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Need Some Whippet Info


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I bought a purebred whippet in Nov. He is a sweetheart but everything I read about whippets says that they are really smart dogs. Does this happen later in life? I have 3 other dogs, mostly rescues. I've had many dogs but never had one like this. He is only 15 weeks but I have NOT been able to house train him and I've never had a problem before. He doesn't understand commands, nothing. He has a one track mind. He doesn't even seem like a dog. We call him a mix between canine and weasel. Is this normal for the breed? I have him on high quality vet recommended food for sensitive stomachs and all he does is fart...all day long. He jumps up on tables, tries to get on counters. He just doesn't understand NO. Do I have a "special " whippet or is this normal for the breed.
If you feel you've acquired a thieving pixie, I'd say yup you've succesfully acquired a whippet. (w00t)

Is he 'special'? Of course! He's your thieving little pixie :wub:

Persevere, they grow out of it, thankfully they do have a desire to please you so they're relatively easy to train and you'll train yourself not to leave stuff out for them to nick! :lol:

As for the farting, well it does have the benefit of having someone else to blame! :- "

Have a look at the FAQ section on here, there's a wealth of training tips for puppies from housetraining to foods to exercising etc.

Trust me he's smart, the most challenging ones usually are! ;)
Thanks!! He is the oddest little dog I've ever had. I do think there is some weasel bred into them. But the farting is becoming a major problem. It's beyond words. I'll check up the links to see if there is any info.

Thanks again.
Sounds just like my Sada was...................a little nightmare.

She's 14mths now and is very nearly a good girl o:)


unlike the 6mth old menace that is Kaya :lol:

I think it would help if you posted some pictures :D
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I have a whippet cross greyhound. Your pup sounds the same as mine who is 6 months old now. The theiving I have had to adjust to, and the farting, I agree with above, it gives you somebody else to blame. :D

He is getting a bit better now, but will nick that last morcel of anything (edible or not given half the chance). :- "

As for smart, he has got to be the most sly and caniving little sod i have ever seen.

As for the word NO, we gave that up a long time ago and now just have to laugh. (Otherwise we'd cry).

I have always been with dogs all my life, and have come across so many breeds over the years, but I can quite honestly say my whippet cross is the best and most fun dog I have ever owned. I am totally hooked and would not have any other breed full stop!!



Bless :wub:

I'd say you've got one of the smarter ones (w00t)

As for housetraining, IMO the best way for whippets is to carry them outside every half hour (and each time the wake up or finish eating), then put them down and start the "go wee wee, go wee wee" chant until the desired action happens! Then heap the praise on him :D :luck:

It worked very quickly for both my girls :thumbsup:

Would love to see some pics of him :cheers:
Congrats on your new addition. Re the windy problem, my whippit came to me at 5 months old and she was being fed on a high quality vet reccomended food and believe me she could clear a room in five minutes. :oops: We changed her to the all in one dry food that our other dogs are on and the problem has thankfully disappeared.

Always worth a try.
I had to laugh when I read all the posts it has made me feel so much better.

I have a 5 month old whippet called Oscar, he is like a walking hoover and misses nothing. He jumps on everyone and everything.

House training hasn't been too bad but puppy class was the most humiliating experience I've had in a long time. He paid no attention at all, just wanted to play with the other dogs.

He pulls like mad on a lead - any tips?

Everyone I've met with a whippet tell me that he will grow out of it and that they are the best pet you can have. I can't wait! (but I guess in the meantime life won't be dull!


lisacb said:
I had to laugh when I read all the posts it has made me feel so much better.
I have a 5 month old whippet called Oscar, he is like a walking hoover and misses nothing.  He jumps on everyone and everything.

House training hasn't been too bad but puppy class was the most humiliating experience I've had in a long time.  He paid no attention at all, just wanted to play with the other dogs.

He pulls like mad on a lead - any tips?

Everyone I've met with a whippet tell me that he will grow out of it and that they are the best pet you can have. I can't wait! (but I guess in the meantime life won't be dull!



Oscar is a beautiful boy :wub: I've a 6 month old girl who is different from any dog I've ever had - much naughtier than any dog - but so gorgeous she just gets away with it :lol:

I solved the pulling by stopping every time she did

But I haven't solved the cruising of work surfaces...the theft...the whining when she is bored...the chewing...Oh but she's so cute, lovably, funny, adorable.... :lol: o:)
flockleader said:
  I have him on high quality vet recommended food for sensitive stomachs and all he does is fart...all day long. 

I really would look again at his diet. Maybe consider a more natural method of feeding?


Sounds like a typical whippet pup o:) .

Some whippets take as long as six months to toilet train...some still have the odd accident even beyond then (especially if it's cold and wet outside) :- " . My own personal experience is that the dogs take longer to toilet train than the bitches. My 11 year old whippet still steals the biscuits from my coat pockets when I bend over to put his lead on, take my shoes off etc. His counter surfing days are over though...too arthritic now :sweating: . He doesn't suffer so much from must be diet related I'd say.

