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My springer is being nasty


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hi can anyone tell me why my springer spaniel is turning nasty,one minute hes fine then suddenly he turns,snapping very bad tempered,I need to do something before he actually bite's,he's been a great dog for the past 9 years a great family member,advice needed urgently please.
If its so out of character then injury or being unwell with something will be the problem, check teeth for a abcess, smelly breath is a giveaway, if you can afford it a vet could help, has there been any changes in.your household?
I second the trip to the vet, not wanting scare you but, it can be a sign or some quite serious Heath issues. I also second that I might be a change in the dogs routine, they thrive on routine and you being predictable.
If this truly has come out of nowhere then if it was one of mine I'd be straight off to the vet. It could be pain related, and in a worst case scenario when this happens, it could be brain tumour. I'm not trying to scare you, but you're obviously worried. When a dog reacts like that out of nowhere and you can't obviously find a trigger it's often pain or neurological.

I hope all turns out well.
