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Mr Benn & George Hartley Opens

I feel i must point out this is not my local club---- albeit in the north west-- its over an hours drive from here

My recent posts were to highlight the fact that even after an event has been given a date and advertised it ---other clubs

close-by go ahead and put another on same day sorry it is not acceptable--surely common sense tells you that--

and is only counter productive

There just are not enough dogs these days to support more than one event -and there are far to many BWRA/NNWRF events

You only need look at the turn out for some of the most prestigious events to see this -- :wacko:

Scotland --is a different prospect they always get the shi-y end of the stick -----yet they still put on a top rate event with lots of enthusiasm every year

they spend all year getting things in place for others to enjoy--good on em :thumbsup:

steve :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: ock-ey-the nu lol
Can see your p...... off about the attendance Vicky,but really not sure what you do to alter things for next year.Those that attended this year obviously enjoyed it,so you can take some consellation in that :thumbsup:Did want to say on reading your last paragraph,we have all attended opens which we felt weren't the best for whatever reason,but clubs do the best they can.We can't ask anymore than that :thumbsup:
its the same every year with the opens and every year people say the same thing.. theres too many. but as trojan said these opens do bring in revenue. i know @ wallsend we now make some money off the food this helps immensly towards the rent & public liabitly. i dont think clubs will stop putting opens on.
Sorry to pick your post out Carole but i feel i need to point out where this open is different.

Since the George Hartley Open came into existance in 2003 the club has subsidised the open.

Every year we've given trophies to every class winner (the only other events i know do this are the championships) this year came in relatively cheap at just under £200 plus certificates.

All the entry money is given back into equal payout plus more besides as well as the dog & bitch winners receiving extra.

The supreme trophies are classy, not tinny cheap crap you get elsewhere and they have always been there for the winner to receive.

Every supreme gets a presentation jacket this year to the tune of £120

We've had additional sponsorship over the years from Tom Peppercorn, Wafcol, Premarket, K9world, Royal Canin, Chudleys.

6 days camping free of charge

The lure money doesn't get taken out from the entry money

We have a sweepstake so that people who aren't racing can get involved.

The track is good, better than most we've ran on this year and it is fully fenced off.

The classes are different from the predictable weight splits we see week after week

The format as has proved time and time again can be won by a dog of any weight and 5 dog blanket finishes are a regular occurance.

We have two trained canine first aiders as members along with an adept photographer.

We even give recognition to pedigree whippets who are schooling our non peds by providing competative racing for them along with consolation to ensure people are getting "their moneys worth".

As far as dates go we've always taken what's given to us which has worked out to be the second weekend in July for as long as i can remember.

I accept fuel prices are through the roof which is hitting everyone hard and i know there's a lot of dogs suffering with injuries but theres more to this lack of entries than meets the eye.

Over the last couple of years our members have travelled the length and breadth of the country to support other clubs/opens and to take on different dogs. We have travelled to opens to go on to win payout/trophies that could only be described as an embarrassment, tracks that aren't worthy of top ten status and badly organised opens.

i think people who run clubs like to think their club/tracks are good. 4 instance i think wallsend is a great track we have loevly trophies on which member have donated, food available, a pub thats open to us all day kids and dogs allowed but we still dont get great attendances 40 dogs to us a good turn out. stockton brill track yet the other week only 38dogs. so i dont know why people dont attend i really dont. like someone said as long as every one enjoyed it thats the main thing. hopefully next year u may get a few more. thankfully sun saw more dogs racing than sat 4 u.
well done to everyone who puts the work in to the weekend, track was good company was great had a great weekend, imo this club should be used more often than 1 weekend they have a club who bends over backwards to help out,

well done all the winners over the weekend there was some great racing the 1st scratch race yesterday was awesome and the dog final for me was good too

hope andrew is on the mend colin & alison hes a lovely lad!!
well done to everyone who puts the work in to the weekend, track was good company was great had a great weekend, imo this club should be used more often than 1 weekend they have a club who bends over backwards to help out,

well done all the winners over the weekend there was some great racing the 1st scratch race yesterday was awesome and the dog final for me was good too

hope andrew is on the mend colin & alison hes a lovely lad!!
well done to everyone who puts the work in to the weekend, track was good company was great had a great weekend, imo this club should be used more often than 1 weekend they have a club who bends over backwards to help out,

well done all the winners over the weekend there was some great racing the 1st scratch race yesterday was awesome and the dog final for me was good too

hope andrew is on the mend colin & alison hes a lovely lad!!
is your ADEPT photographer going to add some pics for us pretty please --lol


Had a great day on Saturday I could not believe the turn out,As last year in Showmans vetran weight class there were 4 dogs this year a solo.I know traverling is getting dearer but we in the North East never get what we call a good turn out even when traveling was a lot cheaper.I hope you contine

with the A&T miners opens next year as who ever attends have a brilliant time. Arty is injured he has over stretch his grasilis its not torn which is a bonus he has to have 8 treatments of ultra sound so its

not looking very good for Scotland.\ But ill wait and see.

Good luck in all your opens and i hope people will travel next year as having no camping fees to pay

is a rea bonus to who wants to camp. Also your trophies are brill.

The club would like to thank everyone who came or have shown their support for this open, the George Hartley will continue despite the poor turnout out this year, only next year we'll come back bigger and better, already we have ideas for added prize money to equal a derby and will be adding something along the lines of a maiden event to try and entice those with dogs that aren't quite open class.

