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Hi All,

I have just given a home to a new lurcher, she is aldgedly Bedlington/whippet x Collie/Greyhound and she is lovely, 22 monts bitch about 21 inches.

she was a pet so whilst in good nick she is not muscelled. I have had her a few days and let her off the lead for the first time, she had previously only been walked on a lead.

I was worried she would not know what a rabbit was but she has a very very strong hunting instinct, I need to work on her recall but she is a totally different kettle of fish to my Saluki/Greyhound.

The Saluki was dead easy to train and took to everything very quickly, this dog despite the collie seems a bit thick or just obtinate.

She has a wonderful nature but I get the impression she will only do what she wants and that means covering the entire farm chasing bunnys indescriminately until she has had enough and comes back to call.

anyone got any tips on how to get through to her?


Must be the whippet in her :- " (w00t)


Sorry I can't help but will be watching this for advice too.



Tracey x need to start from scratch,start all the basic training over again,we recently took on a greyhound,now we all know they dont have much between the ears.we stared basic training in the garden,rewarding her when she did well,she will now sit,stay(honest) and come back when whistled,she knows i have a small bag with pieces of steak in it!!hope this helps.. :cheers:

take her to the farm with the other dog but dont let her have a free run,just your other dog,make a fuss of him when he comes back.treats etc.she should start to pick it up
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Basic recall shouldn't be too much of a problem. Try using a very long training lead/line (pet stores) and practice her recall all the time, giving more and more line each time. The usual big praises and tasty treat when she comes back. Even when she's run around ignoring you for half an hour chasing bunnies don't forget to praise when she does eventually return. :))


Calling her off a bunny could prove more difficult and may not happen very quickly. :blink:


My Whippet has great recall but forget it if she sees a bunny or a cat :wacko: :eek:


Some good tips in the previous post :thumbsup:


Good luck


Tracey X
Thanks for the advice Guys,

I have started at the beginning and make a big fuss of her each time she comes back.

I took her out last night and there is already an improvement, I dont walk my old dog ona lead but what i did was let the new one have a run, then got her back put her on the lead then in the next field let her have a run, got her straight back and put her on the lead again and so on.

I think if she knows that she will be let off the lead she won't be worried about going on it.

It worked with my lab when I used to go beating, worked ok last night, maybe because she has not got wise to it yet?

To be honest the poor dog has never been off the lead so it is a new experience to her to have a stretch.

She is not very clever yet, she just charges head long at the bunnies, the old dog is much wiser and tend to pick her targets.

I must say perhaps it is the whippet but thie little dog will chase anything small, turned inside out this morning when she saw a cat and even spins and jumps when birds fly by. i have not had a lurcher before so keen.

I will update the forum with her progress.


If she's never been out offlead before she must think she's in heaven! :D

Don't put her back on lead EVERY time you recall her or she may become reluctant but give her a bit of sausage or whatever every time so she associates

coming back with something nice.

She sounds lovely! :wub:
Here she is ... :wub: :wub: :wub:


Forget gorgeous she is absolutley stunning!!! Honest not seen a better looking dog for a while :*

(of cours everyones on heres dogs are lovely :b :huggles: )