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My Beloved Dessie

are we talkin about koi carp here or ordinary coarse fishing carp?if coarse fishing ones i didnt know they were this dead or alive?i dont think you can eat them can you?ive seen some very valuable koi carp,from the fishery that supplied pete watermanns fish.they are worth thousands.i too dislike fishing.but i dislike any blood sports. ;)
No they are talking about mirror carp and other coarse fishing types. They get to huge sizes and are prized catches to be photographed with. They are supposed to be put back so that they can get even bigger and get caught and have their photos taken with other men.

There are all sorts of special recipes for bait with which to catch these fish.
BeeJay said:
There are all sorts of special recipes for bait with which to catch these fish.
Our feed merchant reckons a good third of his trade is just to fishermen - dog food, layers pellets, apparently they take car-fulls of the stuff away. No wonder we have so many rats on our little island in the Thames :- "

Our dog takes his revenge by finding their sandwiches (and live bait :x ) when they're not looking!

I think large ones are almost as valuable as Koi - there was one of those relocation shows on C4 last year where someone was setting up a fishing lake in France and spending £200 upwards on quite small-looking ones to stock it with.
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kris said:
are we talkin about koi carp here or ordinary coarse fishing carp?if coarse fishing ones i didnt know they were this dead or alive?i dont think you can eat them can you?ive seen some very valuable koi carp,from the fishery that supplied pete watermanns fish.they are worth thousands.i too dislike fishing.but i dislike any blood sports. ;)
Yes, you can eat carp but only in winter, in summer it has sort of muddy taste. I love it , unfortunately in Australia winters are not cold enough to make it edible. So there is not much use for carp here, although some clever person makes a carp plant fertilizer. We certainly have plenty and people hate them; I saw a documentary recently where the presenter shreeked in disgust when shown one close. Really! It is just a fish, not much different from other fish, it just does not belong to Australian rivers where it breeds unchecked , muscling out the native species.

Seraphina said:
It is just a fish, not much different from other fish, it just does not belong to Australian rivers where it breeds unchecked , muscling out the native species.
Yes, Australia has had more of it's fair share of alien introductions hasn't it. :(
My OH is a keen carp fisherman and was mortified when he read the posts about people eating them and being vermin in Oz! :oops: (w00t)
Jones said:
Its not for me either  :unsure:   but I think its a lovely idea  :)
The thing that upset me most when we had to have Jake our cat of 14 years PTS  :(   was that I'd hear a noise and look expecting him to walk around the corner  :(   and for months and months afterwards I'd look at his favourite spots expecting him to be there  :(

So to have Dessie lieing there in her favourite spot must be lovely  :)



Understand how you feel about your cat steve. Our beloved 'Gough' got knocked down by a car at christmas just gone. We found him down next door but ones alleyway :( He was 4yrs old. We'd had him and his brother'Tink' since they were 8wks old from a farm. Gough was such a character and so loving, More like a dog than a cat! and had the loudest purr ever. We couldnt believe it when he went, Like you said we kept expecting the cat flap to go, or see him curled up on the bed. Me and Oh barely spoke for weeks, just sat in silence thinking about him and all the 'what ifs'. We werent even interested in christmas and just cried all the time. People dont understand how much pets can mean to you. It drove me mad when people said 'are you going to get another?' He was our baby.
We werent even interested in christmas and just cried all the time. People dont understand how much pets can mean to you.  It drove me mad when people said 'are you going to get another?' He was our baby.
Yes, the worst day of my life was when I lost my first cat, on Christmas day 1993 at 16. She was the love of my life, the most intelligent, sneaky, greedy, beautiful animal I have owned.

We had to go to the inlaws for Boxing day and my F-in-L just kept making jokes about it :( I still miss her.


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What a beautiful cat . I lost my Lilac Burmese , Ambrose last month , he was just over 15 years old , and I still expect to hear him `demanding` to be fed :( , Ive 3 other cats but I dont get through half as much food as i did when Ambrose was alive ,

heres one of the last photos I took of him with his `mates ` :(
JAX said:
What a beautiful cat . I lost my Lilac Burmese , Ambrose last month , he was just over 15 years old , and I still expect to hear him `demanding` to be fed  :(   , Ive 3 other cats but I dont get through half as much food as i did when Ambrose was alive ,
Yes, I remember seeing his pics before :wub:

I was disappointed that my current siamese doesn't have the same ear-shattering dinner yowl that my old cat did (OH is very pleased she doesn't).
I understand completley. My cat Twi was run over when he was about 4 and I was about 12- he was chased in front of a car by a lab and for ages I hated all labs (irrational I know, but still haven't completely cot over it- they're my least favourite dogs)

Also when I was 18 my first horse, Loppy, died when I was riding her. We were doing a sponsored ride and we got to the photo jump- I remember thinking that the take off was perfect. The next thing I knew I was strapped to a stretcher and the ambulance men were asking who I'd like to accompany me to hospitaland I could see her body on the ground half covered with camouflage netting. She'd had a heart attack.

I've had four horses since then and never loved another one in the same way, and in fact have decided to give up riding because I miss her so much.

She went to the hunt kennels- which was perfect for her as her favourite thing in life (appart from food) was hunting. In fact I'd like to go the same way, but I don't think its legal.
OEH said:
I understand completley.  My cat Twi was run over when he was about 4 and I was about 12- he was chased in front of a car by a lab and for ages I hated all labs (irrational I know, but still haven't completely cot over it- they're my least favourite dogs)
Also when I was 18 my first horse, Loppy, died when I was riding her.  We were doing a sponsored ride and we got to the photo jump- I remember thinking that the take off was perfect.  The next thing I knew I was strapped to a stretcher and the ambulance men were asking who I'd like to accompany me to hospitaland I could see her body on the ground half covered with camouflage netting.  She'd had a heart attack.

I've had four horses since then and never loved another one in the same way, and in fact have decided to give up riding because I miss her so much.

She went to the hunt kennels- which was perfect for her as her favourite thing in life (appart from food) was hunting.  In fact I'd like to go the same way, but I don't think its legal.

That is terrible about your horse :( Ive always showjumped mine and that would just be the worst thing to happen.............
Just reading these replies to my post about my cat :( and it seems alot of people have stories to tell about their loved pets gone by, Also theres always new posts about whippets/greyhounds passing away. What does everyone think to starting up a new thread just about pets that are no longer with us?

It could be like a memorial type thread, with a story about how you lost your loved one, some photos, or perhaps just a poem. :)

I know not everyone likes talking about grief but some people find comfort in it, especially later on. What do you think?