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My terrors..such a fun!


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Like a proud mum I just have to show some photos my little ones daily play :rolleyes: (it is not enough just keep looking at them myself!)
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I can totally understand your pride..I have to restrain myself when taking photos of my two otherwise there would be a million photos!
George has only been with us since last April but he and Murphy have played like this since day one and I never get fed up of watching them.
I see your two take turns to be the 'victim' too.
I can totally understand your pride..I have to restrain myself when taking photos of my two otherwise there would be a million photos!
George has only been with us since last April but he and Murphy have played like this since day one and I never get fed up of watching them.
I see your two take turns to be the 'victim' too.
LOL...when camera comes out I can practically read their minds.. ;"that bloody thing AGAIN...'smile'.."
Yes, they are very happy to switch the roles and have themselves dragged across the floor on their entertaining to watch and my role is usually to be the referee before it gets bit too 'energetic'.
Oh they are so lovely! :rolleyes: I have more pics of my dogs and ponies than I do of my kids!:D
Oh they are so lovely! :rolleyes: I have more pics of my dogs and ponies than I do of my kids!:D
Thank you. Yes...everything else gets taken photos in this house too...just me and hubby don't seem to get court on front of camera. Then again it is me who usually is the camera operator...and if being honest, animals and nature is much more interesting to look at than our faces.
v " playing on my own while my big sister is recovering is a bit booring....sigh'

v "I am not sure about this new 'hair cut' it supposed to be like this?"

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ETA...Iida had to go to vets other day and was put on drip and had some blood tests done...hence the 'hair cut'.
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Thank you. Yes...everything else gets taken photos in this house too...just me and hubby don't seem to get court on front of camera. Then again it is me who usually is the camera operator...and if being honest, animals and nature is much more interesting to look at than our faces.

I checked Murphy and Georges FB page today there are over 10,000 photos there and I think about 4 contain me!
My own FB page has a couple of me but like yourself its normally me holding the camera and I want to show people the beautiful things I see not plaster my ugly mug all over the place..
I checked Murphy and Georges FB page today there are over 10,000 photos there and I think about 4 contain me!
My own FB page has a couple of me but like yourself its normally me holding the camera and I want to show people the beautiful things I see not plaster my ugly mug all over the place..
LOL...their own FB page as well!? :D They are well presented pooches indeed. Mine only get to share my 'insta' page. It is supposed to be more of my other hobbies but it is increasingly starting to show more the dogs. Oh well...must show to the world what is the dearest at the time. Hmm...hubby is there only once..o_O:oops::rolleyes:
@Finsky I started a FB page for my dogs Benny and Remy in 2012 after Oscar died . I thought it would be a way to force me into taking photos again. You see every time I looked through the viewfinder and only saw two of them I was reminded that he was missing so I just put the camera away . The FB page helped change that. Then after Benny and Remy were gone I decided that Murphy deserved a page of his own. Benny's page is still there as a memorial though. I still can't delete it.
Love the pictures. The toy rat looks very real :D
Love the pictures. The toy rat looks very real :D
Thanks....the toy rat and mouse do look real enough indeed to 'practice' what to do when they coming across a real deal...not that they need telling, I think the instinct for rodent catching is in their DNA :rolleyes:
The rat toy on the floor is patched and sewn together numerous times after their 'practice session'...
We took double trouble for a good walk to the Sherwood forest again and very nice Valentines treat it was indeed.
Since there is no flights to China available...
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, girls did some problem solving...'here we come...!' ;):D
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In true terrier style... Heads down arse up pose
Yeah..unfortunately when outdoors it takes some doing trying to get the front end of the dogs into the photos. :rolleyes:
Always digging or in a hurry to dash forward..
You know when life in the house goes quiet all of the sudden....something is up...and then you see this...
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….quietly minding her own business and with full concentration going on...

Then Iida (the older one) came to check what is going on... "errr….are you sure that is allowed...?"

Me; " what are you doing....what have you got?" ...yep...court in action! Though this time it wasn't anything drastic....'just' a piece of wood from log basket. She knows wood is not allowed, and she has plenty of chews to attack anyway... Naughty girl!

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What lovely little faces – and they look totally innocent to me;)
Ha ha the dreaded silence = usually being naughty :D