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New FED Committee persons

it was from someone who races ghds at kinsley so yeah it does show you how things get altered as the info is passed from person to person :8 ;) :p
I was not saying that john would run his dogs on any of the above substances, far from it i know john treats his dogs like kids( as do most of us )what i was saying is if people are giving their dogs any of the above shite :b then they should not be racing their dogs....... ;)
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dont think chemists would describe the above lot of substances as shite

alot of sweeping statements here

the batesons ran their dog with ibroleve type medication

were they wrong?

i don't think so

too many quick to judge with out knowing full facts

were not vets

you can only do what you think is best

who can put their hand up and say 100 per cent that their dog is over an injury and ready to race again its hit and miss sometimes they come back off lame even when youve been given the all clear from someone qualified

some might rub with anti inflamms just as a precaution when they think the dog is ready to race again just like you would treat a child who cant tell you
I think you may find the batsons never saw one scrap of evidence on paper for what they were banned for that right smellymarble...

as far as anti-inflammatories theres alot on the market ..if a dogs lame and you know it is ..then don't run it ....simple
Well now for what it is worth! not a lot ? here is what i think.

Before anyone replies questioning what i am referring to it is self explanatory!

John Meades and the other co founders of the I R G have done a brilliant job of setting up this new racing group with little or no help and i have never heard any detrimental comments about the way in which they run their events by anyone at all -so they must have got something correct- but now it would seem with all the success they have had someone is upset and is trying their best to discredit those who established this new org. Nothing new there then is there? some don't seem to like success, build something high and they want to drag it down.

I would like to wish the IRG every success they deserve it.

Their newsletter seems also to be very successful along with their format for racing-well done. may you go from strength to strength.

have to agree here, we find the IRG news-sheet very imformative......keep the good work up John :p
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Thanks go to you all, a word of warning, be careful of the editor, he is an anagram of the wonderful town of Newark. :D well if you cant laugh at yourself, who can you laugh at. :D PS Dont all agree please. :(
typical....i dont have speakers on my pooter :b
not fair......cant find any headphones either :angry:
arrrrrrrrrrrr that is good DEE........well done little lisa

(Sup Vet Champion BLUE GOBLIN twice) :D :p
don't know if the batesons ever had a letter but they said themselves to many that they had used an anti inflamm.

i will repeat that some may use such a product as a precaution after they believe their animal is ready to run again, thats not the same as running them lame. :teehee:
Batesons did receive a letter from the NWRF ( with methyxanthines badly mis-spelt) but AFAIK no copy of the results from the laboratory.
the baitsons only got a letter via yvonne not the labs, i beleive they were treated really wrong, :angry: things need to be done correct or not at all, steve and julie whome i stay in conntact with still say they were pushed out of the sport, it comes back to the same thing again ,rules for us and another set of rules for them who run the fed.... :angry:
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So no real proof of their failed test? Maybe the fed have the original? Could anyone post it on here by any chance?
not even any of the other fed commitee members ever saw a letter this is fact