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New Bwra Ruling

i think we should all take a leaf out of tonys book and all try to get on and stop bickering this sport should be getting positive remarks not negative comments. (IF ITS NOT BROKEN THEN DONT TRY TO FIX IT) lets just give the bwra time to read through the proposals and coments and see if theres a mistake some where. hopefully they can put the answers on here so we all know and not have chinese whispers.
none of us race pure greyhounds in our sport same as we dont race pure whippets either after all they are all crosses whatever the size sight hounds lurchers non peds whatever name we give them there not pure whippets
i think we should all take a leaf out of tonys book and all try to get on and stop bickering this sport should be getting positive remarks not negative comments. (IF ITS NOT BROKEN THEN DONT TRY TO FIX IT) lets just give the bwra time to read through the proposals and coments and see if theres a mistake some where. hopefully they can put the answers on here so we all know and not have chinese whispers.

spot on trev theres too much change of late why try fixing whats not brocken after all it only effects bigger dogs when it comes to the bends :b theres no problem on the straights as we use whippet traps :eek: so anything over 55or even 58 would really strugle to get in
none of us race pure greyhounds in our sport same as we dont race pure whippets either after all they are all crosses whatever the size sight hounds lurchers non peds whatever name we give them there not pure whippets
i race whippet x greyhound x poodle so ive been told and they must be right cos the silly put it on here. :lol:
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2) Breeders to continue to outcross to greyhounds but after an outcross progeny may not be out crossed to another greyhound for two generations.
Okay Ive been confused since this prop went in ...the way it read to me is
The above proposal can only be interpreted correctly in one way. That is, after an outcross of a whippet to a greyhound the progeny cannot be crossed to another greyhound for two generations because that is what the proposal says; the propsal doesn't say you cannot outcross to a whippet/ghd of any percentage. A greyhound is not a whippet/ghd cross but is a strict definition of a specific breed of dog. A whippet/ghd hybrid is not a ghd and there is no possible way the term "greyhound" in the proposal can be interpreted as meaning or including whippet/ghd hybrids. To interpret the proposal any other way than not being able to go back to a pure bred ghd for two generations is simply wrong. It's not semantics its incorrectly interpreting the english language.

Members have voted on the proposal as written and not an incorrect interpretation of it. Whether other members or the BWRA committee like it or not that proposal should be implemented and not a totaly different proposal based on an incorrect interpretation of basic english language.
I see where you are coming from , but some basic English language when read can mean two different thing to two different people ....

All i can do is say when Gary Farmer asked 3 simple questions to the bwra the reply to all 3 where no of which was could he line a whippet x ghd to a whippet x greyhound ... who ever is in the wrong then i hope it get sorted asp ...because its causes some folk unnecessary stress

Heres the 3 questions

It would also help if the BWRA would draw up a SPECIFIC PROGRAM OF BREEDING so members are fully aware of exactly when they can and cannot out-cross to the greyhound. For example:

1. Tinkerman X Greyhound - I assume that the offspring from this litter cannot be put to a greyhound?

2. Mai Zee Mu, also a whippet greyhound - can this be put to the offspring of Tinkerman greyhound?

3. If yes - Can the offspring of 1&2 (if mated) be put to a greyhound?

And the answer

In answer to your last three points it would be no to all three
Tony not all 7/8 ghd 1/8 whippet crosses are 50lb and over...come to think of it some greyhounds are under 50lb .. if we as whippet racers want to be sure defra would not see our scr dogs as greyhound like , we would have to go back to the 32/ 35 lb cap ... or insist our scr racers provided there dogs DNA for proof to cover our organizations
Dee there are of course ghds that weigh under 50lb but statistcly they form a very low percentage of ghds and as you no doubt are aware such small ghds rarely make the grade and are not considered typical of the ghd type.

Similarly there may well be 7/8ghd 1/8 ghd crosses that are under 50lb but that wasn't my point. A 50lb plus dog that looks like a ghd, is typical of ghd size and weight and geneticaly is in practice impossible to differenciate from a pure bred ghd is going to be very difficult to demonstrate as being a whippet. Even I don't consider them as whippets.

Ghds under 50lb would be considered as not being typical of the ghd type and "whippet" scratch dogs in the 36lb and 40lb class are obviously different to ghds even to an untrained eye when a side by side comparison is made. An under 40lb scratch dog is typicaly half the size of a ghd. Given the history of whippet racing the running of dogs in the 36lb and 40lb classes is defensible as they are not typical of the racing ghd whereas there's lots of 56lb ghd running and it's almost impossible to differenciate between a 56lb ghd and a 56lb 7/8ghd 1/8 whippet in a side by side comparison.
I see where you are coming from , but some basic English language when read can mean two different thing to two different people ....
Some statements might be interpreted in different ways but such a basic statement can only have one correct meaning. Where the interpertations are mutually exclusive of each other they can't both be correct. All the individual words in the proposal have specific meanings and you can't change their meaning to suit your interpretation. The term "greyhound" in the proposal cannot correctly be interpreted as meaning greyhound crosses.
none of us race pure greyhounds in our sport same as we dont race pure whippets either after all they are all crosses whatever the size sight hounds lurchers non peds whatever name we give them there not pure whippets
i race whippet x greyhound x poodle so ive been told and they must be right cos the silly put it on here. :lol:
none of us race pure greyhounds in our sport same as we dont race pure whippets either after all they are all crosses whatever the size sight hounds lurchers non peds whatever name we give them there not pure whippets
i race whippet x greyhound x poodle so ive been told and they must be right cos the silly put it on here. :lol:

Me Thinks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it could be something to do with your adjectives ! not sure but thats the word that is missing!