Good luck :luck: ...give it to 14-16 months and they calm down a bit...and then you'll see another calming down period from two years old and onwards.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: I laughed soooo much when i read your story. I have a 7 month old and a 4 year old - no joke they are daylight and darkness!

Tia jumps over everyone, nicks food out of your hand if you take your eyes off her, jumps on the worktops, barks at me when i try tell her NO, but everything considered she is absolutly gorgeous and its so difficult to get serious with her (although i know you have to sometimes) :eek: and knowing quite a few older whippets - believe me its all worth it when they grow into adults. :thumbsup:

Good luck in the future, he will turn into a whippet - eventually! :lol:
Can I offer a little reassurance? I had four (until recently when I lost my angelic 13.5year old) and they are ALL ANGELS now. There's two at 10.5 years and one who's 6.

House training - every hour, on the hour outside to the garden. Use a word for when they go and say no if you catch them doing it indoors (not afterwards). Cross fingers and time will tell (15wks is still very young).

Farting - think about changing the food but don't go trying a different one every day or more upset tummies will come. Talk to your vet.

The word 'no' - they usually learn it around 3years old... o:)

Honestly the first year or so with a whippie pup can be hard work but it's sooooo worth it and in a couple of years you will have a couchpotato perfect angel :huggles:

Good luck :thumbsup:
15 week old Whippet should be pretty clean, I get reports from people who buy my 9 weeks old pups that they never have accident. Or if they do it is just a one of, and usually that is the owners fault - like not taking the pups out. Could it be possible that your pup is frightened of your other dogs? Do they play roughly with him when he is outside? Also in this moment the weather in UK is pretty cold, I believe, and Whippets are not very fond of wet or cold. If he is hesitant to go out, maybe he needs a jumper, :)

Dogs fart if they are fed food that does not agree with them. Vets recommend food they make money on. Change his diet and put dollop of pro biotic yogurt on his food. Here are links to previous discussions about feeding Whippets :) :luck: :luck: :luck:

diet links
Whippets are terrible thieves and there's no getting away from that.

I personally have found them to be extremely easy to house train and very clean. Frankie came to live with me at 17 weeks - no problems whatsoever. Holly and Ruby didn't really have any accidents after around 11 weeks. I have always found crate training to be a very effective method (used properly of course) of house training.

I suppose all dogs are individuals. I've found my Whippets very easy. We have a Dobermann and Whippets are an absolute walk in the park compared to what Chloe was like as a youngster! :blink: Between us we've experience Staffie's, Springers, Labs and JRT's and not for one second would we go back to any of these breeds in comparison to Whippets.

I feed a natural diet, often referred to on here as BARF. The Whippets have always had this diet and do look very good on it. Our Dobe use to be fed a complete food - when she switched to BARF there was a very noticeable difference in her behaviour within a few weeks. She also got over a severe skin condition which we'd been told she would require medication for life. I will never feed complete again. The change in Chloe was quite amazing.

A teaspoon of live yog in his dinner every morning and night will really help to settle his stomach. Rachel's v v v old Whip x is testimont to how this works, its amazing.

On the other hand, my parents have a Whippet x Grey, Alfie - he has been a little monkey since they got him at 4 months from rescue. He's almost 2 now and just starting to calm down.

The girls - Holly and Ruby, go to my mums at season time as Alfie is castrated, and my mum thinks they are absolute o:) in comparison. As i say - they're all individuals.

Best of luck

apart from the housetraining the rest sounds normal (w00t)

flockleader said:
I bought a purebred whippet in Nov.  He is a sweetheart but everything I read about whippets says that they are really smart dogs.  Does this happen later in life?  I have 3 other dogs, mostly rescues. I've had many dogs but never had one like this.  He is only 15  weeks but I have NOT been able to house train him and I've never had a problem before.  He doesn't understand commands, nothing.  He has a one track mind.  He doesn't even seem like a dog.  We call him a mix between canine and weasel.  Is this normal for the breed?  I have him on high quality vet recommended food for sensitive stomachs and all he does is fart...all day long.  He jumps up on tables, tries to get on counters. He just doesn't understand NO.  Do I have a "special " whippet or is this normal for the breed.

Yeah I have two of those playing around my feet just now... one is a little over 2 years old and the other 11 weeks and they are both terrible for all the above lol

Ben (I am sure) thinks he is part mountain goat as I keep finding him on the sofa arms and in the window :blink:

As for the whizz popping.... hmmm yeah that happens a lot :x

Thing is here if Sid does it he goes to sniff Ben's rear as to say, did that smell come from you? :b

Aren't whippets fab :thumbsup: