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My little Dachshund has bladder cancer :(


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Hi, I have just joined today hoping really to link with anyone who is going through or has gone through the same thing as I am. My Dachshund Lottie is 11 years old and was recently diagnosed with bladder cancer. Surgery is out as it is embedded in the wall of the bladder and I was told that they wouldn't be able to remove it all anyway. She suffers epilepsy also, which causes complications with medications. Anyway the thing is apart from the blood when she pee's and sometimes mucus, there aren't many other symptoms at present. I think she has become a little lame in her back legs, but generally she is her usual happy self! It's the waiting for things to happen that I am finding hard to deal with. Sometimes I look at her and can't believe she has a horrible tumor growing inside her that will eventually take her away from me... If anyone is out there who can help me with what may come next, please let me know, I feel at such a loss..
So sad you’re going through this with Lottie, never had any experience of this but can imagine how you’re feeling :( hope someone on here can help you xx
I'm sorry from the bottom of my heart. Three years ago my beautiful cocker spaniel was found to have a kidney tumour. No cure, just palliative treatment. He was 10. We were offered (and accepted) one course of chemotherapy- which I will always hate myself for. It made him sick and unhappy. We stopped it and he had pain relief and steroids after that. We gave him the finest life we could- took him places he loved, food treats without moderation. When he was restless we took it turns to sleep with him. When the time came we gave him the best day and said goodbye. I'm so regretful not to be able to offer anything but this: just value each day and make it a good one. Remember only you are feeling the weight of this knowledge- to your lovely girl life goes on as it has- with you. I won't say I feel for you. I feel it exactly with you. I'm so very sorry. If I can tell you anything else, just ask.
Such a sad thing for you to be going through,
Not something I have experienced and cannot begin to think how hard it must be,
All I can offer is think of what a good time you and little Lottie have had,
And the love you have,
Stay strong for Lottie, she will appreciate it.
Ive never had this but I know what its like to realise that the days you have together are limited.

Take each moment as it comes and savour the good ones, tell her you love her leave nothing unsaid spoil her now and understand that when the time comes letting her go is the greatest act of love you can offer her...
Thank you everyone for your kind words, they do bring comfort to me. Merlina, sorry you had to go through this also, it makes you feel so helpless, like you just want to rip the horrid thing out of them. I am not going down the chemotherapy route, but don't beat yourself up about it, you were trying to do what you could for your boy. As you say they don't know, so I must stay strong and try to hide my worries, we all know that are dogs are very good at sensing when we are unhappy, I would hate to put that upon her little shoulders also. Thank you soooo much everyone. I will keep you posted as to how we are getting on. xxx
So sorry for you and Lottie, just stay strong and enjoy each day as much as possible. X
Sorry to read this. Nothing to add to all the supportive posts above, other than to say you both have my best wishes.
Can only echo all of the above, a tough time but know it will be filled with love...
So sorry to read this! I also have a dachshund called Lottie she’s only 6 but I dread the time when I am without her.
We lost a whippet to lukemia last year, the disease was very advanced when he was diagnosed .. I used to look at him asleep on the sofa and convince myself that they had mad a mistake. There was no treatment plan but I had faith that we would both know when it was time for him to rest. There is no easy advice or anything I can say to make things less painful for you, other than take each day at a time and treasure every prescious moment that you have.
Again I’m so sorry xx
So sad to read this :( I'm so sorry .
Wish you all the best x
Thank you once again to everyone who has written kind words. Today we had a lot of blood each time Lottie had a wee, which was quite a few times and a couple of indoor accidents, bless her she gets so upset about it, that breaks my heart to see. Other than that, no other visible signs. She has been a bit quieter and the toys haven’t been thrown around much. We have days like this, but tomorrow could be completely different. Now she is sleeping soundly next to me and I can feel her little heart beating against me..That’s a feeling I will always treasure. Xx