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New Bwra Ruling

Just had a quick scan through the non ped dog feature and this new rule by my reckoning will have an effect on 7 of the 20 dogs on there, one of those being a 16lber.
yes your right vicky but i take it that is 7 to 20 dogs that canot be mated to a greyhound

I alone can think of at least 5 litters of pups already born that this will effect

not all these pups would have been registed as some have gone to pet homes but thous 5 litters alone add up to about 28 pups

that at this time cant register

this by my way of thinking is 28 pups that have got a raw deal


Clare :)
Imagine if it was a none ped racer that came into your sport and proposed to ban all dogs under 21 " from Nov 08 lol

FACE BOTHERED!! thats a joke bt the way! ha ha

Oh my did i just say that ...its a joke by the way :clown:
Just had a quick scan through the non ped dog feature and this new rule by my reckoning will have an effect on 7 of the 20 dogs on there, one of those being a 16lber.
yes your right vicky but i take it that is 7 to 20 dogs that canot be mated to a greyhound

I alone can think of at least 5 litters of pups already born that this will effect

not all these pups would have been registed as some have gone to pet homes but thous 5 litters alone add up to about 28 pups

that at this time cant register

this by my way of thinking is 28 pups that have got a raw deal


Clare :)
Imagine if it was a none ped racer that came into your sport and proposed to ban all dogs under 21 " from Nov 08 lol

FACE BOTHERED!! thats a joke bt the way! ha ha

Oh my did i just say that ...its a joke by the way :clown:
FACE BOTHERED!!! thats a joke by the way!! ha ha.
Lighten up you lot :wacko: lets wait and see what the BWRA committee sort out they've already stated that cards are on hold till they look into it so lets give them a chance Its a pity more of you didn't bother to attend the AGM and have your say where it matters I asked at the reps meeting and the AGM for them to allow for pups already born and pups due under the rules as they stood at the time if only for the welfare of these pups BUT there was no one else there willing to back it up on the day

i was at both meeting and can say i did'nt hear you bring this up, :oops: but like most who attend the meeting its one off the hardness things "hearing " poeple when they are over the other side of the room, and keeping order lol, :wacko:

i would have backed a start date and do feel that many at both meeting would have, :thumbsup: i'm sure this will get sorted like someone already said we voted the top table in and ask them to stay for the next 5 years "bet they are so glad they excepted " :- so think we should give them the time to think what would be the right outcome

How many other parts of the perposals was miss understood

or is it a case of only hearing the bits that you want to hear


none of the proposal was misunderstood or a case of only hearing what we / i wanted to hear because every member could read the proposal :b before they voted it in,
Then why say that you did not hear the part about start date

at two differant meeting
Then why say that you did not hear the part about start dateat two differant meeting
Think if you look back in this topic(might take you all night 40pages (w00t) )you will find a post where I said that the breeding proposal wasn't discussed at the AGM.All that was said was that it was passed.
Just had a quick scan through the non ped dog feature and this new rule by my reckoning will have an effect on 7 of the 20 dogs on there, one of those being a 16lber.
yes your right vicky but i take it that is 7 to 20 dogs that canot be mated to a greyhound

I alone can think of at least 5 litters of pups already born that this will effect

not all these pups would have been registed as some have gone to pet homes but thous 5 litters alone add up to about 28 pups

that at this time cant register

this by my way of thinking is 28 pups that have got a raw deal


Clare :)
Imagine if it was a none ped racer that came into your sport and proposed to ban all dogs under 21 " from Nov 08 lol

Oh my did i just say that ...its a joke by the way :clown:
Then why say that you did not hear the part about start dateat two differant meeting

because " weathergirls " said she ASK about a start date, to be added to the proposal at both meeting, i said i did not HEAR her ask for a start date to be added to the proposal
Just had a quick scan through the non ped dog feature and this new rule by my reckoning will have an effect on 7 of the 20 dogs on there, one of those being a 16lber.
yes your right vicky but i take it that is 7 to 20 dogs that canot be mated to a greyhound

I alone can think of at least 5 litters of pups already born that this will effect

not all these pups would have been registed as some have gone to pet homes but thous 5 litters alone add up to about 28 pups

that at this time cant register

this by my way of thinking is 28 pups that have got a raw deal


Clare :)
Imagine if it was a none ped racer that came into your sport and proposed to ban all dogs under 21 " from Nov 08 lol

Oh my did i just say that ...its a joke by the way :clown:
Valium would be more appropriate i would say ... i haven't been called love for a while ...Thanks !!! :thumbsup:
Just had a quick scan through the non ped dog feature and this new rule by my reckoning will have an effect on 7 of the 20 dogs on there, one of those being a 16lber.
yes your right vicky but i take it that is 7 to 20 dogs that canot be mated to a greyhound

I alone can think of at least 5 litters of pups already born that this will effect

not all these pups would have been registed as some have gone to pet homes but thous 5 litters alone add up to about 28 pups

that at this time cant register

this by my way of thinking is 28 pups that have got a raw deal


Clare :)
Imagine if it was a none ped racer that came into your sport and proposed to ban all dogs under 21 " from Nov 08 lol

Oh my did i just say that ...its a joke by the way :clown:
Valium would be more appropriate i would say ... i haven't been called love for a while ...Thanks !!! :thumbsup:
Your welcome lol x
Used to go on lurcher forum ,soon as i come on here.Now i come straight on here,cause the craic's 90,as they say.Can't wait for this review of the start dateb for pups born or litters pending.Think it's whats needed,ASAP,as we don't want to see things get out of hand,as sometimes burnt bridges dont repair that easy.There is a simple sulotion to this,so i recon everyone should come over here,stand in the sub Zero cold,and chill out.OKmaybe you don't have to come over here,cause i see it's sub Zero everywhere.
Just had a quick scan through the non ped dog feature and this new rule by my reckoning will have an effect on 7 of the 20 dogs on there, one of those being a 16lber.

on this ratio of 20 dog,s ,, roughly 34% cant be mated to ghd,,,,is that ok for everyone,,???? i guess only time will tell
That may be true but 100% of the dogs can mate with a WHIPPET

And that's what we are WHIPPET racers !
Thought hard about this one, Tony must of had 3 shredded wheat that morning when he did his 'proposal' because he suggested,

3) Any dog over 40lb registered after 1st January 2009 with the ghd appearing more than once in a three generation pedigree not be allowed to race. Proof of pedigree to be provided via DNA testing at the owners expense if required
Makes sense now, however....

