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My Friend Is Unwell

midlanderkeith said:
midlanderkeith said:
Rae said:
I hope she's OK Keith, let us know how you get on at the vets.  :luck:
And here i am, she's back home with me, but she is very lethargic, she'being treated for an enlarged ventricle in her heart, we have to go back the vets again Monday, thanking you all for the concern shown to my dog

keith :cheers:

One more thing, i cannot possibly reply to all your pms, even from folks that dont wanna seem to give me the time of day on the forum, and yet my closest friends, well i thought we were close, havent even bothered, i will say no more


friend to all in need :thumbsup:

keith i have been trying to send a pm yesterday & today but your inbox is still full xx
trac said:
midlanderkeith said:
midlanderkeith said:
Rae said:
I hope she's OK Keith, let us know how you get on at the vets.  :luck:
And here i am, she's back home with me, but she is very lethargic, she'being treated for an enlarged ventricle in her heart, we have to go back the vets again Monday, thanking you all for the concern shown to my dog

keith :cheers:

One more thing, i cannot possibly reply to all your pms, even from folks that dont wanna seem to give me the time of day on the forum, and yet my closest friends, well i thought we were close, havent even bothered, i will say no more


friend to all in need :thumbsup:

keith i have been trying to send a pm yesterday & today but your inbox is still full xx

ive had a clearout, go on send me a nice pm, not a rude one like young Hely as just sent me :- "
glad shes home now keith ,im sure she will be happier :huggles:

hope shes soon back to normal real soon :huggles:
I bet Sally's glad to be home again ... hope she makes a speedy recovery :huggles:


Sally may have to take it easy for now, glad you've got her back with you, Keith.

Hope she improves :huggles: to you all
hi keith, so sorry to read about poor sally, good to hear she is back home with you now, :huggles: to you :huggles: to sally,xx
:huggles: Hope Sally picks up very soon, it is so worrying when they are sick. :luck: :huggles:
Glad she's back with you - do they know what has caused it?

Take care of each other :)) :huggles:
Thank goodness she is home with all again

Have they indicated how they will treat this Keith to prevent it happening again
Just caught up with this thread - hope Sally is feeling better soon. It's amazing what drugs can do for heart conditions :luck: sending lots of luck for her swift recovery, and hugs for you Keithy :huggles:
Lots of love, :luck: and prayers for Sally' continued improvement. She'll be glad to be back home with you Keith.

been away from comp for a few days so only just seen this, :(

i'm so glad that Sally is back home with you, time always goes so depressingly slow when we are waiting for our best mates to come home to us, hope her treatment goes to plan and she is back up and bouncing to you soon :luck: :luck: :luck:


Only just seen this Keith. So sorry that Sally's sick. She's one of my all time favouritest girls. :wub: :wub: Please give her lots of hugs and kisses from me. :huggles: :huggles:
Just seen this thread. I'm glad Sally is back home with you. I hope she continues to recover. Have they put her onto medication? It's so worrying, I have a 13 1/2 year old German Shepherd and every morning I wake up I thank God that he is still with us. Love and hugs to Sally xx
Only just caught this thread keith as not getting on here nearly as much as I'd like to lately. So hoping that Sally is feeling a little better and that your mind may rest a little easier. They're such a worry when theyre off colour especially when something happens so suddenly, but at least it sounds like there is a suitable treatment for Sally and that the vet has it all in hand. Take care all and :luck: :luck: :luck: :luck:
Oh Keith, I am so sorry to see that Sally has been so poorly - I have trouble getting onto the site lately, it keeps crashing on me :( I am glad they have found the cause of her feeling poorly, so hopefully they will set her back to normal with some medication. I do hope she is feeling much better now - it is the worst thing to see your animals unwell isn't it. Sending lots of positive vibes for a speedy recovery for her :huggles:
Sorry to hear Sally's poorly,I've only just found out. I've got everything double crossed for a happy outcome.

Dogs can be so resilient, we thought we'd had a death sentence issued when we were told our darling Bagga had cancer at the age of 14. After the inital shock we went into action stations and dealt with the matter following veterinary advice and our own instincts. She was given a prognosis of 6 months. However not only did she survive an amputation, but lived for another 2 years, and when we did make the decision that it was her time to leave it was due to kidney failure, not cancer.

Be strong for her, I know you will anyway. We wish you all health and happiness! :luck: :luck: :luck:

Love Cheryl and the boys.
:blink: Just wondering how Sally is today Keith bet she was glad to get home? Hope you are managing to get some shut eye :huggles:
littlenell said:
:blink: Just wondering how Sally is today Keith bet she was glad to get home? Hope you are managing to get some shut eye :huggles:
took the very words out of my mouth :)

how is she keithy?? :huggles:
midlanderkeith said:
Sally my Golden retriever who ive had sin she was 8 weeks old now 9 yrs, is unwell, for the first time in yonks i had an extra hr in bed this morning, normally she greets me, so i new summat was wrong, i found her in her bed flat out and panting heavily with lots of salivation on her bedding, ive got her booked in at the vets at 10am                              im worried sick now

An update on my mate Sally, first of all, a very big thank you for those of you who have pmd me about her, she will be going back the vets tomorrow for her treatment, of furosemide, and Enocard, also a very big thank you for those of youasking about her on the forum, i will post tomorrow once we get back from the vets, whilst im here may i just say, i was really looking forward to meeting up with folks at the racing bonanza at westhoughton, my neck of the woods just a few miles from where i was born, to stormydog, i believe you asked about me, well i thank you for that, i got your message from Sue, pepa, wouldve been nice to have met up, but decided to stay closer to home, for reasons above, but you have my word we shall meet, in fact im looking forward to this year, especially now ive been given the chance to run my dog on the lure at Stapely, ive also been pmd shall i be attending parkstone vases do, answer is no, ive been invited to the HOE, by whippetman, where once again i shall get the chance to run my dog

My working season has now come to an end, and now look to other activities with my dog.

thank you

Keith :thumbsup: