Hope someone can help this gentleman who rang me the otherday.
He collects anything to do with dogs who race. He came across a MEDAL dated 1893 which has a
whippet and a man on it. It is solid silver and apparently has OLDHAM inscribed on it some where
it also has a companys name on it who i pursume donated it to this club. It is still in the original box.
If anyone thinks they can help please PM me and i will give you the gentlemans name and number.
Joyce Thoburn
He collects anything to do with dogs who race. He came across a MEDAL dated 1893 which has a
whippet and a man on it. It is solid silver and apparently has OLDHAM inscribed on it some where
it also has a companys name on it who i pursume donated it to this club. It is still in the original box.
If anyone thinks they can help please PM me and i will give you the gentlemans name and number.
Joyce Thoburn