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New here : lying down command


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Hello, I am new here so hello everyone.

I have an adult crossbreed dog from the shelter as a foster (may adopt), he is around 12kg. It took me a while but I managed to teach him to sit and he does that well. Next I'd like to make him lie down on command, but everytime i bring the treat to his nose and vertically down, his head goes down and bum comes up. Ive tried to move his front legs to make him lie down but he just gets confused and stands up again. Any suggestions?


Try sitting on the floor with your legs bent to make a tunnel under them. Encourage him to follow a treat under the tunnel of your legs. As soon as he drops down to go through give him the treat. Do not give a command yet. Just wait until he drops down and release the treat. Once he has the idea you need to quickly remove your legs from the equation so that he does not link your position to his position. Just sit on the floor without making a tunnel and try to encourage him to lie down. Once he has done that move to kneeling on the floor then move to slightly more upright kneeling, then to squatting down, bending down etc.

During all this keep the treat under your hand anchored to the floor until he lies down, when you release it. If you see a light bulb moment when he seems to suddenly "get it", give him several treats one after the other.

Lying down is a vulnerable position for a dog. Many dogs take a while to feel comfortable enough to lie down. Going through your legs may make him feel very uncomfortable at first. If you think this is the case then put this exercise to one side until he is more settled and work on some other tricks that he is more comfortable with.

My rescue dog, though much better than he was, is still uncomfortable with being handled after a year. You need to work at your dog's pace.
What rewards are you using, they need to be high value to your dog. my dog loves cheese and chicken have a play with foods to see which one is high value.

Below are step by step instructions i use for clients, let me know how you get on!

[SIZE=11pt]Down is a great aid for control, general house control and will help calm and relax him in certain situations. Be mindful this is a submissive position and not all dogs like going into the down. It is a useful position to use to get your dog to lie down if you are busy cooking, eating or watching tv and can be used at the vets and groomers. You can also use this when you teach your dog to go to his bed or crate. It also forms the basis for many other exercise and is useful to teach your dog an instant down off lead in further training.[/SIZE]

· Start your dog in the sit position – on or off lead

· Have a treat in your hand and put the treat next to his nose so he can smell it, but don’t allow him to have it

· Slowly move your hand downwards aiming for in between their paws on the floor.

· As soon as his chest has touched the floor, reward and praise.

· Repeat this until he is consistently going into the position.

· Once he is consistently going into the position, introduce your cue word – down

· When he is on the down, you can give him another treat and tell him ‘good down’, as this will strengthen the position

Think about the floor surface you are asking him to lie down on and if he feels comfortable where you are asking him to go down as it is a submissive position. If you move the treat too fast or if it is too far away from him, he will probably just stand up. If he steps back, you probably have the treat too close to him or he may pop his bottom in the air. If you are having these issues you can also use your leg for him to go under. Sit on the floor with your leg bent out in front of you, lure your dog under your knee and he will need to drop down into position to reach the treat, then reward as he goes into position.
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Good tips their for most dogs, however their can be problems, my Shih Tzu, as his legs are short he easily puts his head on the floor while still sitting. So I had to put my thinking cap on to get him to down.
Not everyone gets on with it but I find the clicker works wonders with my toy poodle cross shih tzu. She can pick up a new command or trick in minutes but timing is essential. I put the treat (usually cheese) to her nose in the sit position lower it to the floor in a closed hand then gradually move it slowly away from her nose until she lays down. As soon as her bottom hits the floor and she is completely flat click immediately. Then treat. I find that if you hold the treat long enough they work out on their own what they need to do to get it. Repetition is key. She is just over a year now and still at least 3 times a week I go over her basic commands. She doesn't need it as she has them down to a T even without a treat but it doesn't hurt to reinforce old commands and it is mentally stimulating for them. Patience is a must you will get there in the end. Good luck
Do make sure your dog does not have any health issues that make lying down uncomfortable.

Another thing to remember is that lying down is a "vulnerable" position for a dog. It would take them longer to run away from danger if they were lying down. It may be a trust thing in the early days of a relationship.