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Nch Jack The Lad X Supreme Rch Miss Daisy

Oh my they are stunners ...good luck to all that are getting them
They are gorgeous Chris :wub: Good :luck: in choosing one :lol: .Your gonna need it they are all stunners :thumbsup:
They are gorgeous Chris :wub: Good :luck: in choosing one :lol: .Your gonna need it they are all stunners :thumbsup:
I hope the one we pick is not as big as Lenny's Stunner (w00t)
Just got back from Uni (been away since very early Thur morn), Congrats on Daisy's robust little bunch of puppies they're making me puppy broody :b .

I think Daisy thinks you are going to drop her baby :wub: she looks so concerned!
Thanks for all the good wishes. Daisy and pups are ok. There are actually 2 black dogs(my eyes weren't working at 5.30 this morning!!), 2 black bitches and one fawn bitch. I have taken pics :D Will put them on soon. Trouble is. both the black bitches have similar markings and I'm struggling to tell the difference, will need tippex I think lol. Daisy had one still born, couldn't revive it. Natural selection I guess :( But rest are spot n so am over the moon.Took daisy to the vets at 1.30 cos the 1st pup was breech and there wqas no way could I get hold of it's slippery paws, besides, I think daisy wondered what the hell I was doing with my finger up her tush!! lol Vet tried for about 30 mins to free it and she had been stuck for about 45 mins before that, was expecting the worst. Vet thought so too................but she came out kicking and screaming, latched on straight away and is the bossiest of the lot!!

Pups weights are

Little black boy 9 1/2 oz

Big black boy 14 3/4 oz

Fawn girl 13 3/4 oz

Smaller black girl 12 1/2 oz

bigger black girl 14 oz.

Some bellyfull!

Am away to do daisy's dinner and fall asleep doing the washing up.

Will put photos on later.

Just had Chris on the phone,the pups are all thriving :wub: but apparently the little black boy is now a little black girl

Chris must have been really tired when she checked the pups ,and I think she feels quite embarrassed :b

Silly Chris :lol: we forgive you :)

She says she's checked them 22 times now (w00t) and she's getting Joyce to double check for her 8) :lol:
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Thanks for all the good wishes. Daisy and pups are ok. There are actually 2 black dogs(my eyes weren't working at 5.30 this morning!!), 2 black bitches and one fawn bitch. I have taken pics :D Will put them on soon. Trouble is. both the black bitches have similar markings and I'm struggling to tell the difference, will need tippex I think lol. Daisy had one still born, couldn't revive it. Natural selection I guess :( But rest are spot n so am over the moon.Took daisy to the vets at 1.30 cos the 1st pup was breech and there wqas no way could I get hold of it's slippery paws, besides, I think daisy wondered what the hell I was doing with my finger up her tush!! lol Vet tried for about 30 mins to free it and she had been stuck for about 45 mins before that, was expecting the worst. Vet thought so too................but she came out kicking and screaming, latched on straight away and is the bossiest of the lot!!

Pups weights are

Little black boy 9 1/2 oz

Big black boy 14 3/4 oz

Fawn girl 13 3/4 oz

Smaller black girl 12 1/2 oz

bigger black girl 14 oz.

Some bellyfull!

Am away to do daisy's dinner and fall asleep doing the washing up.

Will put photos on later.

Just had Chris on the phone,the pups are all thriving :wub: but apparently the little black boy is now a little black girl

Chris must have been really tired when she checked the pups ,and I think she feels quite embarrassed :b

Silly Chris :lol: we forgive you :)

She says she's checked them 22 times now (w00t) and she's getting Joyce to double check for her 8) :lol:
Oh Bless Chris we were like that with Kerri's first litter. I'd check, pass the pup to Mum, she'd check, then we'd put them all down and be rolling them over a few seconds lated just to make sure :lol:
It seems that Chris doesn't know the difference from a fannyann and a tricky dicky :b :)
I DO know the difference, just that I must have either looked at the same one twice (don't forget they all look the same!) or I was tired or I am tit !! lol Tend to go with the latter :p Anyway, the little girl (or 'heshe' as it will be ever known in this house) is doing well for having lost her dangly bits!
Lol Geoff ...the vet once told us we has 3 girls 1 boy ...turned out the other way around took us 3 days to notice

Dosent really matter what they are they are all lush
Lol Cara was a dog pup til she was about 3 weeks old ;) Keep the heshe Chris :lol:
Looks like Hazel wants him/her :unsure: if so I'm going to name it Up's a Daisy :)
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I can see I'm never going to live this down :p :D I'm just glad i'm not the only one Vicky.................tho the kids did say you were just saying it to make me feel better.................or in their words.............'less of a numpty' lol

All pups are doing fine and none have lost their bits ha ha. Can't wait till G&H come tomorrow to take photo's n do dew claws and lets see if they get confused o:) :teehee: Going to paint all white bits out so they're all balck lol
my name 4 he/she is WHOOPS ITS A DAISY as 1st it was boy then a girl lol or maybe hemafradite i cant say it never mind spell it pmsl :lol:
G&H have been today to do the pups dew claws. Hopefully Geoff will be able to remember the order in which he took the pics of the pups ( terrible if he got the gender wrong in photo's (w00t) ). Hazel...................keep him right.


P.S this is my new log sick of being the wrong gender o:) :blink: (w00t)