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My dear old dog


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i have just recently had my beloved old field spaniel put to sleep. I know I did the right thing, but apart from being consumed by grief I am also beating myself up with the most appalling guilt.

During the past two years I have been suffering from persistent vertigo which has affected my life dramatically. I did my best for Dusk but I was finding it increasingly difficult to give her the best care possible and sometimes I wasn't always paying attention to her needs and I think that sometimes I was very hard on her Ie dragging off a good smell or making her walk further than she obviously wanted to because I thought it was good for her. Who was it good for, her or me? She was such a kind gentle dog she never fought back. Other times I didn't give her enough affection because bending down is such an effort. The only comfort I can find is that she was with me right to the end and I didn't give her to someone else as was suggested to me.

I am tormented by all this and more and the only comfort is is that she is in a better place.

Please help

I did my best for Dusk

This. You did your best, and you can do no more. No one can be a completely selfless angel when we are ill ourselves. Everyone is impatient with their dog at times, and we often don't have the time to give their dog the affection they'd like. I'm sure you gave her an absolutely wonderful life and she was very happy.

I'm very sorry for your loss, and hope you can soon remember her just with joy and love - tinged by sadness of course, that will never go.
It is always painful when we have to let them go and I think second guessing yourself is completely normal. We awre bound to wonder about all the 'what ifs' but as Judy says, remember you did your best and she was a much loved dog. If you think it might help, the Blue Cross has a pet bereavement counselling service.
i have just recently had my beloved old field spaniel put to sleep. I know I did the right thing, but apart from being consumed by grief I am also beating myself up with the most appalling guilt.

During the past two years I have been suffering from persistent vertigo which has affected my life dramatically. I did my best for Dusk but I was finding it increasingly difficult to give her the best care possible and sometimes I wasn't always paying attention to her needs and I think that sometimes I was very hard on her Ie dragging off a good smell or making her walk further than she obviously wanted to because I thought it was good for her. Who was it good for, her or me? She was such a kind gentle dog she never fought back. Other times I didn't give her enough affection because bending down is such an effort. The only comfort I can find is that she was with me right to the end and I didn't give her to someone else as was suggested to me.

I am tormented by all this and more and the only comfort is is that she is in a better place.

Please help

It is hard. When my Beagle came to her end, she wasn't able to go to the toilet, or walk. It came on quite suddenly Thursday morning she was OK, Saturday evening at 8pm we took her to the vet. The vet had seen her on Friday evening, but she brightened up and she suggested just seeing how she went for a couple of days. My husband signed the consent form and it cut him up. The grief and the guilt feelings do ease with time. She was a lovely dog and I will never forget her.
Every pet owner feels grief and guilt to one degree or another when the time comes.

Knowing that you have done all you can isnt enough to erase it but its all we can do.
You cannot go back and change anything so take time , be easy on yourself and let the good memories come to you.
Oh @Juliatee its too easy to focus on the things we should have done or wish we had done but she was obviously loved dearly by you.

Focus on all the good things she had in her life and try not to beat yourself up remembering some things you’d change x x
I'm sorry to read this and can only echo what others have written.