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New Dog, Separation anxiety, need help.

Can you cover the sofa with magazines or items that would be uncomfortable to lay on? When ours were puppies you wouldn’t believe the amount of stuff that went on the sofas :D:D dining chairs, newspapers, magazines on the arms ....definitely worked :D
I had a lurcher that was a bugger for the sofa on a night. I gave him a comfy alternative,two duvets folded up to sleep on. Then I'd put the ironing board on the sofa so he couldn't get on.
It got to the point of when the duvets came out he was on them like a shot basking in all his lounge lizard glory.
No more ironing board.
thanks for the advice, I live with my girlfriend, we are going to look into a way one of us could sleep downstairs to help him. My question would be would this lead to issues down the line? like worse issues at night after being used to having someone with him? I understand the treat one problem at a time method and any advice is welcome. With the added issue of the leg its stressful enough to try and keep him off it and let it heal, and then this issue. Im good at training dogs to listen to commands but this is a whole new thing, again thanks for the advice.
When i 1st adopted Rex at 16mths ( a very nervous and anxious clingy boy) i put his bed in the hall upstairs between two bedrooms. I also made up another bed in my bedroom . As he began to settle at the foot of my bed i moved it slowly a foot at a time towards his permanent bed in the hall where he's now happy to sleep. He still on ocassion bed down at the foot of my bed if he's feeling unwell but prefers the comfort of his own bed where he has full view of my son and i . His brother sleep in his own bed and they will share when alone for a few hours.
Your puppy will settle with training patience and love. Give him time to learn that he's loved and you'll have a lovely loyal companion .
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