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Molly Attacked By Border Collie

molly's mummy

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Hi everyone


Really upset. :( My oh and me took Molly out today for a run at a huge area of fields near us which is really popular for letting dogs run about daft. We'd just arrived and a lady with 2 border collies and a terrier cross was walking towards us on her way out of fields. Molly played with the terrier for a couple of minutes and then ran towards the 2 border collies. The bigger collie had a toy and dropped it. Molly went to pick it up in her mouth and the dog grabbed her ear. She was about 10ish metres away from me and howled and ran towards me - the collie still on her ear. When she got to me the collie let go and the woman shouted sorry and that her 'dogs funny about other dogs touching her toys'. We put Molly back on her lead quickly and walked opposite direction. She seemed ok and was walking as normal, however, a couple of minutes later we noticed that Molly's ear was bleeding.. badly.. Just at the fold where her beautiful wee ear flops down, there was a chunk the size of a 5 pence piece missing. The raw skin was showing and we realised that this was really awful! The woman by this time was gone. We have phoned the vet and he has told us to keep it clean until our appointment later today. Molly is now quite quiet and actually had an accident in the living room floor just now. Im going to look for this woman and will let her know exactly what damage her dog has done to Molly. If her dog 'is funny about other dogs touching its toys' then why bring the toy with her up to a very well known dog walking area! And it quite possibly has attacked another dog before if she knows its 'funny about its toys.' :angry:


I'll keep you updated as to how Molly gets on.


What a shame :( - hope Molly is feeling much better very soon :luck: :huggles: :luck:
poor molly how awful for you and her, :( hope she is feeling better real soon. :wub:
Sorry to hear that :( I hope Molly recovers soon :huggles:
Sorry to hear about Molly. Will the injury leave a hole in her ear?? :(

Sending Get Well wishes to her. :luck: :huggles:
:( Poor Molly. I hope it heals quickly :huggles:
poor molly :huggles: hope it gets better soon :luck:
Poor wee Molly. :(

What was that silly woman thinking, allowing her dog to carry round toys in the precense of other dogs when she know it can be like this. It was an accidnet waiting to happen. I do hope you find her and she covers your vet bills. Plus preventing anything like this ever happening another dog.

Do let us know how Molly gets on. Sending her some healing hugs. :huggles:
:( Sorry to hear about Molly's injury :luck: Hope it heals quickly
Poor Molly ,ears do bleed alot ,but I hope there is no lasting damage :wub:
I'm so sorry to hear this. Poor, poor Molly. Hope the ear heals very very fast. :luck: :luck: :luck:
Hi everyone

Thanx for everyone's messages. We took Molly to the vets last night and she told us they would have to put her under to clean her wee ear up - so we were to go home for half an hour and they would phone us when she was ready to come home. However, they phoned us about 7pm to say it was a bit worse than they thought - the blood vessels had been damaged and there was now dead flesh round the bitten area and they would have to cut some of her ear away :( So they were doing this last nite which meant she had to overnite at vets.. Poor wee baby.. she's only just 1 year old.

The vets called this morning to say Molly had a good nite and my oh is away to bring her home - i'm at work, so i'll not see her til 2nite :( I really missed her last nite - its the first she's not been at home..

Thanx again for everyone's thoughts and messages-it means alot.. I'll keep you posted about her recovery, and yes, i do intend to find this lady with the dog that attacked Molly.. she needs to know to prevent anything like this happenning again.. and that if her dog has a problem with other dogs touching its toys, then why oh why allow the dog to bring the toy with it to a popular dog walking area!! :angry:
Aww bless her, her poor ear.

I can understand how you feel - its aweful when you have to leave them in the vets. :(

Heres wishing her a very speedy recovery. :luck: :luck: :huggles:

and do keep us posted on how she is doing.
Sorry to hear this :huggles: and :luck: for her recovery.

When you do catch up with the collie lady, I'd ask her if she has insurance as it should cover incidents like this (the lady whose GSD went for ours paid our bill immediately and we gave her a copy of the bill so she could claim it back from her insurance). Even if she isn't insured, it will give her a big hint :- "
Sorry to hear about poor Molly being attacked. :( Hope she gets better soon. :luck: :luck: :wub: :wub:
Sorry to hear you dog got injured and I don't mean this to sound nasty but if you did not know these dogs then it is up to you to put your dog on a lead to stop these things happening, in my opinion it is not all the other persons fault.
lillybell said:
Sorry  to hear you dog got injured and I don't mean this to sound nasty but if you did not know these dogs then it is up to you to put your dog on a lead to stop these things happening, in my opinion it is not all the other persons fault.
Unless there are local byelaws which prohibit free walking, then the law only requires you to be in control of your dog and not have it on a lead (unless there are sheep present).

If another dog injures your dog you can claim civil damages under the Dogs Act 1871:

"If your dog or indeed any animal under your control injures a person or animal or damages property, the owner or person responsible may be liable for damages. This would be a civil claim and not necessarily a criminal offence."

Where dogs have been known to bite others, then you can be required to muzzle that dog. It sounds like there may have been a precedent for this as the owner knew there might be a problem.
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My partner picked Molly moo up about 10.00 this morning and was she happy to see her daddy!! :wub:

She's been sent home with some pain killers, a course of antibiotics and a lampshade which she not overly impressed with.. The vet's told us not to let her off lead for about 2 weeks so as not to upset healing on her ear - she'll hate it as like any whippy, she loves to run & run & run..................

Just got update from Stu and she's curled up nice and cosy in our bed :huggles:

Stu gonna try and help me to figure out how to post pics soon on here as i'm hopeless :oops:

Thanx again to all for kind words. :huggles:
molly said:
My partner picked Molly moo up about 10.00 this morning and was she happy to see her daddy!!  :wub:
She's been sent home with some pain killers, a course of antibiotics and a lampshade which she not overly impressed with..  The vet's told us not to let her off lead for about 2 weeks so as not to upset healing on her ear - she'll hate it as like any whippy, she loves to run & run & run..................

Just got update from Stu and she's curled up nice and cosy in our bed :huggles:

Stu gonna try and help me to figure out how to post pics soon on here as i'm hopeless  :oops:

Thanx again to all for kind words.  :huggles:

Glad to hear that she is home, albeit hindered by the dreaded lampshade :(

:luck: Hope the wound heals quickly, and can't wait to see pics of Molly Moo :wub:
nice to hear shes home and in a comfy bed bless her :wub: ,hope she gets over this quick. :thumbsup:

looking forward to seeing some pics of her