Whilst 34% currently may be excluded, their genetic material shouldn't be lost because they are perfectly able to line non-ped whippets and theoretically they should be more dilute in their gene pool and not produce any detrimental effect from 'inbreeding'.

I say should because just looking at Maizeemu should tell anyone this dog is expressing more of the whippet genes than the greyhounds but Maizeemu wasn't the only dog in the litter and folk should bear this in mind - just like we get 'freak' big 'un's we also get 'freak' small 'un's too.

She does, just like her siblings possess 50% greyhound genetic material and just because a gene isn't being expressed (shown) doesn't mean it isn't there and won't pop up in her offspring. She has a reasonable amount (50% to be exact) of very wide genetic diversity.

There's arguments for and against inbreeding, get too close and inherit faults can express themselves as they become more concentrated, go too wide and you can loose 'type'. I'd hope the proposal would maintain a harmonious balance.

We do need greyhound blood, they have the biggest gene pool of all dogs according to the dog genome project. If we closed our books tomorrow and put our dogs to the mercy of the Kennel Club, we would (in my opinion) have major faults occuring pretty quickly because our own pool is so small. It is important to maintain this genetic diversity, not only through lining with greyhound when we get too close but also to look outside the box when choosing a non-ped stud dog.

What I'm saying is that why some feel that using greyhounds less may have detriment, I can see a benefit in that hopefully a more wider range of non-ped stud dogs will be used which would in-turn widen the non-ped whippet gene pool more.

It should be noted, the closer and tighter the breeding, the smaller the whippet becomes, these are the dogs that are best used to line greyhounds in my opinion and it's probably why folk in the past lined 18lb'ers to greyhounds because they needed the new genetic material.
That may be true but 100% of the dogs can mate with a WHIPPETAnd that's what we are WHIPPET racers !
:thumbsup: Agreed by a long time racer (no Yvonne i wasnt gunna put from an oldie !!!!!)
Thought hard about this one, Tony must of had 3 shredded wheat that morning when he did his 'proposal' because he suggested,

3) Any dog over 40lb registered after 1st January 2009 with the ghd appearing more than once in a three generation pedigree not be allowed to race. Proof of pedigree to be provided via DNA testing at the owners expense if required
Makes sense now, however....

Whilst 34% currently may be excluded, their genetic material shouldn't be lost because they are perfectly able to line non-ped whippets and theoretically they should be more dilute in their gene pool and not produce any detrimental effect from 'inbreeding'.

I say should because just looking at Maizeemu should tell anyone this dog is expressing more of the whippet genes than the greyhounds but Maizeemu wasn't the only dog in the litter and folk should bear this in mind - just like we get 'freak' big 'un's we also get 'freak' small 'un's too.

She does, just like her siblings possess 50% greyhound genetic material and just because a gene isn't being expressed (shown) doesn't mean it isn't there and won't pop up in her offspring. She has a reasonable amount (50% to be exact) of very wide genetic diversity.

There's arguments for and against inbreeding, get too close and inherit faults can express themselves as they become more concentrated, go too wide and you can loose 'type'. I'd hope the proposal would maintain a harmonious balance.

We do need greyhound blood, they have the biggest gene pool of all dogs according to the dog genome project. If we closed our books tomorrow and put our dogs to the mercy of the Kennel Club, we would (in my opinion) have major faults occuring pretty quickly because our own pool is so small. It is important to maintain this genetic diversity, not only through lining with greyhound when we get too close but also to look outside the box when choosing a non-ped stud dog.

What I'm saying is that why some feel that using greyhounds less may have detriment, I can see a benefit in that hopefully a more wider range of non-ped stud dogs will be used which would in-turn widen the non-ped whippet gene pool more.

It should be noted, the closer and tighter the breeding, the smaller the whippet becomes, these are the dogs that are best used to line greyhounds in my opinion and it's probably why folk in the past lined 18lb'ers to greyhounds because they needed the new genetic material.
I'm not wearing that, Tony eating 3 shredded wheat's, never, happen 2 slices of toast with sugar free marmalade.


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That may be true but 100% of the dogs can mate with a WHIPPETAnd that's what we are WHIPPET racers !

Agree totally i dont see the need for greyhound blood being used all the time just an example one of the most respected and sucsessfull breeders and racers of all time who by the way has TOP OPEN class greyhounds dont feel the need to use them generation after generation they use whippet blood through out there line and more often than not has a full litter of champions time after time. and have bred the winner of sup scr / scr top ten.
That may be true but 100% of the dogs can mate with a WHIPPETAnd that's what we are WHIPPET racers !

Agree totally i dont see the need for greyhound blood being used all the time just an example one of the most respected and sucsessfull breeders and racers of all time who by the way has TOP OPEN class greyhounds dont feel the need to use them generation after generation they use whippet blood through out there line and more often than not has a full litter of champions time after time. and have bred the winner of sup scr / scr top ten.
