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My Little Soloman Is Poorly !

:( hope Soloman feels better soon :luck: :luck: :luck:
Oh poor Soloman, and how worrying for you, not knowing what is wrong :(

Hope he shows some improvement soon :luck:

Liz and the Monellis
:( Oh dear. Im sorry Solomon is still not well. :huggles: :luck: :luck:
Soloman was sent home to me again this evening as they had managed to get his temperature back down again. He seemed Ok, but quiet. They had taken a urine sample to test tomorrow and hope that that would show something. Anyway its now 1.00am and I have just got back from taking him to the emergency vets. He was trembling most of the evening, obviously in discomfort, and his temperature kept climbing, it peaked at 106 with him stood in a cold water bath after having a cold wet towel on his back in front of a fan for 30 minutes. To say I was worried was an understatement.

Anyway he is now in the vets with a drip as I felt he was not drinking and he was showing signs of dehydration. They have agreed to finally do an abdominal scan tomorrow as I keep telling them that I feel he has abdominal pain. So hopefully finally we may start to get some results.

Poor little thing, I hate leaving him, but on the otherhand I feel relieved that he is somewhere that is capable of keeping him more comfortable than he is at home.

Thanks again for your support everyone :thumbsup:
poor little soloman,hope they get to the bottom of it this time :(

sending him lots of :huggles: :huggles: :huggles:
:luck: :luck: :luck: :luck: :luck: :luck: :luck: :( I really hope they find out what's doing this to him poor boy. Poor you, how very scary.
Chills said:
Soloman was sent home to me again this evening as they had managed to get his temperature back down again.  He seemed Ok, but quiet.  They had taken a urine sample to test tomorrow and hope that that would show something.  Anyway its now 1.00am and I have just got back from taking him to the emergency vets.  He was trembling most of the evening, obviously in discomfort, and his temperature kept climbing, it peaked at 106 with him stood in a cold water bath after having a cold wet towel on his back in front of a fan for 30 minutes.  To say I was worried was an understatement.Anyway he is now in the vets with a drip as I felt he was not drinking and he was showing signs of dehydration.  They have agreed to finally do an abdominal scan tomorrow as I keep telling them that I feel he has abdominal pain.  So hopefully finally we may start to get some results.

Poor little thing, I hate leaving him, but on the otherhand I feel relieved that he is somewhere that is capable of keeping him more comfortable than he is at home.

Thanks again for your support everyone  :thumbsup:

Poor little man :( Hopefully the scan will reveal the problem :luck: He is in the best place :huggles:
Poor Soloman - :luck: :luck: for a speedy recovery
:( poor baby sending lots of :luck: :luck: :luck: and :huggles: :huggles: for you both :huggles:
veronyc said:
Has meningitis been ruled out? :luck:   :luck:
Funny you should say that, the vet has just called me to say that that is something they are looking into, amongst everything else! His temperature is back down and he is eating OK with them. They have done abdominal scans which showed nothing. They are retesting urine as there was a little blood in it, but he did have a catheter (cant spell) yesterday so that might explain that one. They have taken further bloods and will send off if urines come back normal. Other routes are testing spinal fluid! that would mean going to somewhere else. I just want my little boy back in my bed where he belongs. :(
Poor lad :( ......You must be worried sick ........It sounds a bit like a dog I know with Lupus ......that might be worth a suggestion ...... :luck:
Chills said:
Soloman was sent home to me again this evening as they had managed to get his temperature back down again.  He seemed Ok, but quiet.  They had taken a urine sample to test tomorrow and hope that that would show something.  Anyway its now 1.00am and I have just got back from taking him to the emergency vets.  He was trembling most of the evening, obviously in discomfort, and his temperature kept climbing, it peaked at 106 with him stood in a cold water bath after having a cold wet towel on his back in front of a fan for 30 minutes.  To say I was worried was an understatement.Anyway he is now in the vets with a drip as I felt he was not drinking and he was showing signs of dehydration.  They have agreed to finally do an abdominal scan tomorrow as I keep telling them that I feel he has abdominal pain.  So hopefully finally we may start to get some results.

Poor little thing, I hate leaving him, but on the otherhand I feel relieved that he is somewhere that is capable of keeping him more comfortable than he is at home.

Thanks again for your support everyone  :thumbsup:

Keeping fingers crossed that it isnt anything too serious.. :luck: :luck: it is aweful leaving them but hopefully they will get to the bottom of it... :thumbsup:
Hope he gets better soon. Wish u love and hugs for him
I really feel for you and Soloman ..........

I lost my 3 month old foal in August due to Salmonella infection which progressed to septacaemia. He did not have diahorrea until the later stages. I have copied across a list of symptoms - not all these need to be present for a dog to have a salmonella infection.

The thing which is different in Soloman's case is that he is eating, and usually they won't do this with salmonella so hopefully it isn't that. But I thought I should mention it as it is quite prevalent this year due to the wet weather we have had.

The only way to find out is to culture several faeces samples over a 5 day period (in the case of my foal it was too late by the time they found out what was causing his illness).

The severity of salmonellosis in dogs and cats varies:


subclinical carrier state (most common)

acute enterocolitis

fever, anorexia, lethargy

diarrhea, possibly with mucus or blood

abdominal pain (infection is often associated with mesenteric lymphadenitis)

May present with prolonged periods of fever and anorexia without diarrhea.


Salmonellosis in cats has also been caused "song bird fever," reflecting association with predation on infected migratory birds.

I so hope they can find out what is wrong with Soloman and he feels better soon

:luck: :huggles: :luck: :huggles: :huggles: :luck: :huggles:
jinnyfizz said:
I really feel for you and Soloman ..........I lost my 3 month old foal in August due to Salmonella infection which progressed to septacaemia.  He did not have diahorrea until the later stages.  I have copied across a list of symptoms - not all these need to be present for a dog to have a salmonella infection.

The thing which is different in Soloman's case is that he is eating, and usually they won't do this with salmonella so hopefully it isn't that. But I thought I should mention it as it is quite prevalent this year due to the wet weather we have had.

The only way to find out is to culture several faeces samples over a 5 day period (in the case of my foal it was too late by the time they found out what was causing his illness).

The severity of salmonellosis in dogs and cats varies:


subclinical carrier state (most common)

acute enterocolitis

fever, anorexia, lethargy

diarrhea, possibly with mucus or blood

abdominal pain (infection is often associated with mesenteric lymphadenitis)

May present with prolonged periods of fever and anorexia without diarrhea.


Salmonellosis in cats has also been caused "song bird fever," reflecting association with predation on infected migratory birds.

I so hope they can find out what is wrong with Soloman and he feels better soon

:luck:   :huggles:   :luck:   :huggles:   :huggles:   :luck:   :huggles:

Thanks Jane - will mention it to the vets when they call. :cheers:
You must be frantic. :( Hope he's better and home soon. :luck: :luck: :luck: :huggles: :huggles:
:luck: Hope Soloman is getting better and that they find out what is wrong with him soon :luck:
Poor Soloman and poor you. :( Hope the vets find out what is wrong with him soon, so that they can help him get better, and he can come home. :huggles: :luck: