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Nail Bed Infections

dave the farmer

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dont post often just like to ask a question.has any body ever had any trouble with nail bed did you treat .my bitch kez keeps getting it drys up then flares up again after racing .have had it treated by the vet.
I always use ippyscrub and a tooth brush get the dirt out then 9% perroxide on a cotton bud .Clean around the nail bed ,

if the toe is infected it will fizz

I also use the same on my own hands if i cut them so i know its ok and works really well .you can get it from most chemists about £1 .00

hope this helps

GARY :luck: ;)
Oil of lavender heals well and is antibacterial. Or Manuka honey.
Soak foot in Epsom Salts as warm as you think the dog can stand. It draws out anything nasty. I use twice daily until healed. I normally keep the solution (tablespoon in a small bowl water) and microwave it for the next soak and change it daily.
A thick pasty substance-Hatchwells Quick????? or something-similar can't think of exact name-

worked really well with one of ours who was prone to this-

originally got it from Alison Armstrong.....

Iodine/coal tar based I think
another tip is to keep a pot of pre-soaked cotton wool/hibiscrub (in an air tight container) in the fridge

use for cleansing before applying any ointments/potions

the coolness helps/soothes/cleans all-in-one

We had a similar problem.Was recommended Pomesium Manginate,can be purchased from Boots,etc.Very cheap,and very effective.

dont post often just like to ask a question.has any body ever had any trouble with nail bed did you treat .my bitch kez keeps getting it drys up then flares up again after racing .have had it treated by the vet.
i think thats nail bed fungus if it is it cannot be treated by yourself or a vet when it gets bad the nails fall of ask your vet to have it tested