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and god forbid Nicky whatever you do...dont handle those pups mind till they are at least 6 weeks.. or take photos.... :- they will be down on you like a ton of bricks.... :lol:
(w00t) janis :lol: :lol: :lol:
Good luck hope it all goes smoothly :luck: :luck: Not sure why there are any raised eyebrows over a litter of iggies being bred- there are tons of litters in the non ped whippet section :wacko:
Don't go there, the non peds, they will slaughter you!!!!!!!!!!!
Good luck Nicky,hope everything goes well for you :luck: :luck:
not long now moo 11days to go :wub:


wow ! what's been happening while I haven't been here for a while ?!

Mara looks elegant even in her preggy state, good luck for a smooth quick delivery (what is it you want a pied ? is that a spotty one? )

Just can't wait to see those little wrinkly dinklies, iggies look like wrinkly puppies even when all grown up.

If you don't keep all Moo's babies I'll eat my hat !!!!! (it's made of rice paper tho' !)

looking forward to millions of photies, good luck.
Close your ears Mara Moo ............ from the size or her lady bits, it looks like she could get the pups out sideways (w00t) She also has some milk there ready. Bet it goes like clockwork. Looking forward to seeing the pics.

Had to PMSL at Janis - sooo true :teehee:
Now you have me counting down! I pray for beautiful healthy pups!

Just noticed what Janis wrote :lol: :lol:


Last leg now Nicky :thumbsup:
bet yer nerves are getting a bit jangled now Nicky? Hope all goes well for mum and Nanny ( Oops yep that makes you a Nanna sorry) :p You wait in 9 days time this thread is gonna be red hot! xx :thumbsup: (w00t)
bet yer nerves are getting a bit jangled now Nicky? Hope all goes well for mum and Nanny ( Oops yep that makes you a Nanna sorry) :p You wait in 9 days time this thread is gonna be red hot! xx :thumbsup: (w00t)
nerves isnt the word iv got hardly any sleep last night mara was very restless in and outta the quilt like a yo yo any little move and im on pins :teehee: :sweating: 8 DAYS LEFT (w00t)
good luck nicky dont come on here much now hope everything goes well :luck: :luck: :luck: :luck:
Not long to go now!!! Lots of luck to you and Mara :huggles:
and god forbid Nicky whatever you do...dont handle those pups mind till they are at least 6 weeks.. or take photos.... :- they will be down on you like a ton of bricks.... :lol:
:lol: (w00t) :lol: (w00t) :lol: Well said Janis :-

Hope Mara has an easy whelp nicky :luck: :luck:

Can't wait to see pics of the puppies :wub: