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Need Help Ill Whippet Bitch


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hi i am posting this here as there are more brains that know about whippets in one place and may have had a simular problem i hope someone can help me

my 22 mnth old whippet bitch went down hill suddenly on sun eve she was unhappy and seemed a little stiff deffo not herself by early hours she had a very high temperature took her to vets first thing mon morning and they took a look at her as i had told him that in the night she had had the shivers then seem to be having pain in moving when trying to get up by the time we were at vets she still ad the temperature but was moving ok he felt her tum and took temperature and said it was an infection gave her antibiotics injection and something to cool temperature that day she seemed a little better in herself but by night she was back same i gave her her antibotic tablets today but she is sleeping all time and real down i am really worried about her then noticed a little earlier she has milk too she is eating ok and doing toilet fine but now is real lethargic and hot again as anyone got any ideas ( i am taking her back to vets tomoz but realy dont know what to say ) worried sick now
hi i am posting this here as there are more brains that know about whippets in one place and may have had a simular problem i hope someone can help memy 22 mnth old whippet bitch went down hill suddenly on sun eve she was unhappy and seemed a little stiff deffo not herself by early hours she had a very high temperature took her to vets first thing mon morning and they took a look at her as i had told him that in the night she had had the shivers then seem to be having pain in moving when trying to get up by the time we were at vets she still ad the temperature but was moving ok he felt her tum and took temperature and said it was an infection gave her antibiotics injection and something to cool temperature that day she seemed a little better in herself but by night she was back same i gave her her antibotic tablets today but she is sleeping all time and real down i am really worried about her then noticed a little earlier she has milk too she is eating ok and doing toilet fine but now is real lethargic and hot again as anyone got any ideas ( i am taking her back to vets tomoz but realy dont know what to say ) worried sick now
She's quite young but I would suspect pyometra an infection in the uterus. It can be open where the bitch can have a discharge, or closed which is much more dangerous. Is she drinking lots of water? At her age the signs could be tbat of pseudopregnancy, but she wouldn't have a temperature with that. I would go back to the vet tomorrow to be on the safe side - oh I just spotted that you already said you are going back tomorrow. I would think if she's no better they will think of pyometra anyway. Good luck and please let us know how she goes on :luck:
Ask your vet to consider the possibility of Steroid responsive Meningitis. her symptoms are classic for this. It can be triggered by stress , such as seasons or phantom pregnancy. She is the right age for this and its known in whippets

It could of course be an infection but you need to ask as many vets will not be aware of the condition

Also suggest 'immune mediated polyarthritis' to your vet. This appears to be becoming more common in whippets.

One of mine, a 3 year old, came down with this very suddenly (same symtoms as your whippy), fine one minute....unable to walk the next.

update she is at the vets at moment and i am home chewing my fingers to the bone they are scaning for pyometra and if nothing comes of this taking blood test s for other things i hope they find and cure it thats all i want the poor little thing was in soo much pain i will keep you updated when i hear more from vets thanks for all the answers will keep them in mind if scan comes back clear
update she is at the vets at moment and i am home chewing my fingers to the bone they are scaning for pyometra and if nothing comes of this taking blood test s for other things i hope they find and cure it thats all i want the poor little thing was in soo much pain i will keep you updated when i hear more from vets thanks for all the answers will keep them in mind if scan comes back clear
Sorry to hear your whippet isn't well. Hope the vets can find out what's wrong and get her better quickly. :thumbsup: Horrible waiting for vets to ring isn't it :(
update she is at the vets at moment and i am home chewing my fingers to the bone they are scaning for pyometra and if nothing comes of this taking blood test s for other things i hope they find and cure it thats all i want the poor little thing was in soo much pain i will keep you updated when i hear more from vets thanks for all the answers will keep them in mind if scan comes back clear
Sorry to hear your whippet isn't well. Hope the vets can find out what's wrong and get her better quickly. :thumbsup: Horrible waiting for vets to ring isn't it :(
sorry i didnt get on last night i am soo tired after being up for 3 nights solid with her my daughter stayed with her last night for me to get some rest went back to vets yesterday they kept her in for a scan for pyo but it turned out clear thank god problem is we are none the wiser they have taken blood and i am waiting for results but it can take up to 4 days grrr she wouldnt eat at all yesterday and only took a small sip of water i asked vet about the meningitus and they said when they have had blood results they will know more so its wait at the moment way things are going i would have chewed my nails down to my elbow :( when i got her up this morning she still seems very sore and not right but she did look for a little bit of food when i was giving the others breckfast so im hoping thats a good sign i will keep you all updated but any other ideas would be great thanks
looks like i spoke too soon her temperature is back and she is back to lying down all time and looks real sorry for herself phoned vet this morning no blood results yes :( going to ring back later and ask about test for srm as i have read every post on here on it and am almost convinced thats what it is by the symptoms will let u know more when i do its a very lonely place to be right now :(
This sounds so like my bitch - my vet thought it was a closed pyo. Eventually she was referred to the vet school where they immediately diagnosed SRMA.

