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Molly Attacked By Border Collie

Good to hear she is home safe now. I hope she recovers quickly from all this.

Remember to take plenty of pics incase they would be needed for a court case. Hopefully it won't come to that though.

Hugs for you and Molly.

Mac wishes Molly a speedy recovery. He knows excactly what it is like to be attacked by nasty dogs.

I was out for a walk on friday the 13th (!!) and he was bit by a big alsatian-riesenschnauzer cross. He got a nasty wound to his side, just where his hind leg comes up. So typical, I had left his coat off that day - normally it would have protected that area.... Anyway, it required a lot of stitches and the vet had to make loads of little holes all around the wound, to create some elastic in the skin to protect the stitches. the wound must have been 10 cm long and 3.5 cm wide. Poor little bugger. Anyway, the REASON for the attack was that the other dog had a tennis ball... The owner said: Oh, she can get a bit protective over her toys....
Harley wishes Molly a speedy recovery :huggles: He has been through this having about an inch of his ear ripped right on the floppy end! Joshy too sends his love :huggles: I know what you mean by a lot lot of blood thought it would never stop..... his ear took about 2-3 weeks to heal and he also had to wear a lampshade but he had it stitched back together and the stitches were there for about 8 weeks until they dissolved.... Hope you have luck in finding the lady and her dog again if only to let her know what you have been through :luck: and warn for others
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Ears like to bleed and bleed! Riley had the smallest nick ever and it was like a blood bath! If she doesn't like the lampshade why not try using and old sock (with end cut off obviously!)or jumper sleeve over her head - for times when you are able to supervise her just to give her a break from that "nasty thing"?
Finally got to see my injured wee soldier last nite when i returned from work - the vets done a great job with the wound - its just like a half moon shape the size of a 5pence at the floppy bit of her ear..

She was very lethargic last nite and slept most of the time, only to open one eye every now and again to check we were still there :wub: bless!

Thanx for kind words everyone - im still relatively new to this site but i am amazed at the support and advice everyone has - i'm so glad ive found you lot :D and so is molly moo :huggles:
molly said:
My partner picked Molly moo up about 10.00 this morning and was she happy to see her daddy!!  :wub:
She's been sent home with some pain killers, a course of antibiotics and a lampshade which she not overly impressed with..  The vet's told us not to let her off lead for about 2 weeks so as not to upset healing on her ear - she'll hate it as like any whippy, she loves to run & run & run..................

Just got update from Stu and she's curled up nice and cosy in our bed :huggles:

Stu gonna try and help me to figure out how to post pics soon on here as i'm hopeless  :oops:

Thanx again to all for kind words.  :huggles:

Glad the worst is over and she is on the mend. :) thats good news.

Hopefully it wot be long before she can have her 'run' again. :thumbsup:
:huggles: :huggles: I'm so pleased that Molly is back home with her family.

As the other lady knew that her dog was toy possesive she shouldn't have been playing with toys around other dogs, it's just plain silly and dangerous. Very thoughtless attitude if you ask me.

:luck: :luck: :luck: to Molly for a quick recovery.