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My Holiday Of A Lifetime!

zilloot said:
Great photos and looks like you had a brilliant time.  I've been to Texas and North America - great country :thumbsup:
I used to travel a lot but not recently because of not wanting to leave the dogs.  But I did go to Australia last year which was fantastic.  I'm itching to see Italy now... when the time is right :lol:

I've never been interested in travel - but the bug has definatly bitten me! Although can't afford to - so that'll cure it - loads of people in the village from Church and School (where I work) gave me a lot of money towards my america trip for my 40th birthday! :huggles:
fantastic clair!! you have the travel bug now!! oh i love travelling..experiencing the different ways of life..just to do vegas....need the lottery win though..unless anyone wants to treat me...will accept credit cards...