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My Sister Barbara

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Seven weeks ago today my sister Barbara died. I have thought about sharing something that happened on the day of her funeral but haven't felt able to until today. Whilst at the house waiting for the funeral cortege to arrive Barbara's little Shih Tzu dog Bobby lay on the front lawn watching, he didn't take any notice of the comings and goings just quietly waited for his mum to come back home one last time, when the hearse arrived he looked up and watched it intently as though he knew.

Reading some poetry today I came across the following


The one absolutely unselfish friend that

a man can have in this selfish world,

the one that never deserts him,

the one that never proves ungrateful

or treacherous, is his dog.

A man's dog stands by him in prosperity

and in poverty,

in health and in sickness.

He will sleep on the cold ground where

the wintery winds blow,

and the snow drives fiercely,

if only he may be near his master's

side. He will kiss the hand that has no

food to offer, he will lick the sores

and wounds that come in encounter with

the roughness of the world. He guards

the sleep of his Pauper master as if he

were a prince.

When all other friends desert,

he remains.

When riches take wings and reputation

falls to pieces, he is as constant in

his love as the sun in it's journey

through the heavens.

If misfortune drives the master forth

an outcast in the world, friendless

and homeless, the faithful dog asks

no higher privilege than that of

accompanying him to guard against

danger, to fight against his enemies.

And when the last scene of all comes,

and death takes the master in it's

embrace, and his body is laid away in

the cold ground, no matter if all other

friends pursue their way, there by the

graveside will the noble dog be found,

his head between his paws, his eyes sad,

but open in alert watchfulness,

faithful and true, even in death.

-From a speech given by

Former Senator George Graham Vest

of Missouri.

Her whole life Barbara rescued and looked after cats and dogs no-one else wanted. I loved her dearly and miss her so much.
im so very sorry to hear this :huggles: :huggles: that is a lovely poem ,thank you for sharing it with us :huggles:
So very sorry to hear about your sister, must be so hard for you and so little time has passed since your loss. I hope Bobby is coping with his loss.

:huggles: :huggles: :huggles: :huggles:
That is so touching. Thank you for sharing it with us and you have my deepest sympathy. :huggles: :huggles: :huggles: :huggles:
sorry for your loss jenny :huggles: thats a loverly poem thanks for sharing :huggles: R.I.P barbara
Sorry for your loss, the poem is lovely and so true. RIP Barbara. :huggles:
so sorry to read about your loss jenny :(

the poem is lovely.

RIP BABARA :huggles:
I know you miss her :( She sounds like she was a lovely woman :huggles:

RIP Barbara
Thats really lovely :huggles:

Sleep Tight Barbara
Im so sorry Jenny, :( my thoughts are with you and your family at this very sad time...

That is a lovely tribute in a poem...and your introduction brought tears to my eyes...thinking of her little dog watching her leave... :huggles: :huggles:
I'm really feeling for you Jenny - you seem to have been very close to her, and to lose her is obviously very hard. That was a lovely piece on the faithfullness of the dog - man's best friend afterall. The dogs and cats that Barbara rescued were very lucky, as was she to have shared their lives, and to have had a sister like you :huggles:

Sleep peacefully Barbara :huggles:
Thankyou for sharing this, my best wishes to you and your sisters dog.
So sorry for your loss, your sister was obviously a special lady
Very sorry to hear about your sister Jenny.

That poem brought tears to my eyes.
So sorry to hear of the loss of your sister. My thoughts are with you at this sad time.

The poem is so beautiful. :wub:

RIP Barbara :huggles:
Can I thank you from the bottom of my heart for the messages, e-mails, p.m's and beautiful poems, I have received since I posted this yesterday. I will print everything out and place them in the Memory Book I am making.

I know you will understand that I am closing this thread now.

Thank you all so much


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