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:- " Not bad for someone not wanting to get involved in a slanging match. If the same errors occured on Blue Goblin's results from this lab you would have expected to have got a ban from the NWRF then. Yvonne.
dont bring my dog into it i never worried about a test even though she had her fair share of them lately from fed... i am not replying any longer to you in k9 as i have nothing left to say
bye the way its got nothing to do with irg its upto fed members to sort it out .

the chair will be voted in by members.....also most of fed members run with irg and bwra.....
I've been watching these threads with interest.

There's an old saying.........the further up the tree you get the more you show your arse! :b


Agree 100% with Realmad yip posted 14 Jan.It is our first year racing atlanta.

We have really enjoyed racing her . She maybe not the fastest but alway,s give,s

us 100% in both effort and pleasure. (she is our fluke). :D

Sorry for the committee as they are 110%,true whippet people. :(

Hope the new committee give as much good luck.

Good Morning David, We know only too well that you don't have to have the fastest dog/bitch to enjoy whippet racing.

We travelled for over a year with a one of ours which was far from the fastest.

Fairness is all we (our family) and guess most people want.

It's a pity things cannot be sorted without drastic measures.

You're in a different position, you were not crossed.

We too wish new committee members the best of luck as we won't be attending any meeting.
Answer to Yvonne’s question

I would like to think that the members would be able to have a say in voting a new committee on to the Fed, as after all they are the paying members if it wasn’t for them there would be no Fed.

However there was no one more surprised about hellbounds positive test than Gary and myself, I know how hell-bent both you and Tony are over zero tolerance in drug testing.

The Fed committee at the time should of asked you both to stand down until you got it all sorted out , or you both should had stood down off the committee without been asked.

On the 22nd of November in a phone conversation with Gary you told him that hellbound had eaten alabambers stools, and she was on a tonic as she was run down due to whelping her litter, as trusted committee members and your obsession about zero tolerance I cannot get my head around you handling a tonic that contains caffeine at a main weekend event.

I know how obsessed you both are over zero as you both tried to get the BWRA to allow it to be proposed in there rules this year, but as in previous years you were told it was not workable

My answer to your question to Gary “If the same errors occurred on Blue Goblin's results from this lab you would have expected to have got a ban from the NWRF then. Yvonne. “

Then yes I would be expected to be treat as any other member, if any of my dogs gave a positive test.

I have all faith in the testing lab, these people do not just employ anyone off the street to work there, and these people are qualified technicians.

Your positive test in the BWRA was not high enough to result in you, Tony and your dogs a ban, but under the circumstances of your own ruling (link provided at bottom of page, just click on it) which you published in the whippet news, you were automatically banned from fed for 2 years…. YOUR OWN RULES.

I would also like to ask why Mr @ Mrs Batson’s and Mrs I Cummingham never got to see any original documentation on there failed tests, Mrs Batson said “she tried always to get to see these and it was like hitting her head off a brick wall”, also mrs Cummingham wrote a piece in whippet news explain her views (the letter mrs Cummingham wrote is also in link provided)

You managed to send varies people a copy of hellbounds test via email so would there be any chance of a copy of both these test?

I hope this reply help Yvonne

Signed D Bailey

provided link ( just click )
I've not bothered registering before now as I feel that a lot of peoples views need to be expressed somewhere without old hands jumping in every five minutes trying to put them right, but it seems that all to often people from certain quarters feel the need to have a go at those that are only trying to help.

It seems that Rowland wishes to have a dig at me for agreeing to chair the meeting on Sunday. Lets get some truths of the matter in now. After agreeing to chair the meeting, as a neutral, of which it was hoped you would attend(and still do), I immediately made the point to these people, and others since , that I would agree with your side, and disagree with them (the members) if I felt that you were right. I still intend to chair the meeting with that same view. It's no secret that you both have a dislike for me, but then I've always told you the truth, and it hurts doesn't it. Perhaps Tony has forgotten that when as a committe member myself I finally got to see the books I was not happy with what I saw.