As always the event couldn't go ahead without all the help given by our club members (too many of you to name) being stuck doing jobs all day 2 days on the trot, along with people from outside our club who helped with printing, line judging, doing the lure and helping set up/pack away, a huge thankyou to you all for volunteering your help without a moments thought and you certainly are very much appreciated. On a personal note we'd like to thank John & Fiona for helping with our dogs both days, you're both stars xx.

Well done to all the winners on the Saturday, Prada having now won both our opens was on fire as always, well done John, also Andrew and Louise their 3 had a very good weekend. The Sunday saw some of the closest finals you could ever wish for in 1 day, Eastender was on fire all day winning the dog final and overall to take home the lovely George Hartley & Graham Cooper Memorial Trophies. Geoff & Hazel must be over the moon with their youngster Ups a Daisy who i've watched improve with every run over the last few months but she decided it was her day and looked very mature to take the bitch section - keep your eyes on this one folks! Congratulations to Rob and his fine bitch Stay Out who took the Supreme Scratch Trophy back to Worcester (last year won by Love Lockdown) and also to Mick & Lyn with their veteran Little Flyer (and class winner She's a Flyer, thought you were going to cry Mick :thumbsup: Lovely to see you so proud of your girls), Gina & Ken's Ellie Ruth clocked some impressive times on her way to winning the Yearling final and another that looked very promising to take the Puppy Final was Andrews Geordie Spark.

Hope everyone who came enjoyed themselves and will be back again in the future. Unfortunately as good as the track was this year there were a few injuries, as you all know Deneside Belle who was rushed to the vets and will be retired, also Showman and Anagram who will both be off the track for some time, a speedy and full recovery is wished to you all.
Well done to all who took part on both days. Sorry we couldnt be there.

Hope all the injured dogs make speedy recoveries.

Look forward to seeing photos.
yes come on wheres the photos please :thumbsup:
The club would like to thank everyone who came or have shown their support for this open, the George Hartley will continue despite the poor turnout out this year, only next year we'll come back bigger and better, already we have ideas for added prize money to equal a derby and will be adding something along the lines of a maiden event to try and entice those with dogs that aren't quite open class.
As always the event couldn't go ahead without all the help given by our club members (too many of you to name) being stuck doing jobs all day 2 days on the trot, along with people from outside our club who helped with printing, line judging, doing the lure and helping set up/pack away, a huge thankyou to you all for volunteering your help without a moments thought and you certainly are very much appreciated. On a personal note we'd like to thank John & Fiona for helping with our dogs both days, you're both stars xx.

Well done to all the winners on the Saturday, Prada having now won both our opens was on fire as always, well done John, also Andrew and Louise their 3 had a very good weekend. The Sunday saw some of the closest finals you could ever wish for in 1 day, Eastender was on fire all day winning the dog final and overall to take home the lovely George Hartley & Graham Cooper Memorial Trophies. Geoff & Hazel must be over the moon with their youngster Ups a Daisy who i've watched improve with every run over the last few months but she decided it was her day and looked very mature to take the bitch section - keep your eyes on this one folks! Congratulations to Rob and his fine bitch Stay Out who took the Supreme Scratch Trophy back to Worcester (last year won by Love Lockdown) and also to Mick & Lyn with their veteran Little Flyer (and class winner She's a Flyer, thought you were going to cry Mick :thumbsup: Lovely to see you so proud of your girls), Gina & Ken's Ellie Ruth clocked some impressive times on her way to winning the Yearling final and another that looked very promising to take the Puppy Final was Andrews Geordie Spark.

Hope everyone who came enjoyed themselves and will be back again in the future. Unfortunately as good as the track was this year there were a few injuries, as you all know Deneside Belle who was rushed to the vets and will be retired, also Showman and Anagram who will both be off the track for some time, a speedy and full recovery is wished to you all.
Sorry to read about Showman & Anagram, hope they are soon back on the track :luck:
a maiden open or a time trial wud deffo get more there imo :thumbsup: sorry to hear of the injured dogs but this can happen anywwhere regardless of how good the tracks are a speedy recovery is wished to them all :luck:
we had a fab time its a pitty people dont realies what a good time is had there. Tonys now ended up being called tony awning gazibo tent lol. Were realy proud of Noah (hubble bubble) at his fisrt open he keeped up with the others and we are so proud of him hes proof what good food and execrsice can do to turn a dog round.

Lets hope we see many more of you next year apparanly eventhe beers cheep in the club I personly woudnt know lol
we had a fab time its a pitty people dont realies what a good time is had there. Tonys now ended up being called tony awning gazibo tent lol. Were realy proud of Noah (hubble bubble) at his fisrt open he keeped up with the others and we are so proud of him hes proof what good food and execrsice can do to turn a dog round.Lets hope we see many more of you next year apparanly eventhe beers cheep in the club I personly woudnt know lol

ah we were wondering who hubble bubble was? hope to see him race up @ scotland wendy :luck:
Huge well done to all the winners! :cheers:

Thanks to all those who attended and supported our opens and I'm pleased you had a good time. :thumbsup:

Huge thanks to fellow club members and racers who mucked in to help.

Best wishes to those injured and wishing you all a speedy recovery.

Not going to put a downer on by discussing the attendance as plenty has been said and personally feel the best way to deal with such matters is to look at making our Open's even more appealing to everyone.

Mr Benn Open 2011

George Hartley Memorial 2011
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great pics again Jac and well done for all the effort you all put in fingers crossed I can race mine at our next one don't beat yourselves up about the low attendance what was lacking in quantity certainly was'nt in quality in racing,track and prizes (some of the best Ive seen) I know there are quite a few who couldn't come due to seasons/injuries and work commitments (sat) alongside the fuel costs which is hitting everyone at present.

Keep up the good work you do a great job :thumbsup: