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My fur baby has arrived......


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We finally brought him home yesterday and what a little pleasure he is.....

We’ve called him Flint and he’s now 8.5 weeks old. He’s going to the door when he needs to go to the toilet and since yesterday we’ve only had 2 small accidental wee’s at the door before I’ve managed to get him out. But I simply lifted him up mid wee, he stopped and finished outside :)..... he had his first poo today and you’d have thought we’d won the lottery :emoji_clap:

He slept in his crate (which he loves and goes in and out himself) downstairs last night and we are taking turns sleeping on the sofa near him for now.... was the hubbies turn last night. He went out for his last wee at 10.30, went straight to his bed and slept till around 2, then woke and wanted a little play for 30 mins, which unfortunately Hubble couldn’t resist!?!... then went back off till I got up at 6.

He’s in a little routine.... wee, play like mad for 30 mins, sleep for 1-2 hrs, wee, play....

He totally loves his good boy toileting treat! And at the moment comes when called 80% of the time!

He’s eating well and seems really rather content :):)

We’ve discovered he loves socks, shoes, cables, long hair and plants!!

I have to say though, that I’m pretty pleased overall :)


Oh he is stunning - I love his colouring!

And what a little angel. Enjoy it, I'm sure he'll find his norty genes soon:D
Flint you are gorgeous :) congrats!
Fawns are my favourite, Good luck with him whippets are such beautiful puppies love them!
He is GORGEOUS!! love his colour.

Don't speak too soon though @Wooliewoo - I'm sure he will be keeping you on your toes very soon! :D:p
Thanks all..... he is really a super cutie, but very mischievous!

Don’t worry, I’m under no illusion, I’m sure it will come...... I just think at the moment he’s far better than I thought he’d be! He had a little morning poo at the door this morning before the hubbie could get him out. Due to his good overnighter his first night, hubbie said he’d do last night too...... lol!! The lil blighter had him awake twice crying during last night and when he took him outside he wouldn’t wee! ;)....... he’s currently asleep on the sofa, the hubbie, not flint! So it’s fair to say it’s my turn tonight! :rolleyes:

He hasn’t been immunised yet, his first one is Friday, but he’s desperate to burn off some energy, so we took him out about 9 last night to a non doggy quiet area, we all walked in the middle of the road, away from any grass verges or lampposts... he loved it! Walked really quite good on his lead and harness and he especially enjoyed it when we all raced!

His main issue is he loves chewing my plants, which I don’t have a problem with.... however it’s the one thing we didn’t really think about before we got him and it turns out we have a few plants which could make him a little poorly, so we are spending most of our garden time playing, creating distractions and removing plants from his little mouth!....
Due to his good overnighter his first night, hubbie said he’d do last night too...... lol!! The lil blighter had him awake twice crying during last night and when he took him outside he wouldn’t wee!

You often find a puppy settles on the first night out of exhaustion from the big change - night 2 onwards not so much ... o_O
Good result last night..... slept from 11, I woke & took him out for a wee at 3, he went back in his crate, cried gently for about 5 mins, then slept till I woke him just after 6! :)
What a handsome puppy! Glad to hear it's all going better than you expected :)
loved it! Walked really quite good on his lead and harness and he especially enjoyed it when we all raced!

His main issue is he loves chewing my plants, which I don’t have a problem with.... however it’s the one thing we didn’t really think about before we got him and it turns out we have a few plants which could make him a little poorly, so we are spending most of our garden time playing, creating distractions and removing plants from his little mouth!....

Mine was a holy terror for that. First vet trip was after we'd had him 3 days when he discovered the grape vine. My garden is full of some lovely plants that are highly toxic so we got a playpen for him so he could be confined safely in the garden without constant supervision. Watch out for slug and snail eating as they carry a potentially dangerous parasite - lungworm.

Luckily this stage doesn't last too long. I've had to remove my deadly nightshade berries this summer just in case but Harri's incessant sampling of plants stopped a long time ago! Unfortunately the grapes are now ripening again.....
Jasper used to eat the windfall apples in our garden - they fell into a very overgrown bit so some were nicely fermented by the time he found them - on one occasion his poo spelt of apple crumble!

He also ate acorns, which are supposed to be poisonous, and we have a row of very tall oak trees at the end of the garden so there was no way we could clear them all up. Fortunately they didn't seem to do him any harm.
Jasper used to eat the windfall apples in our garden - they fell into a very overgrown bit so some were nicely fermented by the time he found them - on one occasion his poo spelt of apple crumble!

He also ate acorns, which are supposed to be poisonous, and we have a row of very tall oak trees at the end of the garden so there was no way we could clear them all up. Fortunately they didn't seem to do him any harm.

ah yes the "ball tree". Harri likes picking up the windfalls and tossing them around. I'm sure he's eaten a fair few too along with the acorns from my oak tree. Acorns are horribly bitter though so I don't think any dog would eat many from choice.
I have that exact dog bed and my whippet LOVES it more than any other surface.