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My Journey Back To The Isle Of Man


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I thought I should share my journey back to Isle of Man with you, long it maybe:

Mum and I left the Midland whippet show at about 4pm. Good I thought plenty of time to rest at Mums before I have to travel up to Heysham for the 02.15am boat Monday morning. So when we got to mums I packed the car, fed the dogs ect. My sister returns from her walk and told me to ring hubby. Which I did, only to be told that all the boats had been cancelled.

So I rang the steam packet company and was told that I have been transferred to the 02.15am boat on Tuesday Morning, great I thought. After trying to explain to the idiot on the other end of the phone that I had a meeting with a parent and social worker could they put me on the early sailing from Liverpool, “NO” came the reply the boat is full. So I unpacked the car.

I then had to phone my head and explain all this to him, he was really good and said not to worry, there are lots of other teachers in the same situation. I explained to him that my Nursery Nurse could take the children, as the planning was all there. The conversation ended with “enjoy your extra day off!”

Monday had a relaxing day at mums, took the dogs out for 2 good walks, fed then early and then repacked the car. We left early knowing that I should arrive at Heysham for about midnight, great I can take the dogs for a walk around Asda’s carpark and then do a little shopping before catching the boat.

OH NO! this never happened, got on the M6 and got caught up in the major road accidents. We sat there for hours, my main concern was the dogs, but do you know they were as good as gold. I thought what if there need a wee, I can’t get them out onto the hard shoulder, as police cars, fire engineers, ect were racing up this, so I thought if they need to go, I will walk to the lorry in front of me and let them cock their legs because by now I didn’t give a damn.

We eventually came of the M6 at 4am, we had been there for 6 hours, we took a detour and came back onto the M6 at J18. By now we had missed the boat, so what do I do? We travelled up to Blackpool to see Paul’s parents, they had been sitting up since11pm waiting for us to arrive at 6.30am. I then rang the steam packed and was put on the 11.15am boat for Liverpool, arriving on the Isle of Man at 1.15pm. That was alright because it meant I would make parents evening.

But no, the boat left Liverpool at 11.20 and arrived at 3pm, the journey was horrible, we sailed in gail force 7, everyone around me was throwing up. Got of the boat, ran into the house with the dogs, fed them, changed into more suitable clothing for parents, put the dogs back in the car, took them round to my 93 year old lady, she opened the door and I said I will pick them up between 7 & 8pm.

By now I was shattered, haven’t slept for over 24 hours and guess what the parents you want to see don’t turn up!!!! The best thing is that we all got home safely and members of staff whom I normally have banter with, hugged me and said I so glad your safe.

Janetta that is the journey from hell!!!! Poor poor you.

Glad you and the whips are all back home safely now though.

Diego sends you a special cuddle in return for letting him sit on your knee on Sunday. :huggles: :huggles:
That sounds as though it was a complete nightmare! :wacko: But at least you are now all back safely. :thumbsup:
What a nightmare of a journey, poor you. Having been over to the island years ago when my aunt and uncle were alive I know how rough it can be, the first time we went even some of the crew were sick!!!!!

Hope you have recovered and are back to normal. Aren't whippets good little dogs, so laid back, as long as they have you around they are okay.
The Heysham ferry is good , do you take your dogs into the dog lounge ?
Hula said:
The Heysham ferry is good , do you take your dogs into the dog lounge ?
Hi Hula,

No I don't take them upstairs. The Heysham boat now has a lounge for dogs that you pay for but to be honest mine are happy in the car. Sometimes the lounge can be very busy with lots of dogs and when you have 4 it's easier to leave them in the car.

The last time I went I went into the dog lounge it was great full of friendly people as is the usual with dog people . I suppose if I went often I would just leave them in the car :)
Poor you...what a nightmare journey. (w00t) I read about the awful accident on the M6...terrible! :( I don't know how I'd cope being stuck for that long on a motorway. :unsure: Well done...sounds like you all coped well.
Goodness , that is nearly as eventful as a weekend away with Me and Viv :teehee: . Glad you got home OK. :thumbsup:
I must admire you for all the travelling you do :huggles: I know I wouldnt be doing iti if it was me :- "

Arnt whippies such wonderful dogs and put up with all manner of things ( even me :wacko: )

I hope you give the parents a roasting for not showing up :rant: What a good example they set their children :eek:
Sounds like a nightmare time :unsure:
Glad to hear you eventually got home :thumbsup:

If you were stuck in all the traffic from those terrible accidents on the m6 you weren't that far from us. We had the radio on at work all day and from what we heard even if you managed to get of the motorway most of the alternative routes were also all blocked with the amount of traffic coming of the motorway

R I P the family that were killed
Oh Janetta

what a nightmare of a journey you had, Glad you got home safe and sound in the end, aren't our whippets so good and patient with all we throw at them.

See you next year when you have got over the trauma!

So glad you are back home Janetta safe and sound, what an ordeal you had :(

Yvette :huggles:
One really has to appreciate the dedication of dog show/event people who live on islands served by ferries!!!

Sorry for your rough trip. I suffer from seasickness, too, so I'm feelin' ya.

Hi Everyone,

Thanks for all your kind words.

We are all back to normal now and guess what I AM HOLIDAY NOW, BRILLIANT!

I love being a teacher.

See you all soon, as a few more shows before the end of the year.

Janetta xx