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Mission Impossible

Thought criminal

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OBJECTIVE: To persuade members of an animal rights forum where opposing or contradictory views are banned that:

a) The hunting act is ridiculous and I should break it.

b) I should let my dogs chase and kill whatever they choose to.

Clearly such a task as this needs to be undertaken with a degree of care and precision.

However things are going reasonably well so far:

a) - Success! soon this North Witch will be running with the hounds with blood lust in her heart!

b) - The carefully baited trap is set, I shall visit it every now and again to check for victims

For the unilluminated who can't get in, the story so far:


Topic: Where is the cruelty?

I'm told I am breaking the UK's Hunting Act 2004 if I flush out deer with my dogs.

I always stop my dogs actually chasing any deer that are flushed out.

The Hunting Act says I can flush out the deer to protect my woodland but only if I then shoot them.

Surely this can't be right, isn't it less cruel to let the deer escape if my dogs flush them out than to shoot them?

Should I just ignore this law? If I'm being less cruel by refusing to shoot the deer then surely it's ok for me to break it.

I've broken the hunting act continuously this past year and have flushed out about thirty deer.

Reply from NorthWytch

Thanks Giles

I for one appreciate your kind and right decision to not kill the deer. Plse continue with this practice as it is obviously working for all involved. The deer will probably not return to where they have been scared off by dogs and they would much rather continue to live their peaceful lives as we both are aware. So again thanks. Laws are often out-dated and illogical, and animals never have any rights under the law - so we on here appreciate your kind efforts on their behalf. Your way is the best for all involved & all power to you!


The animals of the world live in my heart,

not in my stomach!


Reply from me:


I thank you so much for your support. You wouldn't beleive the abuse that I have suffered here in the UK from animal rights people.

I think the problem is political rather than anything to do with the welfare of the deer. They have waited so long for the Hunting Act that they cannot admit that there is anything wrong with it. They've threatened me several times with prosecution for what I do, can you believe it!

I regularily walk my dogs through my woods to discourage them from destroying my willow coppice that I use to heat my home. Just because deer are flushed out doesn't make it cruel, especially if I stop my dogs from chasing them.

You're dead right, laws don't always operate in animals best interest and the Hunting Act is a good example. I'll just carry on breaking the law. If a law is wrong and unjust it's only right to break it, espaecially if obeying it would result in animals suffering.

Best wishes,



I am fortunate enough to share my life with four dogs. I try to treat them as equals. Because I live in the country I am able to let them live outside as nature intended and let them come and go as they please. I don't think it would be right to lock these animals up as it's important to me that they have as much freedom as possible.

My only concern is that they are very keen on the local wildlife, I know that they often chase rabbits, hares, foxes and deer. I'm sure the animals they chase don't much enjoy this especially when they get caught.

I don't take my dogs for a walk but when I go for walks they come with me out of their own choosing. I never put them on a lead out of principle. On these walks they spend a lot of the time searching for animals to chase and kill.

Should I stop the dogs chasing and killing other animals or by doing so am I interfering with their right to hunt?

(you probably have to see the site to get this fully, it has an in depth discussion on whether carrots feel pain...)
I can't believe that you haven't already had a reply to this one 8)

"A friend of mine eats road kill, he says its ok to eat as it's been killed accidently and is natural and organic.

He's asked the wife and I round for dinner this weekend.

I feel it would be rude to refuse to share his meal unless there are sound ethical reasons for doing so.

So what should I do? Stick to the side salad or tuck in to the badger?"

What are you like..............
I think "Pilgrim" might be onto you "Giles" :- "

p.s. I really enjoyed the Carrot Thread
TC said:
I can't believe that you haven't already had a reply to this one  8)

"A friend of mine eats road kill, he says its ok to eat as it's been killed accidently and is natural and organic.

He's asked the wife and I round for dinner this weekend.

I feel it would be rude to refuse to share his meal unless there are sound ethical reasons for doing so.

So what should I do? Stick to the side salad or tuck in to the badger?"

What are you like..............

I was quite pleased with this one too:

"I'm a little surprised at your support for genital mutilation.

However I must admit there are times when I wonder wheter I am right to allow the dog such freedom.

The other night I came down stairs to find the dog and one of our companion cats at it on the sofa. I have to admit it was a bit of a moral qwuandry for me but I decided to leave it up to them how to conduct their relationship.

Coupled with my doubts about the acceptableness of inter species mating was the fact that the cat was male. I have to admit I had to struggle a bit with my latent homophobia.

The cat didn't seem to be enjoying it much but I've watched him at it with the cat next door and her reaction was much the same. I think I made the right decision as they were both getting on fine the next day."