He edited it because you used offensive language Graham. If people want the thread to stay on and get reader's attention then it's paramount that members post within the rules of K9.
He edited it because you used offensive language Graham. If people want the thread to stay on and get reader's attention then it's paramount that members post within the rules of K9.
2) Breeders to continue to outcross to greyhounds but after an outcross progeny may not be out crossed to another greyhound for two generations.
Okay Ive been confused since this prop went in ...the way it read to me is
The above proposal can only be interpreted correctly in one way. That is, after an outcross of a whippet to a greyhound the progeny cannot be crossed to another greyhound for two generations because that is what the proposal says; the propsal doesn't say you cannot outcross to a whippet/ghd of any percentage. A greyhound is not a whippet/ghd cross but is a strict definition of a specific breed of dog. A whippet/ghd hybrid is not a ghd and there is no possible way the term "greyhound" in the proposal can be interpreted as meaning or including whippet/ghd hybrids. To interpret the proposal any other way than not being able to go back to a pure bred ghd for two generations is simply wrong. It's not semantics its incorrectly interpreting the english language.

Members have voted on the proposal as written and not an incorrect interpretation of it. Whether other members or the BWRA committee like it or not that proposal should be implemented and not a totaly different proposal based on an incorrect interpretation of basic english language.

lol for once i agree (w00t)
As far as i can see it, the proposal can only be read one way. If the BWRA choose to interpret it a different, but incorrect way from the proposal that was originally put forward by marie and myself then I can only speak for myself but I will withdraw my seconding of it and ask for it to be recinded as it was not what we proposed.

As far as i can see it, the proposal can only be read one way. If the BWRA choose to interpret it a different, but incorrect way from the proposal that was originally put forward by marie and myself then I can only speak for myself but I will withdraw my seconding of it and ask for it to be recinded as it was not what we proposed.
Two WOMEN proposed it?????? Lol (w00t)

Mmmmmmm...........Can feel a whole new topic coming on-Chris eh?

As far as i can see it, the proposal can only be read one way. If the BWRA choose to interpret it a different, but incorrect way from the proposal that was originally put forward by marie and myself then I can only speak for myself but I will withdraw my seconding of it and ask for it to be recinded as it was not what we proposed.
Two WOMEN proposed it?????? Lol (w00t)

Mmmmmmm...........Can feel a whole new topic coming on-Chris eh?

Maybe we should have all women propsers next year karen.......................makes for good reading on k9 lol

Maybe most bizzare proposal would be cant cross a whippet x greyhound to a whippet x greyhound...................nowt as bizzare as that!!

As far as i can see it, the proposal can only be read one way. If the BWRA choose to interpret it a different, but incorrect way from the proposal that was originally put forward by marie and myself then I can only speak for myself but I will withdraw my seconding of it and ask for it to be recinded as it was not what we proposed.
Two WOMEN proposed it?????? Lol (w00t)

Mmmmmmm...........Can feel a whole new topic coming on-Chris eh?

Maybe we should have all women propsers next year karen.......................makes for good reading on k9 lol

Maybe most bizzare proposal would be cant cross a whippet x greyhound to a whippet x greyhound...................nowt as bizzare as that!!


Or even something as outrageous as a POLL asking-"Have women ruined whippet racing?"

How bizarre would that be and who could possibly think such a thing?.........Lol

Maybe a similar poster to this one could be designed to warn women off racing dogs-eh? :clown:


As far as i can see it, the proposal can only be read one way. If the BWRA choose to interpret it a different, but incorrect way from the proposal that was originally put forward by marie and myself then I can only speak for myself but I will withdraw my seconding of it and ask for it to be recinded as it was not what we proposed.
Two WOMEN proposed it?????? Lol (w00t)

Mmmmmmm...........Can feel a whole new topic coming on-Chris eh?

Maybe we should have all women propsers next year karen.......................makes for good reading on k9 lol

Maybe most bizzare proposal would be cant cross a whippet x greyhound to a whippet x greyhound...................nowt as bizzare as that!!


Or even something as outrageous as a POLL asking-"Have women ruined whippet racing?"

How bizarre would that be and who could possibly think such a thing?.........Lol

Maybe a similar poster to this one could be designed to warn women off racing dogs-eh? :clown:

Am defo onto that karen!! Will we let men vote tho? ha ha

I think it was Peter Winter who said this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The thing thats ruining whippet racing is too many women in charge ---if it was not him it must have been me!!!!!

Steve :p :D :eek:
2) Breeders to continue to outcross to greyhounds but after an outcross progeny may not be out crossed to another greyhound for two generations.
Okay Ive been confused since this prop went in ...the way it read to me is

1/ You can breed a greyhound bitch to a whippet dog which has no greyhound blood in it for 2 generation ie... wor john , stag posses, chunky, hellbound etc ... or visa versa greyhound dog to a whippet bitch ...These pups would be okay to register

2/ you could not breed a greyhound to a stud dog that has 1 or 2 generation of greyhound in it magical dreams , sugar daddy, deneside belle etc

3/ you can not breed a whippet / greyhound to a whippet greyhound because the two generations outcross SUGAR DADDY ( sugar fire x ghd) x MISS TORI( gdh x miss Ellie)

STORM WARRIOR(sugar pace x ghd) x MANDY'S DREAM (ghd x Mandy's dream)

TYE BOUND ( spell bound x ghd) x SUGAR SWEET ( sugar fire x ghd)

i would just like to add that Ty's breeding is correct (spelbound x Ghd) but SUGAR SWEET is out of sugar fire (sire) and a whippet greyhound(not greyhound) bitch called 'Zukka' which Geoff Fletcher bred but was owned by Dave Pullen 'Zukka' was out of 'Milly' and 'Tay'
Hi All

Just to update you. The issues have been resolved and the out come will be posted on the BWRA website as soon as possible. By the Chairman of the BWRA.


Joyce Thoburn
