as all vet's refuse to do em before 10 week's anyhow,and as i said,it's usualy 7n1/2ish,if they're gona take it.Prevention is a hell of a lot cheaper and more pain free than cure.At the end of the day,if a thing has been working for you for year's,then keep doing it.If i was to wait till the pup's were 10 week's and they went down with summit at 9,would'nt i be a very sick,and guilty person.As i forgot to finish post 280,i will just say that less than 2 day's after the other litter were done with this new vaccine,they all went down with Parvo,and were dead in less than 24 hour's.I think you will know from this what i think about the letter's some of these so called professional's have behind their name's.I just hope i never need to call on them with this litter,as ive put my heart n soul into them.Now ive a few pix to sort out that i took a wee while ago. ...Billy...
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Puppy pix.






(w00t) they are fantastic pups,awful that you lost one but mum and pups look well. i got one almost identical to tara, 17 wks old, so alike she could be his mother. good luck
Didn't want to detract to this thread urther Billy so, I'll respond in your new post if that's ok. :)

Love this pik Billy, lovely litter and still think lazy lad is gorgeous (and a flyer) :wub: :D
Hi Billy pups are getting big, Patsy says "look at all the wee Ernie's" :thumbsup:

great pics, good :luck: with the pups :luck:

Patsy & Deirdre :))
Bluebell said:
Hi Billy pups are getting big, Patsy says "look at all the wee Ernie's"  :thumbsup: great pics, good  :luck: with the pups  :luck:  

Patsy & Deirdre  :))

:cheers: Deirdre.Hope they have the heart of Ernie ,and Tara too.Hope you have a litter on the way.
Weighed the pup's on wedesday,but forgot to put the weight's on here.So Here Goes.Smallest brindle bitch 6lb 4oz,blue brindle bitch 6lb 6 oz,red brindle 7lb.4oz,my bitch 7lb.10oz.Dog's,2 blue brindle's 9lb.2oz, 9lb.4oz,one with white flash,8lb 2 oz,red brindle,8lb.2oz,Wee Ernie lookalike7lb 4 oz,and the lazy bugger weighed in at 9lb 8oz.They were weighed first thing in the morning,before breakfast,and after they had emptied,as i recon that is the best time to get a true reading of puppy,minus food n piddle,and boy can they eat n .... **** .Have to feed them now at 12,to keep them quiet all night....Billy...
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Just another week now till some of these boy's head off into the big wild world,and further afield than our wee shore's.Cant wait to see the feeding bill go down a bit,cause boy can they eat.(And s...e).With the weather we're having at the moment,i can't even get the camera out,as it has'nt stopped in day's....Billy...
puppys are looking well billy bet they are keeping you busy

all the best with them :luck:
Took some last minute pix of the 3 little darling's who left for bigger pasture's today.They should by now,be on English soil,and i hope the new owner's love them as much as i did.It broke my heart to see them go,and i know i should be over the moon,to get them away,but im not,as i grow too attached to the little bugger's.Anyway,here are a few pix of the one's that i no longer have the pleasure of messing about with.






This is one of the last pix of them all together,and then a couple for Keith & linda.





Alannah say's hi,and say's she want's to see a pic of her Stern.

Here's a couple of her favourite new toy.



Give me a ring when you get home Keith. ...Billy...
Bluebell said:
Hi Billy pups are getting big, Patsy says "look at all the wee Ernie's"  :thumbsup: great pics, good  :luck: with the pups  :luck:  

Patsy & Deirdre  :))

That pup will take some beating Deadrie.Look's a cracker.
:) Pups look very well Billy, good luck to everyone who has got a new pup. :thumbsup: Diane
kris said:
wild whippies said:
So long as Mr Jones is a qualified vet it shouldn't be an issue Billy.

The more likely reason your dogs contracted Parvo isn't from cats (old wive's tale) but simply from the fact that there's probably a higher amount of unvaccinated dogs within in Ireland and are acting as carriers of disease. Furthermore, as vaccinations are easily obtainable in Ireland there's a greater likelihood that the agents being used for vaccination are ineffective due to incorrect storage, expiry dates, incorrect agents being used and incorrect administration.

Looking forward to seeing these pups race in the UK :thumbsup:

when parvo first came about years ago we were told that all the vets had to vaccinate against it was a cat entiritis vaccine so maybe thats where it came from?parvo is an airbourne virus,so a dog doesnt neccessarily have to come into contact with a carrier in order to get it.i used to use nobivac as it was the only vaccine to cut through maternal antibodies in dobes and rotts as these two germanic breeds seem to keep maternal antibodies longer than any other breed of dog.they look a nice litter billy,wish you the best of luck with them. :thumbsup:

I know that maybe i should'nt be going back to this,but i feel the need to tell you all about what i heard today,and after checking it out,with the girl in ?,it's spot on.This happened in Londonderry,a few day's ago,and my niece was telling me today.Young unmarried mum went into vet's,after seeing an advet on the vet's window,for kitten's,free to good home.So ,in she goes,as she was wanting one for her wee boy for Christmas.She never had one before,so did'nt know a pile about them.There were 2 left,as the rest had been rehomed,but she could only have 1 of them.Now this is a big vet clinic,in a big city.She took her kitten home,and tried to get it a wee drink of milk,but it would'nt drink.Went down the shop,and bought Sardine's and Tuna,but it would'nt eat.A few hour's later,and it was'nt too well,so she rang my neice,who has a couple of cat's,and live's up the street.After seeing the kitten,my neice told her to take it back to the vet's in the morning.To go back to where she got it,would have meant taking a Taxi,but as there is a new vet just opened in the vilage where she live's,she thought,(not knowing anything about vet's)that she would ask her to look at the kitten.After doing whatever she done,to try and find the trouble,she imformed the poor soul,that the kitten would have to be PTS,as it had a desease known as Parvo virous,and that she was'nt to look for another kitten for quite some time,unless it was an adult,or inoculated against all known cat virous's,and to go home and bleach wherever the kitten had been,and to wash all the clothe's she was wearing.What a start to her rehoming career.It cost her £20.00 to have it PTS.Disgrace,as it was almost dead at this time anyway.I think the vet who gave her the kitten,and who had already passed the rest on,should be pulled for this,as he's bound to have known the kitten's were'nt well,as he should have checked them out first.Anyway,she went home and phoned about the other kitten,and before the receptionist new what had happened to her kitten,she imformed the woman that the cage was empty,when she came into work,so it must have been rehomed.(In the wheelybin out the back,id say).Probibly died overnight . Again sorry for putting this here,but i did'nt want to put it where it might not be seen.So be careful folk's,especialy at Christmas,when an awful lot of puppy's and kitten's are taken in by allsort's,from allsort's.This kind of thing is realy annoying.
As previously mentioned in the other thread Billy it's a different variant, there's more than one strain of parvo virus. Even humans can suffer from a particular strain.

Feline Parvo Virus
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wild whippies said:
As previously mentioned in the other thread Billy it's a different variant, there's more than one strain of parvo virus. Even humans can suffer from a particular strain.
Feline Parvo Virus

I read up about that too Jaq,and was a bit surprised ,actualy,when i heard that the vet who put the kitted down,told her not to be getting a pup either.thinking back though,maybe he was just warning her of the consequences,of getting a pup that was'nt innoculated or summit.I would'nt think i got the whole story,but was just putting this on to highlight what goes on in the puppy and kitten world,with some folk just wanting rid of them,ASAP,no matter what their condition or fisk to perspective buyer's,or people kind enough to rehome the little might's.What got me most though,was that the kitten came from a veternary clinic.