I have never at any time said that you have not worked hard but remember I told you that we could do without you at Blidworth because you kept blatantly breaking the Fed's own rules just to suit yourselves on theday. I could go on and on but it gets us nowhere as the sport need to go forward rather than backwards, and in an honest and open fashion with some of whippet racings old values.

If you've bothered to read this far you may be surprised to know that I would like to see you both turning up at race meetings in the future enjoying yourselves in an honest and open fashion.

with some of whippet racings old values
This is exactly what's been lost in whippet racing over the last few years - lets get it back how it used to be!!!
i hope when this gets sorted the fed can go back to being the great organisation it used to be.
Lets hope so Michelle.

I dont understand why Gary and Denise have been singled out and blamed for calling the members meeting on Sunday, as this is not the case. The meeting is wanted and was called by alot of NWRF members who are very concerned and only want to see the body continue and prosper. Good luck to the new committee who will be voted on by the members for 2004


o:) YVONNE REPLYING. to gary


Where have you been GARY ? we have been speaking up since we received the report did you not read the letter we sent to all N.W.R.F. members.(NOT EVERYONE HAS A P.C.)


There was 10 committee members on the N.W.R.F. when drug testing was introduced.(I DO NOT RUN THE N.W.R.F.).


We have never made any such allergation.


Obviously not a very good hit list is it,(AS I ONLY RUN DOGS NOT BITCHES).



Sorry GARY i was not there ,(SO YOU DID NOT CROSS ME).
Isn't it a shame that we have to witness a personal slanging match when you are supposed to be showing people that you responsible and trustworthy. The Federation never used to have to make any excuses for what it did in the past because it was trusted to be fair, and if anyone of you has nothing to hide then be at the meeting this Sunday, and in an adult and orderly manner answer the questions that others wish to put, and if necessary make points and ask responsible questions yourself. Remember that at the present moment there is no committee to judge you.

Ihave noticed some "smilies" having been put on throughout this topic, but I must admit I don't see much to smile about.
I have just recently joined this website and have been reading through the forums and this one takes the biscuit!! Did any of you read the terms when signing up?? :unsure: Quote: ''I agree i must not post material which is abusive, hateful and defamatory.''

It seems to me that alot of people are upset that the commitee have stepped down (they obviously do alot of hard work and from what i am reading will be very hard to replace!). From what i can gather G. Bailey (Mutley) has been banned am i correct?? So why did he get involved in calling a meeting? and will this ban still stand even though there will be a new committee??

I think everyone needs to chill out or its not going to be a sport people enjoy doing anymore!
mmmm maybe you need to get your facts right before posting :- "but you are correct in saying about a sport people want to enjoy again..... as it was years ago
Last edited by a moderator:
on the non pedigree forum there are 3 moderators.

If anyone of the moderators thought that the posts/comments made were unacceptable we would either delete or moderate the topic.

if anyone has a complaint about a particular topic/comments made etc they are welcome to either e-mail or personal message any of the moderators to discuss the matter privately.

At the moment i have received no complaints about the topic and we the moderators are happy to let the topic carry on. obviously if things change then that will be dealt with as we feel appropriate.
All this debate,(i would not have said it was a slaggin match) could have been avoided if the then FED committee had allowed Denise to race her dog's......

Again i say WHY ban her and her dog's for something she never said??

she never did anything wrong??

ANGEL----Yes i am sure most would agree with you when you say the FED committee was a hard working committee and will be hard to be replaced, the members DID NOT TELL THEM TO RESIGN, they did that off their own back.

The issue here is not that they did not work hard, everyone knows they did as do the BWRA committee and all the people who run the clubs....

Perhaps you might like to attend the meeting on sunday at Asfordby where i am sure all the issues which the members are concerned about, will be raised and dealt with........
I think Pat has coverd nearly everything to answer your questions Angel.

That is all but one, find out the true facts, not just what you read.

I will have my say at the meeting. Where everyone is given the chance to explain their concerns and actions as will others if thay have the face to turn up.

If other NWRF members have any sence thay will do the same.

You placed your post on k9 Angel but you have not told us who you are ??????

I hope you make it to the meeting.

There is just one thing I want to clear up. Gary and Denise DID NOT call this meeting the members did. It was just put on the bottom on Denises letter for quickness.