Good luck with your girlie - keeping everything crossed.
Im so sorry things are not any better, personally if I thought my whippet had Meningitis I wouldnt wait for your GP vet to get bloods back, I would ask to be referred to a specialist vet, its a very serious and painful condition

I dont want you to panic but very high temperatures can be fatal so I wouldnt be happy about leaving her all weekend without treatment of any kind.

Ring your vet and say you are very worried about the temp rise and ask what you can do to keep it down, she may need medication to reduce it, you can also use wet towels and a fan to keep it down.

Sorry to be a worry , but your vet needs to know.

Jan x
looks like i spoke too soon her temperature is back and she is back to lying down all time and looks real sorry for herself phoned vet this morning no blood results yes :( going to ring back later and ask about test for srm as i have read every post on here on it and am almost convinced thats what it is by the symptoms will let u know more when i do its a very lonely place to be right now :(
go to your vet and insist they put your dog on predisalone asap, your dog is showing classic signs of SRM (i have lost a bitch with the same) you have to get the treatment moving its sounds like your vet has no idea and is racking up your bill
JUST TO UPDATE waited for phone call was told no sign of anything in bloods apart from maybe a little infection so played hell on phone and insisted they saw her again straight away took her back down and vet give her a more thourough exam this time also i told her what you all said (THANK YOU ) they agreeed and have taken her in tonight to start her on painkillers and steriods first thing in morning didnt want to start it tonight because she had just been given metacam will be riniging at 10 tomoz to find out how things have been please all pray that this works as i am at the end of my teather to tell truth and yes waiting for vets to phone is about as high on my stress level as i want to ever go :wacko: will update again tomoz x
I'm thinking of you - I hope the vets get her treatment moving and your girl gets on the road to recovery soon. I also hope you get some sleep tonight though I know that's easier said than done.

Good luck and please keep us posted, when you can. :luck: :luck: :luck: :luck: :luck: :luck:
Oh thank goodness, i would have worried all night myself so you must be stressed to the max.

I am hopeful she will respond quickly to the treatment

If your vet is unsure of the treatment protocol then maybe you could print off the info from this link

and take it in

Its a difficult one to treat if they havnt come accross it before

Hope it helps and best wishes to you and your whippy

Jan x
JUST TO UPDATE waited for phone call was told no sign of anything in bloods apart from maybe a little infection so played hell on phone and insisted they saw her again straight away took her back down and vet give her a more thourough exam this time also i told her what you all said (THANK YOU ) they agreeed and have taken her in tonight to start her on painkillers and steriods first thing in morning didnt want to start it tonight because she had just been given metacam will be riniging at 10 tomoz to find out how things have been please all pray that this works as i am at the end of my teather to tell truth and yes waiting for vets to phone is about as high on my stress level as i want to ever go :wacko: will update again tomoz x
great news, you will be amazed how quickly she starts to respond
I couldn't believe how quickly my dog responded to the correct treatment. Prior to the steroid treatment I was actually thinking that I would have to consider having him PTS because he was in such dreadful pain. Keeping everything crossed for you that your girl responds as quickly as Rifle did.
Any news, would really like to know how shes doing ?
Yes, me too. I keep logging in to see if there is any news on this little girl.